Commit d56c32f5 authored by Sergey Petrunya's avatar Sergey Petrunya

Code cleanup (remove garbage comments and #if 0-s)

parent 325204b5
......@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
#define NO_MORE_RECORDS_IN_BUFFER (uint)(-1)
void save_or_restore_used_tabs(JOIN_TAB *join_tab, bool save);
JOIN_TAB *next_linear_tab(JOIN* join, JOIN_TAB* tab, bool include_bush_roots);
* Join cache module
......@@ -138,54 +140,6 @@ uint add_table_data_fields_to_join_cache(JOIN_TAB *tab,
return len;
JOIN_TAB *next_linear_tab(JOIN* join, JOIN_TAB* tab, bool include_bush_roots);
// /*
// Get the next table whose records are stored in the join buffer of this cache
// get_next_table()
// tab the table for which the next table is to be returned
// For a given table whose records are stored in this cache the function
// returns the next such table if there is any.
// The function takes into account that the tables whose records are
// are stored in the same cache now can interleave with tables from
// materialized semijoin subqueries.
// This function should be modified/simplified after the new code for
// materialized semijoins is merged.
// The next join table whose records are stored in the buffer of this cache
// if such table exists, 0 - otherwise
// */
// JOIN_TAB *JOIN_CACHE::get_next_table(JOIN_TAB *tab)
// {
// if (++tab == join_tab)
// return NULL;
// if (join_tab->first_sjm_sibling)
// return tab;
// uint i= tab-join->join_tab;
// /*
// Temporary measure before MWL#90 refactorings are there: if 'tab' is at upper
// level (i.e. it's not inside an SJM nest), still include into the join buffer
// the tables from within SJM nest. We might need the subquery's select list
// columns, because SJ-Materialization-Scan upacks data to those.
// while (sj_is_materialize_strategy(join->best_positions[i].sj_strategy) &&
// i < join->tables)
// i+= join->best_positions[i].n_sj_tables;
// */
// return join->join_tab+i < join_tab ? join->join_tab+i : NULL;
// }
Determine different counters of fields associated with a record in the cache
......@@ -206,13 +160,7 @@ JOIN_TAB *next_linear_tab(JOIN* join, JOIN_TAB* tab, bool include_bush_roots);
void JOIN_CACHE::calc_record_fields()
JOIN_TAB *tab;
psergey-merge: was:
JOIN_TAB *tab = prev_cache ? prev_cache->join_tab :
(join_tab->first_sjm_sibling ?
join_tab->first_sjm_sibling :
if (prev_cache)
tab= prev_cache->join_tab;
......@@ -235,17 +183,11 @@ psergey-merge: was:
start_tab= tab;
while (start_tab->bush_children && start_tab != join_tab)
if (start_tab->bush_children)
start_tab= start_tab->bush_children->start;
tab= start_tab;
//tables= join_tab-tab;
//tables= 0;
fields= 0;
blobs= 0;
flag_fields= 0;
......@@ -253,7 +195,6 @@ psergey-merge: was:
data_field_ptr_count= 0;
referenced_fields= 0;
//psergey-merge: for ( ; tab ; tab= get_next_table(tab))
The following loop will get inside SJM nests, because data may be unpacked
to sjm-inner tables.
......@@ -267,7 +208,6 @@ psergey-merge: was:
blobs+= tab->used_blobs;
fields+= tab->check_rowid_field();
if ((with_match_flag= join_tab->use_match_flag()))
......@@ -313,14 +253,7 @@ void JOIN_CACHE::collect_info_on_key_args()
cache= this;
tab"=start_tab" is not a correct substitute for
"cache->join_tab - cache->tables".
