Commit adfd21b8 authored by John Esmet's avatar John Esmet

[t:3414] starting the replace-ignore test script generator

git-svn-id: file:///svn/mysql/tests/mysql-test@38101 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent f2f28bf2
def sqlgen_setup():
print "--disable_warnings"
print "drop table if exists t;"
print "--enable_warnings"
def sqlgen_create_table(fields, pk, keys):
print "create table t ("
print "%s, " % fields
print "primary key (%s), " % pk
print "key (%s)) " % keys
print "engine = tokudb;"
def sqlgen_drop_table()
print "drop table t"
print "# Tokutek"
print "# Test that replace into and insert ignore insertions "
print "# work under various index schemas. "
print "#"
print "# this test is interesting because tokudb can do blind "
print "# (searchless) insertions into dictionaries when keys are"
print "# a subset of the primary key, but not otherwise."
print ""
print ""
print "# table whose keys are a subset of the primary key"
fields = "a int, b int, c int"
pk = "a, b, c"
keys = "a, b"
sqlgen_create_table(fields, pk, keys)
print ""
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