Commit daacdcfe authored by Bjorn Munch's avatar Bjorn Munch

Bug #47978 timer : expired after 90 seconds

Problems occur after killing threads on Windows
Get rid of the timeout threads, implement simple timer in wait_any_timeout()
parent c7f14b56
......@@ -187,63 +187,6 @@ sub run {
return $proc->exit_status();
# Start a process that returns after "duration" seconds
# or when it's parent process does not exist anymore
sub timer {
my $class= shift;
my $duration= shift or croak "duration required";
my $parent_pid= $$;
my $pid= My::SafeProcess::Base::_safe_fork();
if ($pid){
# Parent
my $proc= bless
SAFE_PID => $pid,
SAFE_NAME => "timer",
PARENT => $$,
}, $class);
# Put the new process in list of running
$running{$pid}= $proc;
return $proc;
# Child, install signal handlers and sleep for "duration"
$SIG{TERM}= sub {
#print STDERR "timer $$: woken up, exiting!\n";
$0= "safe_timer($duration)";
if (IS_WIN32PERL){
# Just a thread in same process
print STDERR "timer $$: expired after $duration seconds\n";
my $count_down= $duration;
# Check that parent is still alive
if (kill(0, $parent_pid) == 0){
#print STDERR "timer $$: parent gone, exiting!\n";
print STDERR "timer $$: expired after $duration seconds\n";
# Shutdown process nicely, and wait for shutdown_timeout seconds
# If processes hasn't shutdown, kill them hard and wait for return
......@@ -541,6 +484,40 @@ sub wait_any {
# Wait for any process to exit, or a timeout
# Returns a reference to the SafeProcess that
# exited or a pseudo-process with $proc->{timeout} == 1
sub wait_any_timeout {
my $class= shift;
my $timeout= shift;
my $proc;
my $millis=10;
do {
# Slowly increse interval up to max. 1 second
$millis++ if $millis < 1000;
# Return a "fake" process for timeout
if (::has_expired($timeout)) {
$proc= bless
SAFE_PID => 0,
SAFE_NAME => "timer",
timeout => 1,
}, $class);
} else {
$proc= check_any();
} while (! $proc);
return $proc;
# Wait for all processes to exit
......@@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ sub mtr_script_exists(@);
sub mtr_file_exists(@);
sub mtr_exe_exists(@);
sub mtr_exe_maybe_exists(@);
sub mtr_milli_sleep($);
sub start_timer($);
sub has_expired($);
......@@ -167,11 +169,18 @@ sub mtr_exe_exists (@) {
sub mtr_milli_sleep {
sub mtr_milli_sleep ($) {
die "usage: mtr_milli_sleep(milliseconds)" unless @_ == 1;
my ($millis)= @_;
select(undef, undef, undef, ($millis/1000));
# Simple functions to start and check timers (have to be actively polled)
# Timer can be "killed" by setting it to 0
sub start_timer ($) { return time + $_[0]; }
sub has_expired ($) { return $_[0] && time gt $_[0]; }
......@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
my $result;
my $exe_mysqld= find_mysqld($basedir) || ""; # Used as hint to CoreDump
my $suite_timeout_proc= My::SafeProcess->timer(suite_timeout());
my $suite_timeout= start_timer(suite_timeout());
my $s= IO::Select->new();
......@@ -460,7 +460,6 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
mtr_verbose("Child closed socket");
if (--$childs == 0){
return $completed;
......@@ -529,13 +528,11 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
if ( !$opt_force ) {
# Test has failed, force is off
push(@$completed, $result);
return $completed;
elsif ($opt_max_test_fail > 0 and
$num_failed_test >= $opt_max_test_fail) {
push(@$completed, $result);
mtr_report_stats("Too many failed", $completed, 1);
mtr_report("Too many tests($num_failed_test) failed!",
......@@ -667,7 +664,7 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Check if test suite timer expired
# ----------------------------------------------------
if ( ! $suite_timeout_proc->wait_one(0) )
if ( has_expired($suite_timeout) )
mtr_report_stats("Timeout", $completed, 1);
mtr_report("Test suite timeout! Terminating...");
......@@ -2944,11 +2941,11 @@ sub check_testcase($$)
# Return immediately if no check proceess was started
return 0 unless ( keys %started );
my $timeout_proc= My::SafeProcess->timer(check_timeout());
my $timeout= start_timer(check_timeout());
while (1){
my $result;
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any();
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any_timeout($timeout);
mtr_report("Got $proc");
if ( delete $started{$proc->pid()} ) {
......@@ -2972,9 +2969,6 @@ sub check_testcase($$)
if ( keys(%started) == 0){
# All checks completed
return 0;
# Wait for next process to exit
......@@ -3015,10 +3009,9 @@ test case was executed:\n";
elsif ( $proc eq $timeout_proc ) {
$tinfo->{comment}.= "Timeout $timeout_proc for ".