for (tab= cache->start_tab; tab != cache->join_tab; tab= next_linear_tab(join, tab, FALSE))
//for (tab= cache->join_tab-cache->tables; tab ;
// tab= cache->get_next_table(tab))
uint key_args;
......@@ -436,8 +369,6 @@ void JOIN_CACHE::create_flag_fields()
/* Create fields for all null bitmaps and null row flags that are needed */
// // psergey-merge: for (tab= join_tab-tables; tab; tab= get_next_table(tab))
//for (tab= join_tab-tables; tab < join_tab; tab++)
for (tab= start_tab; tab != join_tab; tab= next_linear_tab(join, tab, FALSE))
TABLE *table= tab->table;
......@@ -525,9 +456,6 @@ void JOIN_CACHE::create_key_arg_fields()
while (ext_key_arg_cnt)
cache= cache->prev_cache;
//for (tab= cache->join_tab-cache->tables; tab;
// tab= cache->get_next_table(tab))
//psergey-merge: ^
for (tab= cache->start_tab; tab != cache->join_tab;
tab= next_linear_tab(join, tab, FALSE))
......@@ -637,8 +565,6 @@ void JOIN_CACHE::create_remaining_fields()
CACHE_FIELD **copy_ptr= blob_ptr+data_field_ptr_count;
for (tab= start_tab; tab != join_tab; tab= next_linear_tab(join, tab, FALSE))
//psergey-merge: for (tab= join_tab-tables; tab; tab= get_next_table(tab))
//for (tab= join_tab-tables; tab < join_tab; tab++)
MY_BITMAP *rem_field_set;
TABLE *table= tab->table;
......@@ -795,7 +721,6 @@ ulong JOIN_CACHE::get_min_join_buffer_size()
if (!min_buff_size)
ulong len= 0;
//for (JOIN_TAB *tab= join_tab-tables; tab < join_tab; tab++)
for (JOIN_TAB *tab= start_tab; tab != join_tab; tab= next_linear_tab(join, tab, FALSE))
len+= tab->get_max_used_fieldlength();
len+= get_record_max_affix_length() + get_max_key_addon_space_per_record();
......@@ -849,7 +774,6 @@ ulong JOIN_CACHE::get_max_join_buffer_size(bool optimize_buff_size)
ulong max_sz;
ulong min_sz= get_min_join_buffer_size();
ulong len= 0;
//for (JOIN_TAB *tab= join_tab-tables; tab < join_tab; tab++)
for (JOIN_TAB *tab= start_tab; tab != join_tab; tab= next_linear_tab(join, tab, FALSE))
len+= tab->get_used_fieldlength();
len+= get_record_max_affix_length();
......@@ -925,11 +849,8 @@ int JOIN_CACHE::alloc_buffer()
set_if_bigger(max_records, 10);
min_buff_size= get_min_join_buffer_size();
buff_size= get_max_join_buffer_size(optimize_buff_size);
//psergey-merge: for (tab= join->join_tab+join->const_tables; tab <= join_tab; tab++)
// for (tab= cache->join_tab-cache->tables; tab < cache->join_tab ; tab++)
// (fixed)
for (tab= /*join->join_tab + join->const_tables*/ start_tab; tab!= join_tab;
tab= next_linear_tab(join, tab, FALSE))
for (tab= start_tab; tab!= join_tab; tab= next_linear_tab(join, tab, FALSE))
cache= tab->cache;
if (cache)
......@@ -8201,12 +8201,6 @@ uint check_join_cache_usage(JOIN_TAB *tab,
join->return_tab= 0;
//psergey-merge: fixes with prev)tab?
- if (cache_level == 0 || i == join->const_tables)
+ if (cache_level == 0 || i == join->const_tables || !prev_tab)
Don't use join cache if @@join_cache_level==0 or this table is the first
one join suborder (either at top level or inside a bush)
......@@ -8447,9 +8441,6 @@ void check_join_cache_usage_for_tables(JOIN *join, ulonglong options,
case JT_ALL:
tab->used_join_cache_level= check_join_cache_usage(tab, options,
//tab == last_sjm_table ?
// first_sjm_table :
// tab-1);
tab->use_join_cache= test(tab->used_join_cache_level);
......@@ -8510,10 +8501,9 @@ make_join_readinfo(JOIN *join, ulonglong options, uint no_jbuf_after)
setup_semijoin_dups_elimination(join, options, no_jbuf_after))
DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); /* purecov: inspected */
//for (i= 0; i < join->const_tables; i++) //psergey-merge-todo: partial_join_cardinality for everything.
for (tab= first_linear_tab(join, TRUE);
tab= next_linear_tab(join, tab, TRUE)) /// << psergey-merge2: is that ok???
tab= next_linear_tab(join, tab, TRUE))
tab->partial_join_cardinality= 1;
......@@ -13816,19 +13806,6 @@ int rr_sequential_and_unpack(READ_RECORD *info)
#if 0
psergey-merge: todo:
if (sjm->is_sj_scan)
/* Reset the cursor for a new scan over the table */
if (sjm->table->file->ha_rnd_init(TRUE))
Fill the join buffer with partial records, retrieve all full matches for them
......@@ -19579,7 +19556,6 @@ static void select_describe(JOIN *join, bool need_tmp_table, bool need_order,
examined_rows= tab->records;
examined_rows= tab->table->file->stats.records;
//psergey-merge: examined_rows= (ha_rows)tab->records_read;
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