Commit d6794aa4 authored by Monty's avatar Monty Committed by Sergei Golubchik

Improve error message in mysqltest when sync_with_master fails

In case of failure, the something like the following is now printed:

Slave position:  file: binary.000004  position: 3647
Master position: file: binary.000004  position: 3647
parent 18dfcfde
......@@ -4789,6 +4789,19 @@ void do_wait_for_slave_to_stop(struct st_command *c __attribute__((unused)))
static const char *get_col_value(MYSQL_RES *res, MYSQL_ROW row, const char *name)
uint num_fields= mysql_num_fields(res);
MYSQL_FIELD *fields= mysql_fetch_fields(res);
for (uint i= 0; i < num_fields; i++)
if (strcmp(fields[i].name, name) == 0)
return row[i];
return "NULL";
void do_sync_with_master2(struct st_command *command, long offset,
const char *connection_name)
......@@ -4796,7 +4809,7 @@ void do_sync_with_master2(struct st_command *command, long offset,
MYSQL *mysql= cur_con->mysql;
char query_buf[FN_REFLEN+128];
char query_buf[FN_REFLEN+128], query_buf2[120];
int timeout= opt_wait_for_pos_timeout;
if (!master_pos.file[0])
......@@ -4830,6 +4843,23 @@ void do_sync_with_master2(struct st_command *command, long offset,
/* master_pos_wait returned NULL or < 0 */
fprintf(stderr, "analyze: sync_with_master\n");
sprintf(query_buf2, "show slave \"%s\" status", connection_name);
if (!mysql_query(mysql, query_buf2))
if ((res= mysql_store_result(mysql)))
if ((row= mysql_fetch_row(res)))
fprintf(stderr, "Slave position: file: %s position: %s\n",
get_col_value(res, row, "Relay_Master_Log_File"),
get_col_value(res, row, "Read_Master_Log_Pos"));
fprintf(stderr, "Master position: file: %s position: %lld\n",
master_pos.file, (longlong) (master_pos.pos + offset));
if (!result_str)
......@@ -4838,10 +4868,9 @@ void do_sync_with_master2(struct st_command *command, long offset,
information is not initialized, the arguments are
incorrect, or an error has occurred
die("%.*b failed: '%s' returned NULL " \
die("%.*b failed: '%s' returned NULL " \
"indicating slave SQL thread failure",
command->first_word_len, command->query, query_buf);
if (result == -1)
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