Commit ce7d75d3 authored by Sergey Petrunya's avatar Sergey Petrunya

key/rowid buffer overflow fixes for various tricky cases.

parent 09805a06
......@@ -865,12 +865,12 @@ LEFT JOIN
ON t3.a=1 AND t3.b=t2.b AND t2.b=t4.b;
a b a b a b
4 2 1 2 3 2
4 2 1 2 4 2
4 2 1 2 3 2
4 2 1 2 4 2
4 2 1 2 3 2
4 2 1 2 4 2
4 2 1 2 3 2
NULL NULL 2 2 3 2
NULL NULL 2 2 4 2
......@@ -1105,8 +1105,8 @@ t0.b=t1.b AND
(t8.b=t9.b OR t8.c IS NULL) AND
a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b a b
1 2 3 2 4 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 6 2 2 2 0 2 1 2
1 2 3 2 4 2 1 2 4 2 2 2 6 2 2 2 0 2 1 2
1 2 3 2 4 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 6 2 2 2 0 2 1 2
1 2 3 2 4 2 1 2 3 2 3 1 6 2 1 1 NULL NULL 1 1
1 2 3 2 4 2 1 2 4 2 3 1 6 2 1 1 NULL NULL 1 1
1 2 3 2 4 2 1 2 3 2 3 1 6 2 1 1 NULL NULL 1 2
......@@ -1785,8 +1785,8 @@ ON t7.b=t8.b AND t6.b < 10
ON t6.b >= 2 AND t5.b=t7.b AND
(t8.a > 0 OR t8.c IS NULL);
a b a b a b a b
2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2
2 2 3 2 2 2 1 2
2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2
1 1 1 2 1 1 NULL NULL
1 1 3 2 1 1 NULL NULL
......@@ -563,8 +563,8 @@ int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_init(handler *h_arg, RANGE_SEQ_IF *seq_funcs,
If the above call has scanned through all intervals in *seq, then
adjust *buf to indicate that the remaining buffer space will not be used.
if (dsmrr_eof)
buf->end_of_used_area= rowid_buffer.end_of_space();
// if (dsmrr_eof)
// buf->end_of_used_area= rowid_buffer.end_of_space();
h->inited == INDEX may occur when 'range checked for each record' is
......@@ -619,21 +619,18 @@ static int rowid_cmp(void *h, uchar *a, uchar *b)
buffer. When the buffer is full or scan is completed, sort the buffer by
rowid and return.
The function assumes that rowids buffer is empty when it is invoked.
we will need to scan either
- the source sequence getting records
- use dsmrr_next_from_index..
dsmrr_eof is set to indicate whether we've exhausted the list of ranges we're
scanning. This function never returns HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE.
rowid buffer is not empty, or key source is exhausted.
@param h Table handler
@retval 0 OK, the next portion of rowids is in the buffer,
properly ordered
@retval other Error
int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_fill_rowid_buffer()
......@@ -642,9 +639,11 @@ int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_fill_rowid_buffer()
int res;
identical_rowid_ptr= NULL;
if (do_sort_keys)
if (key_buffer.is_reverse())
while (rowid_buffer.have_space_for(rowid_buff_elem_size))
......@@ -656,7 +655,6 @@ int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_fill_rowid_buffer()
if (res)
KEY_MULTI_RANGE *curr_range= &h2->handler::mrr_cur_range;
if (!do_sort_keys && /* If keys are sorted then this check is already done */
......@@ -674,7 +672,9 @@ int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_fill_rowid_buffer()
if (res && res != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE)
dsmrr_eof= test(res == HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE);
if (!do_sort_keys)
dsmrr_eof= test(res == HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE);
/* Sort the buffer contents by rowid */
uint elem_size= h->ref_length + (int)is_mrr_assoc * sizeof(void*);
......@@ -830,6 +830,10 @@ void DsMrr_impl::setup_buffer_sizes(key_range *sample_key)
dsmrr_eof is set to indicate whether we've exhausted the list of ranges
we're scanning.
- key buffer is non-empty
- key buffer is empty and source range sequence is exhausted
void DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_fill_key_buffer()
......@@ -838,12 +842,16 @@ void DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_fill_key_buffer()
KEY_MULTI_RANGE cur_range;
// reset the buffer for writing.
