Commit a608a98d authored by Bradley C. Kuszmaul's avatar Bradley C. Kuszmaul

More tests pass for keyrange.

The same 4 cases mentioned in [3932], except now three out of four are tested:
   1. flattened nodup (tested in [3932])
   2. unflattened nodup (tested in this change set)
   3. flattened dupsort (tested in this change set
   4. unflattened dupsort (untested)

Addresses #764.

git-svn-id: file:///svn/tokudb@3944 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 460d2186
......@@ -3163,29 +3163,32 @@ static void toku_brt_keyrange_internal (BRT brt, CACHEKEY nodename, DBT *key, u_
node = node_v;
if (node->height>0) {
int prevcomp=-1;
int n_keys = node->u.n.n_children-1;
int compares[n_keys];
int i;
int comp;
for (i=0; i+1<node->u.n.n_children; i++) {
for (i=0; i<n_keys; i++) {
struct kv_pair *pivot = node->u.n.childkeys[i];
DBT dbt;
comp = brt->compare_fun(brt->db, toku_fill_dbt(&dbt, kv_pair_key(pivot), kv_pair_keylen(pivot)), key);
if (comp<0) {
} else if (comp==0 && prevcomp==0) {
} else if (prevcomp>0) {
compares[i] = brt->compare_fun(brt->db, toku_fill_dbt(&dbt, kv_pair_key(pivot), kv_pair_keylen(pivot)), key);
for (i=0; i<node->u.n.n_children; i++) {
int prevcomp = (i==0) ? -1 : compares[i-1];
int nextcomp = (i+1 >= n_keys) ? 1 : compares[i];
if (nextcomp < 0) {
// We're definitely looking too far to the left
*less += subest;
} else if (prevcomp > 0) {
// We're definitely looking too far to the right
*greater += subest;
} else if (prevcomp == 0 && nextcomp == 0) {
// We're looking at a subtree that contains all zeros
*equal += subest;
} else {
// prevcomp<=0 && comp>=0, but not both zero, so we have a subtree
// nextcomp>=0 and prevcomp<=0, so something in the subtree could match
// but they are not both zero, so it's not the whole subtree, so we need to recurse
toku_brt_keyrange_internal(brt, BNC_DISKOFF(node, i), key, less, equal, greater);
if (prevcomp>0) {
} else {
toku_brt_keyrange_internal(brt, BNC_DISKOFF(node, i), key, less, equal, greater);
} else {
BRT_CMD_S cmd = { BRT_INSERT, 0,{key,0}};
......@@ -3193,10 +3196,23 @@ static void toku_brt_keyrange_internal (BRT brt, CACHEKEY nodename, DBT *key, u_
u_int32_t idx;
int r = toku_omt_find_zero(node->u.l.buffer, toku_cmd_leafval_bessel, &be, 0, &idx);
*less += idx;
*greater += toku_omt_size(node->u.l.buffer)-idx;
if (r==0) {
if (r==0 && (brt->flags & TOKU_DB_DUP)) {
// There is something, and so we now want to find the rightmost extent.
u_int32_t idx2;
r = toku_omt_find(node->u.l.buffer, toku_cmd_leafval_bessel, &be, +1, 0, &idx2);
if (r==0) {
*greater += toku_omt_size(node->u.l.buffer)-idx2;
*equal += idx2-idx;
} else {
*equal += toku_omt_size(node->u.l.buffer)-idx;
//printf("%s:%d (%llu, %llu, %llu)\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, (unsigned long long)*less, (unsigned long long)*equal, (unsigned long long)*greater);
} else {
*greater += toku_omt_size(node->u.l.buffer)-idx;
if (r==0) {
......@@ -3211,6 +3227,7 @@ int toku_brt_keyrange (BRT brt, DBT *key, u_int64_t *less, u_int64_t *equal, u
assert(rr == 0);
CACHEKEY *rootp = toku_calculate_root_offset_pointer(brt);
*less = *equal = *greater = 0;
toku_brt_keyrange_internal (brt, *rootp, key, less, equal, greater);
......@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ REGRESSION_TESTS = \
fifo-test \
list-test \
keyrange \
keyrange-dupsort \
keyrange-unflat \
log-test \
log-test2 \
/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
#ident "Copyright (c) 2008 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved."
#include "brt.h"
#include "test.h"
#include "toku_assert.h"
#include "key.h"
#include <unistd.h>
static TOKUTXN const null_txn = 0;
static DB * const null_db = 0;
static void test_flat (void) {
char fname[]= __FILE__ ".brt";
u_int64_t limit=100;
u_int64_t ilimit=100;
int r = toku_brt_create_cachetable(&ct, 0, ZERO_LSN, NULL_LOGGER); assert(r==0);
BRT t;
r = toku_brt_create(&t); assert(r==0);
r = toku_brt_set_flags(t, TOKU_DB_DUP + TOKU_DB_DUPSORT); assert(r == 0);
r = toku_brt_set_nodesize(t, 4096); assert(r == 0);
r = toku_brt_open(t, fname, fname, 0, 1, 1, 0, ct, null_txn, (DB*)0);
u_int64_t i;
for (i=0; i<limit; i++) {
u_int64_t j;
for (j=0; j<ilimit; j++) {
char key[100],val[100];
snprintf(key, 100, "%08llu", (unsigned long long)2*i+1);
snprintf(val, 100, "%08llu", (unsigned long long)2*j+1);
DBT k,v;
r = toku_brt_insert(t, toku_fill_dbt(&k, key, 1+strlen(key)), toku_fill_dbt(&v,val, 1+strlen(val)), null_txn);
assert(r == 0);
// flatten it.
for (i=0; i<limit; i++) {
u_int64_t j;
for (j=0; j<ilimit; j++) {
char key[100],val[100];
snprintf(key, 100, "%08llu", (unsigned long long)2*i+1);
snprintf(val, 100, "%08llu", (unsigned long long)2*j+1);
DBT k,v;
r = toku_brt_lookup(t, toku_fill_dbt(&k, key, 1+strlen(key)), toku_fill_dbt(&v, val, 1+strlen(val)));
for (i=0; i<limit; i++) {
char key[100];
snprintf(key, 100, "%08llu", (unsigned long long)2*i+1);
DBT k;
u_int64_t less,equal,greater;
r = toku_brt_keyrange(t, toku_fill_dbt(&k, key, 1+strlen(key)), &less, &equal, &greater);
assert(r == 0);
//printf("key %llu/%llu %llu %llu %llu\n", (unsigned long long)2*i+1, (unsigned long long)2*limit+1, (unsigned long long)less, (unsigned long long)equal, (unsigned long long)greater);
assert(less+equal+greater == limit*ilimit);
for (i=0; i<1+limit; i++) {
char key[100];
snprintf(key, 100, "%08llu", (unsigned long long)2*i);
DBT k;
u_int64_t less,equal,greater;
r = toku_brt_keyrange(t, toku_fill_dbt(&k, key, 1+strlen(key)), &less, &equal, &greater);
assert(r == 0);
//printf("key %llu/%llu %llu %llu %llu\n", (unsigned long long)2*i, (unsigned long long)2*limit, (unsigned long long)less, (unsigned long long)equal, (unsigned long long)greater);
assert(less+equal+greater == limit*ilimit);
r = toku_close_brt(t, 0); assert(r==0);
r = toku_cachetable_close(&ct); assert(r==0);
int main (int argc , const char *argv[]) {
default_parse_args(argc, argv);
if (verbose) printf("test ok\n");
return 0;
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