Undo serg's patch that used my_print_defaults,
  and instead simply do not define $opt{user}.
  This allows the script to use option files properly.
parent fe399f74
......@@ -81,13 +81,11 @@ sub usage {
die @_, $OPTIONS;
# reading ~/.my.cnf
my @defops = `@bindir@/my_print_defaults client mysqlhotcopy`;
chop @defops;
splice @ARGV, 0, 0, @defops;
# Do not initialize user or password options; that way, any user/password
# options specified in option files will be used. If no values are specified
# all, the defaults will be used (login name, no password).
my %opt = (
user => scalar getpwuid($>),
noindices => 0,
allowold => 0, # for safety
keepold => 0,
......@@ -170,6 +168,9 @@ $dsn = ";host=" . (defined($opt{host}) ? $opt{host} : "localhost");
$dsn .= ";port=$opt{port}" if $opt{port};
$dsn .= ";mysql_socket=$opt{socket}" if $opt{socket};
# use mysql_read_default_group=mysqlhotcopy so that [client] and
# [mysqlhotcopy] groups will be read from standard options files.
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$dsn;mysql_read_default_group=mysqlhotcopy",
$opt{user}, $opt{password},
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