Commit c258c861 authored by's avatar

Fix for BUG#1547: "SELECT ... WHERE field = var" sometimes give the wrong result in SPs

Two missing methods added to Item_splocal + test case.
parent 225aada6
......@@ -601,6 +601,27 @@ less 2
more 17
delete from t1;
drop procedure bug1495;
create procedure bug1547(s char(16))
declare x int;
select data into x from t1 where s = id limit 1;
if x > 10 then
insert into t1 values ("less", x-10);
insert into t1 values ("more", x+10);
end if;
insert into t1 values ("foo", 12), ("bar", 7);
call bug1547("foo");
call bug1547("bar");
select * from t1;
id data
foo 12
bar 7
less 2
more 17
delete from t1;
drop procedure bug1547;
drop table if exists fac;
create table fac (n int unsigned not null primary key, f bigint unsigned);
create procedure ifac(n int unsigned)
......@@ -697,6 +697,28 @@ select * from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure bug1495|
# BUG#1547
create procedure bug1547(s char(16))
declare x int;
select data into x from t1 where s = id limit 1;
if x > 10 then
insert into t1 values ("less", x-10);
insert into t1 values ("more", x+10);
end if;
insert into t1 values ("foo", 12), ("bar", 7)|
call bug1547("foo")|
call bug1547("bar")|
select * from t1|
delete from t1|
drop procedure bug1547|
# Some "real" examples
......@@ -266,6 +266,16 @@ class Item_splocal : public Item
inline Item_result result_type() const
return this_const_item()->result_type();
inline bool const_item() const
return FALSE;
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