Commit c0d629c7 authored by Bradley C. Kuszmaul's avatar Bradley C. Kuszmaul

Make test_db_assoc3 work with -v. Make it run with vgrind. Fixes #163.

git-svn-id: file:///svn/tokudb@1328 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 161e70ed
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ foo:
.PHONY: check check.bdb check.tdb
check: check.bdb check.tdb all.recover
check: check.bdb check.tdb all.recover test_db_assoc3.tdbrun_wasbad
@ echo ok
check.bdb: $(RUN_BDB_TESTS)
check.tdb: $(RUN_TDB_TESTS)
......@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@ test_db_curs4.bdb: trace.h
test_db_assoc3.tdb test_db_assoc3.bdb: test.h
# This one fails in both BDB and TokuDB, in the same way. It must be a program error.
test_db_assoc3.tdbrun.bad: test_db_assoc3.tdb
# This one failed in both BDB and TokuDB, in the same way. It was a program error. Now it works
test_db_assoc3.tdbrun_wasbad: test_db_assoc3.tdb
./test_db_assoc3.tdb --seed=1 --count=200
./test_db_assoc3.tdb --seed=1 --count=200 --more
./test_db_assoc3.tdb --seed=1 --count=200 --more
......@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ test_db_assoc3.tdbrun.bad: test_db_assoc3.tdb
./test_db_assoc3.tdb --seed=1 --count=200 --more
test_db_assoc3.tdbrun: test_db_assoc3.tdb
./test_db_assoc3.tdb --seed=2 --count=100000
./test_db_assoc3.tdb --seed=2 --count=100000 --more
$(VGRIND) ./test_db_assoc3.tdb --seed=2 --count=100000 $(VERBVERBOSE)
$(VGRIND) ./test_db_assoc3.tdb --seed=2 --count=100000 --more $(VERBVERBOSE)
test_db_assoc3.bdbrun: test_db_assoc3.bdb
./test_db_assoc3.bdb --seed=2 --count=100000
./test_db_assoc3.bdb --seed=2 --count=100000 --more
$(VGRIND) ./test_db_assoc3.bdb --seed=2 --count=100000 $(VERBVERBOSE)
$(VGRIND) ./test_db_assoc3.bdb --seed=2 --count=100000 --more $(VERBVERBOSE)
......@@ -487,6 +487,7 @@ int main (int argc, const char *argv[]) {
const char *progname=argv[0];
int useseed;
int activity_count = 100000;
int verbose=0;
struct timeval tv;
......@@ -510,6 +511,8 @@ int main (int argc, const char *argv[]) {
} else if (strcmp(argv[0], "--more")==0) {
mode = MODE_MORE;
} else if (strcmp(argv[0], "-v")==0) {
} else if (maybe_parse_intarg(progname, argv[0], "--seed=", &useseed)
|| maybe_parse_intarg(progname, argv[0], "--count=", &activity_count)) {
/* nothing */
......@@ -519,7 +522,7 @@ int main (int argc, const char *argv[]) {
argc--; argv++;
printf("seed=%d\n", useseed);
if (verbose) printf("seed=%d\n", useseed);
switch (mode) {
......@@ -540,7 +543,7 @@ int main (int argc, const char *argv[]) {
int i;
cursor_load = 8*(1+2*count_all_items/activity_count);
printf("%s:%d count=%d cursor_load=%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, count_all_items, cursor_load);
if (verbose) printf("%s:%d count=%d cursor_load=%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, count_all_items, cursor_load);
for (i=0; i<activity_count; i++)
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