Commit d0e77a40 authored by Joerg Bruehe's avatar Joerg Bruehe

This is a backport from 5.1.32 into 5.1.31sp1.

The original fix was done by Sergey Glukhov on 2009-02-04
All comments are copied from the original fix:

Bug#42495 updatexml: Assertion failed: xpath->context,
                     file .\, line 2507
   RelativeLocationPath can appear only after a node-set expression
   in the third and the fourth branches of this rule:
     PathExpr :: =  LocationPath
                    | FilterExpr
                    | FilterExpr '/' RelativeLocationPath
                    | FilterExpr '//' RelativeLocationPath
   XPatch code didn't check the type of FilterExpr and crashed.
   If FilterExpr is a scalar expression
   (variable reference, literal, number, scalar function call)
   return error.
parent 37f64c12
......@@ -1053,4 +1053,15 @@ ExtractValue('<xml xxx "yyy">CharData</xml>', '/xml')
Warning 1525 Incorrect XML value: 'parse error at line 1 pos 17: STRING unexpected ('>' wanted)'
set @x=10;
select extractvalue('<a></a>','$@x/a');
ERROR HY000: XPATH syntax error: '/a'
select extractvalue('<a></a>','round(123.4)/a');
ERROR HY000: XPATH syntax error: '/a'
select extractvalue('<a></a>','1/a');
ERROR HY000: XPATH syntax error: '/a'
select extractvalue('<a></a>','"b"/a');
ERROR HY000: XPATH syntax error: '/a'
select extractvalue('<a></a>','(1)/a');
ERROR HY000: XPATH syntax error: '/a'
End of 5.1 tests
......@@ -575,5 +575,19 @@ SELECT ExtractValue(@xml, 'html/body');
SELECT ExtractValue('<xml "xxx" "yyy">CharData</xml>', '/xml');
SELECT ExtractValue('<xml xxx "yyy">CharData</xml>', '/xml');
# Bug#42495 updatexml: Assertion failed: xpath->context, file .\, line 2507
set @x=10;
select extractvalue('<a></a>','$@x/a');
select extractvalue('<a></a>','round(123.4)/a');
select extractvalue('<a></a>','1/a');
select extractvalue('<a></a>','"b"/a');
select extractvalue('<a></a>','(1)/a');
--echo End of 5.1 tests
......@@ -1969,6 +1969,13 @@ my_xpath_parse_FilterExpr_opt_slashes_RelativeLocationPath(MY_XPATH *xpath)
if (!my_xpath_parse_term(xpath, MY_XPATH_LEX_SLASH))
return 1;
if (xpath->item->type() != Item::XPATH_NODESET)
xpath->lasttok= xpath->prevtok;
xpath->error= 1;
return 0;
my_xpath_parse_term(xpath, MY_XPATH_LEX_SLASH);
return my_xpath_parse_RelativeLocationPath(xpath);
......@@ -1976,7 +1983,6 @@ static int my_xpath_parse_PathExpr(MY_XPATH *xpath)
return my_xpath_parse_LocationPath(xpath) ||
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