DBUG_ASSERT(!key_tuple_length || key_buffer.is_empty());
if (key_tuple_length)
if (do_rowid_fetch)
if (do_rowid_fetch && rowid_buffer.is_empty())
/* Restore original buffer sizes */
We're using two buffers and both of them are empty now. Restore the
original sizes
rowid_buffer.set_buffer_space(full_buf, rowid_buffer_end, 1);
key_buffer.set_buffer_space(rowid_buffer_end, full_buf_end, -1);
......@@ -858,7 +866,6 @@ void DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_fill_key_buffer()
if (!key_tuple_length)
/* This only happens when we've just started filling the buffer */
//DBUG_ASSERT(key_buffer.used_size() == 0);
......@@ -991,21 +998,21 @@ int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_next_from_index(char **range_info_arg)
/* First, make sure we have a range at start of the buffer */
//psergey-todo: why would we re-fill it here in the case when
// we're doing rowid retrieval?
// - need to check if this is really happening.
if (!key_buffer.have_data(key_buff_elem_size))
if (key_buffer.is_empty())
if (dsmrr_eof)
goto end;
When rowid fetching is used, it controls all buffer refills. When we're
on our own, try refilling our buffer.
if (!do_rowid_fetch)
if (!key_buffer.have_data(key_buff_elem_size))
if (key_buffer.is_empty())
goto end;
......@@ -1015,16 +1022,16 @@ int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_next_from_index(char **range_info_arg)
if (do_rowid_fetch)
At this point we're not using anything beyond what we've read from key
buffer. Shrik the key buffer and grow the rowid buffer.
At this point we're not using anything what we've read from key
buffer. Cut off unused key buffer space and give it to the rowid
uchar *unused_start;
uchar *unused_end;
uchar *unused_start, *unused_end;
key_buffer.remove_unused_space(&unused_start, &unused_end);
rowid_buffer.grow(unused_start, unused_end);
/* Get the next range to scan*/
/* Get the next range to scan */
cur_index_tuple= key_in_buf=;
if (use_key_pointers)
cur_index_tuple= *((uchar**)cur_index_tuple);
......@@ -1119,20 +1126,41 @@ int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_next(char **range_info)
while (1)
if (!rowid_buffer.have_data(1))
if (rowid_buffer.is_empty())
if (dsmrr_eof)
if (do_sort_keys && key_buffer.used_size() == 0)
if ((res= dsmrr_fill_rowid_buffer()))
return res;
if (do_sort_keys)
if (!key_buffer.is_empty() || in_index_range)
/* There are some sorted keys left. Use them to get rowids */
if ((res= dsmrr_fill_rowid_buffer()))
return res; /* for fatal errors */
if (rowid_buffer.is_empty())
if (dsmrr_eof)
if ((res= dsmrr_fill_rowid_buffer()))
return res;
There is no buffer with sorted keys. If fill_rowid_buffer() haven't
reached eof condition before, try refilling the buffer.
if (dsmrr_eof)
if ((res= dsmrr_fill_rowid_buffer()))
return res;
/* Return eof if there are no rowids in the buffer after re-fill attempt */
if (!rowid_buffer.have_data(1))
if (rowid_buffer.is_empty())
......@@ -1145,10 +1173,6 @@ int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_next(char **range_info)
memcpy(range_info, range_id, sizeof(uchar*));
//psergey2-note: the below isn't right- we won't want to skip over this
// rowid because this (rowid, range_id) pair has nothing.. the next
// identical rowids might have something.. (but we set identicals later,
// dont we?)
if (h2->mrr_funcs.skip_record &&
h2->mrr_funcs.skip_record(h2->mrr_iter, (char *) cur_range_info, rowid))
......@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ class SimpleBuffer
uchar *used_area() { return (direction == 1)? read_pos : write_pos; }
size_t used_size();
bool is_empty() { return used_size() == 0; }
/* Read-mode functions */
void reset_for_reading();
......@@ -277,6 +278,13 @@ class DsMrr_impl
bool do_rowid_fetch;
bool dsmrr_eof; /* TRUE <=> We have reached EOF when reading index tuples */
TRUE <=> key buffer is exhausted (we need this because we may have a situation
where we've read everything from the key buffer but haven't finished with
scanning the last range)
bool key_eof;
/* TRUE <=> need range association, buffer holds {rowid, range_id} pairs */
bool is_mrr_assoc;
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