Commit 9e738389 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

include/my_atomic.h: comment

parent 90a858d0
......@@ -14,6 +14,40 @@
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
This header defines five atomic operations:
my_atomic_add#(&var, what)
add 'what' to *var, and return the old value of *var
my_atomic_fas#(&var, what)
'Fetch And Store'
store 'what' in *var, and return the old value of *var
my_atomic_cas#(&var, &old, new)
'Compare And Swap'
if *var is equal to *old, then store 'new' in *var, and return TRUE
otherwise store *var in *old, and return FALSE
return *var
my_atomic_store#(&var, what)
store 'what' in *var
'#' is substituted by a size suffix - 8, 16, 32, or ptr
(e.g. my_atomic_add8, my_atomic_fas32, my_atomic_casptr).
NOTE This operations are not always atomic, so they always must be
enclosed in my_atomic_rwlock_rdlock(lock)/my_atomic_rwlock_rdunlock(lock)
or my_atomic_rwlock_wrlock(lock)/my_atomic_rwlock_wrunlock(lock).
Hint: if a code block makes intensive use of atomic ops, it make sense
to take/release rwlock once for the whole block, not for every statement.
On architectures where these operations are really atomic, rwlocks will
be optimized away.
#ifndef my_atomic_rwlock_init
#define intptr void *
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