"'check-testcase' expired after ".check_timeout().
" seconds";
elsif ( $proc->{timeout} ) {
$tinfo->{comment}.= "Timeout for 'check-testcase' expired after "
.check_timeout()." seconds";
$result= 4;
else {
......@@ -3033,8 +3026,6 @@ test case was executed:\n";
# Kill any check processes still running
map($_->kill(), values(%started));
return $result;
......@@ -3106,11 +3097,11 @@ sub run_on_all($$)
# Return immediately if no check proceess was started
return 0 unless ( keys %started );
my $timeout_proc= My::SafeProcess->timer(check_timeout());
my $timeout= start_timer(check_timeout());
while (1){
my $result;
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any();
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any_timeout($timeout);
mtr_report("Got $proc");
if ( delete $started{$proc->pid()} ) {
......@@ -3129,17 +3120,15 @@ sub run_on_all($$)
if ( keys(%started) == 0){
# All completed
return 0;
# Wait for next process to exit
elsif ( $proc eq $timeout_proc ) {
$tinfo->{comment}.= "Timeout $timeout_proc for '$run' ".
"expired after ". check_timeout().
" seconds";
elsif ($proc->{timeout}) {
$tinfo->{comment}.= "Timeout for '$run' expired after "
.check_timeout()." seconds";
else {
# Unknown process returned, most likley a crash, abort everything
......@@ -3151,8 +3140,6 @@ sub run_on_all($$)
# Kill any check processes still running
map($_->kill(), values(%started));
return 1;
mtr_error("INTERNAL_ERROR: run_on_all");
......@@ -3382,7 +3369,7 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
my $test_timeout_proc= My::SafeProcess->timer(testcase_timeout());
my $test_timeout= start_timer(testcase_timeout());
......@@ -3390,9 +3377,6 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
# Failed to record state of server or server crashed
# Stop the test case timer
return 1;
......@@ -3410,20 +3394,20 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
if ($proc)
mtr_verbose ("Found exited process $proc");
# If that was the timeout, cancel waiting
if ( $proc eq $test_timeout_proc )
$keep_waiting_proc = 0;
$proc = $keep_waiting_proc;
# Also check if timer has expired, if so cancel waiting
if ( has_expired($test_timeout) )
$keep_waiting_proc = 0;
if (! $keep_waiting_proc)
$proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any();
$proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any_timeout($test_timeout);
# Will be restored if we need to keep waiting
......@@ -3440,9 +3424,6 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
# ----------------------------------------------------
if ($proc eq $test)
# Stop the test case timer
my $res= $test->exit_status();
if ($res == 0 and $opt_warnings and check_warnings($tinfo) )
......@@ -3545,7 +3526,7 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Stop the test case timer
# ----------------------------------------------------
$test_timeout= 0;
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Check if it was a server that died
......@@ -3584,7 +3565,7 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Check if testcase timer expired
# ----------------------------------------------------
if ( $proc eq $test_timeout_proc )
if ( $proc->{timeout} )
my $log_file_name= $opt_vardir."/log/".$tinfo->{shortname}.".log";
......@@ -3825,11 +3806,11 @@ sub check_warnings ($) {
# Return immediately if no check proceess was started
return 0 unless ( keys %started );
my $timeout_proc= My::SafeProcess->timer(check_timeout());
my $timeout= start_timer(check_timeout());
while (1){
my $result= 0;
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any();
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any_timeout($timeout);
mtr_report("Got $proc");
if ( delete $started{$proc->pid()} ) {
......@@ -3858,9 +3839,6 @@ sub check_warnings ($) {
if ( keys(%started) == 0){
# All checks completed
return $result;
# Wait for next process to exit
......@@ -3877,10 +3855,9 @@ sub check_warnings ($) {
$result= 2;
elsif ( $proc eq $timeout_proc ) {
$tinfo->{comment}.= "Timeout $timeout_proc for ".
"'check warnings' expired after ".check_timeout().
" seconds";
elsif ( $proc->{timeout} ) {
$tinfo->{comment}.= "Timeout for 'check warnings' expired after "
.check_timeout()." seconds";
$result= 4;
else {
......@@ -3894,8 +3871,6 @@ sub check_warnings ($) {
# Kill any check processes still running
map($_->kill(), values(%started));
return $result;
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