MDEV-32974 : Member fails to join due to old seqno in GTID
Before MDEV-15158, wsrep xid information was stored in only one place: in the TRX_SYS page. Starting with 10.3, it is not stored there but in the rollback segment header pages, and the latest one is what matters. MDEV-19229 allows the undo tablespaces to be rebuilt when innodb_undo_tablespaces is changed on startup. Previously it was not possible to change that parameter. These changes caused the fact that rollback segment header pages could contain several wsrep xid's stored and when undo tablespaces were rebuilt there was a effort to restore wsrep xid back to rollback segment header page but because there was several of them the latest wsrep xid was overwritten with older one. trx_rseg_read_wsrep_checkpoint trx_rseg_init_wsrep_xid Return true if read xid is wsrep xid, false if not trx_rseg_mem_restore Try to read wsrep xid and if it is found copy it to trx_sys.recovered_wsrep_xid if read xid has larger seqno.
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