Commit ad4239cc authored by Monty's avatar Monty

Fixed assert if user table was mailformed.

Added mysql_to_mariadb.sql script, to change mysql.user tables from
MySQL 5.7 to MariaDB.
After this script is run, one can get the other tables fixed by running
parent 037b78e5
......@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ INSTALL(FILES
-- Script that changes MySQL 5.7 privilege tables to MariaDB 10.x
-- This should be run first with
-- mysql --force mysql < mysql_to_mariadb.sql
-- It's ok to ignore any errors, as these usually means that the tables are
-- already fixed.
-- After this script s run, one should run at least:
-- mysql_upgrade --upgrade-system-tables
-- to get the other tables in the mysql database fixed.
-- Drop not existing columnms
alter table mysql.user drop column `password_last_changed`, drop column `password_lifetime`, drop column `account_locked`;
-- Change existing columns
alter table mysql.user change column `authentication_string` `auth_string` text COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL;
-- Add new columns
alter table mysql.user add column `Password` char(41) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '' after `user`, add column `is_role` enum('N','Y') CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' after `auth_string`;
alter table mysql.user add column `default_role` char(80) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '', add column `max_statement_time` decimal(12,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.000000';
-- Fix passwords
update mysql.user set `password`=`auth_string`, plugin='' where plugin="mysql_native_password";
......@@ -1263,15 +1263,12 @@ static bool acl_load(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables)
if (init_read_record(&read_record_info, thd, table=tables[USER_TABLE].table,
NULL, 1, 1, FALSE))
goto end;
(void) my_init_dynamic_array(&acl_users,sizeof(ACL_USER), 50, 100, MYF(0));
(void) my_hash_init2(&acl_roles,50, &my_charset_utf8_bin,
0, 0, 0, (my_hash_get_key) acl_role_get_key, 0,
(void (*)(void *))free_acl_role, 0);
table= tables[USER_TABLE].table,
username_char_length= MY_MIN(table->field[1]->char_length(),
password_length= table->field[2]->field_length /
......@@ -1283,6 +1280,10 @@ static bool acl_load(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables)
goto end;
if (init_read_record(&read_record_info, thd, table, NULL, 1, 1, FALSE))
goto end;
DBUG_PRINT("info",("user table fields: %d, password length: %d",
table->s->fields, password_length));
......@@ -1294,6 +1295,7 @@ static bool acl_load(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables)
sql_print_error("Fatal error: mysql.user table is in old format, "
"but server started with --secure-auth option.");
goto end;
mysql_user_table_is_in_short_password_format= true;
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