Commit e2709f46 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Fix for BUG##5714 "Insert into MyISAM table and select ... for update]":

the fact that the transaction log is empty does not mean we're not in a transaction
(it could be BEGIN; SELECT * FOR UPDATE FROM ibtable: then we don't want to commit now, even if
the statement is a MyISAM update).
With a testcase.

  result update
  test update for a new bug
  The fact that the transaction log is empty does not mean we're not in a transaction
  (it could be BEGIN; SELECT * FOR UPDATE: then we don't want to commit now).
parent b7cd3f5e
......@@ -177,4 +177,25 @@ master-bin.001 79 Query 1 79 use `test`; BEGIN
master-bin.001 119 Query 1 79 use `test`; insert into t1 values(16)
master-bin.001 179 Query 1 79 use `test`; insert into t1 values(18)
master-bin.001 239 Query 1 239 use `test`; COMMIT
delete from t1;
delete from t2;
alter table t2 type=MyISAM;
insert into t1 values (1);
select * from t1 for update;
select (@before:=unix_timestamp())*0;
select * from t1 for update;
insert into t2 values (20);
Lock wait timeout exceeded; Try restarting transaction
select (@after:=unix_timestamp())*0;
select (@after-@before) >= 2;
(@after-@before) >= 2
drop table t1,t2;
......@@ -175,4 +175,36 @@ select a from t1 order by a; # check that savepoints work :)
show binlog events from 79;
# Test for BUG#5714, where a MyISAM update in the transaction used to
# release row-level locks in InnoDB
connect (con3,localhost,root,,);
connection con3;
delete from t1;
delete from t2;
alter table t2 type=MyISAM;
insert into t1 values (1);
select * from t1 for update;
connection con2;
select (@before:=unix_timestamp())*0; # always give repeatable output
send select * from t1 for update;
connection con3;
insert into t2 values (20);
connection con2;
--error 1205
select (@after:=unix_timestamp())*0; # always give repeatable output
# verify that innodb_lock_wait_timeout was exceeded. When there was
# the bug, the reap would return immediately after the insert into t2.
select (@after-@before) >= 2;
# cleanup
drop table t1,t2;
......@@ -1254,7 +1254,8 @@ bool MYSQL_LOG::write(Log_event* event_info)
if (flush_io_cache(file))
goto err;
if (opt_using_transactions && !my_b_tell(&thd->transaction.trans_log))
if (opt_using_transactions &&
LOAD DATA INFILE in AUTOCOMMIT=1 mode writes to the binlog
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