Commit b9efcfec authored by Bjorn Munch's avatar Bjorn Munch

Bug #44511 MTR2: add an option not to kill other servers when one from the group exits

MTR would die as soon as one server terminates
Implemented --wait-all option and associated subroutine
parent 8da85ed8
......@@ -536,6 +536,18 @@ sub wait_any {
return $proc;
# Wait for all processes to exit
sub wait_all {
while(keys %running)
# Check if any process has exited, but don't wait.
......@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ sub check_timeout { return $opt_testcase_timeout * 6; };
my $opt_start;
my $opt_start_dirty;
my $opt_wait_all;
my $opt_repeat= 1;
my $opt_retry= 3;
my $opt_retry_failure= 2;
......@@ -879,6 +880,7 @@ sub command_line_setup {
'sleep=i' => \$opt_sleep,
'start-dirty' => \$opt_start_dirty,
'start' => \$opt_start,
'wait-all' => \$opt_wait_all,
'print-testcases' => \&collect_option,
'repeat=i' => \$opt_repeat,
'retry=i' => \$opt_retry,
......@@ -1236,6 +1238,15 @@ sub command_line_setup {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check use of wait-all
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($opt_wait_all && ! ($opt_start_dirty || $opt_start))
mtr_error("--wait-all can only be used with --start or --start-dirty");
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check timeout arguments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -3258,19 +3269,29 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# If --start or --start-dirty given, stop here to let user manually
# run tests
# If --wait-all is also given, do the same, but don't die if one
# server exits
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_start or $opt_start_dirty )
mtr_print("\nStarted", started(all_servers()));
mtr_print("Waiting for server(s) to exit...");
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any();
if ( grep($proc eq $_, started(all_servers())) )
mtr_print("Server $proc died");
if ( $opt_wait_all ) {
mtr_print( "All servers exited" );
else {
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any();
if ( grep($proc eq $_, started(all_servers())) )
mtr_print("Server $proc died");
mtr_print("Unknown process $proc died");
mtr_print("Unknown process $proc died");
my $test_timeout_proc= My::SafeProcess->timer(testcase_timeout());
......@@ -5153,6 +5174,8 @@ Misc options
$0 --start alias &
start-dirty Only start the servers (without initialization) for
the first specified test case
wait-all If --start or --start-dirty option is used, wait for all
servers to exit before finishing the process
fast Run as fast as possible, dont't wait for servers
to shutdown etc.
repeat=N Run each test N number of times
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