Commit e680b171 authored by Barry Perlman's avatar Barry Perlman Committed by Yoni Fogel

Addresses #2037 refs[t:2037] Added test for transactional fileops.

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb.2037b@15647 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 6612396c
/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
#ident "Copyright (c) 2009 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved."
#ident "$Id$"
/* Purpose of this test is to verify correct behavior of transactional file
* operations. File operations to be tested (and expected results) are:
* - open (dictionary is closed when transaction is complete)
* - create (dictionary is created only if transaction is committed)
* - rename (dictionary is renamed only if transaction is committed)
* - delete (dictionary is deleted only if transaction is committed)
* - verify that commit() will close an open db (is this necessary?)
* - verify correct behavior with "subdb" names (e.g. foo/bar)
* overview:
* begin txn
* create a, b, c
* commit txn
* verify_abc() // verify a,b,c exist, c2 and x do not exist
* begin txn
* perform_ops() // delete b, rename c to c2, create x
* verify_ac2x() // verify a,c2,x exist, b and c do not
* abort txn
* verify_abc() // verify a,b,c exist, c2 and x do not exist
* begin_txn
* perform_ops()
* commit
* verify_ac2x() // verify a,c2,x exist, b and c do not
* perform_ops() {
* delete b
* rename c to c2
* create x
* }
* verify_abc() {
* a,b,c exist, x, c2 do not exist
* }
* verify_ac2x() {
* a exists
* c2 exists
* x exists
* b does not exist
* c does not exist
* }
* Future work (possible enhancements to this test, if desired):
* - beyond verifying that a dictionary exists, open it and read one entry, verify that the entry is correct
* (especially useful for renamed dictionary)
* - perform repeatedly in multiple threads
#include "test.h"
#include <db.h>
static DB_ENV *env;
static void
setup (void) {
int r;
system("rm -rf " ENVDIR);
r=toku_os_mkdir(ENVDIR, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO); CKERR(r);
r=db_env_create(&env, 0); CKERR(r);
env->set_errfile(env, stderr);
static void
test_shutdown(void) {
int r;
r=env->close(env, 0); CKERR(r);
// create dictionaries a.db, b.db, c.db
static void
create_abc(void) {
int r;
DB_TXN * txn;
DB * db_a;
DB * db_b;
DB * db_c;
r=env->txn_begin(env, 0, &txn, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_create(&db_a, env, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_create(&db_b, env, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_create(&db_c, env, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_a->open(db_a, txn, "a.db", 0, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO); CKERR(r);
r=db_b->open(db_b, txn, "b.db", 0, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO); CKERR(r);
r=db_c->open(db_c, txn, "c.db", 0, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO); CKERR(r);
r=db_a->close(db_a, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_b->close(db_b, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_c->close(db_c, 0); CKERR(r);
r=txn->commit(txn, 0); CKERR(r);
// delete b
// rename c to c2
// create x
static void
perform_ops(DB_TXN * txn) {
int r;
DB * db_x;
r = env->dbremove(env, txn, "b.db", NULL, 0); CKERR(r);
r = env->dbrename(env, txn, "c.db", NULL, "c2.db", 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_create(&db_x, env, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_x->open(db_x, txn, "x.db", 0, DB_BTREE, DB_CREATE, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO); CKERR(r);
r=db_x->close(db_x, 0); CKERR(r); // commit will close but abort requires db be closed first
// verify that:
// dictionaries a.db, b.db, c.db exist
// dictionaries x.db and c2.db do not exist
static void
verify_abc(void) {
int r;
DB_TXN * txn;
DB * db_a;
DB * db_b;
DB * db_c;
DB * db_x;
DB * db_c2;
r=env->txn_begin(env, NULL, &txn, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_create(&db_a, env, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_create(&db_b, env, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_create(&db_c, env, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_create(&db_x, env, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_create(&db_c2, env, 0); CKERR(r);
// should exist:
r=db_a->open(db_a, txn, "a.db", 0, DB_BTREE, 0, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO); CKERR(r);
r=db_b->open(db_b, txn, "b.db", 0, DB_BTREE, 0, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO); CKERR(r);
r=db_c->open(db_c, txn, "c.db", 0, DB_BTREE, 0, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO); CKERR(r);
// should not exist:
r=db_x->open(db_x, txn, "x.db", 0, DB_BTREE, 0, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO); CKERR2(r, ENOENT);
r=db_c2->open(db_c2, txn, "c2.db", 0, DB_BTREE, 0, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO); CKERR2(r, ENOENT);
r=db_a->close(db_a, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_b->close(db_b, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_c->close(db_c, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_x->close(db_x, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_c2->close(db_c2, 0); CKERR(r);
r=txn->commit(txn, 0); CKERR(r);
// verify that:
// dictionary a.db exists
// dictionaries b.db, c.db do not exist
// dictionary c2.db exists
// dictionary x.db exists
static void
verify_ac2x(DB_TXN * parent_txn) {
int r;
DB_TXN * txn;
DB * db_a;
DB * db_b;
DB * db_c;
DB * db_x;
DB * db_c2;
r=env->txn_begin(env, parent_txn, &txn, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_create(&db_a, env, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_create(&db_b, env, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_create(&db_c, env, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_create(&db_x, env, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_create(&db_c2, env, 0); CKERR(r);
// should exist:
r=db_a->open(db_a, txn, "a.db", 0, DB_BTREE, 0, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO); CKERR(r);
r=db_c2->open(db_c2, txn, "c2.db", 0, DB_BTREE, 0, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO); CKERR(r);
r=db_x->open(db_x, txn, "x.db", 0, DB_BTREE, 0, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO); CKERR(r);
// should not exist:
r=db_b->open(db_b, txn, "b.db", 0, DB_BTREE, 0, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO); CKERR2(r, ENOENT);
r=db_c->open(db_c, txn, "c.db", 0, DB_BTREE, 0, S_IRWXU+S_IRWXG+S_IRWXO); CKERR2(r, ENOENT);
r=db_a->close(db_a, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_b->close(db_b, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_c->close(db_c, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_x->close(db_x, 0); CKERR(r);
r=db_c2->close(db_c2, 0); CKERR(r);
r=txn->commit(txn, 0); CKERR(r);
static void
test_fileops(void) {
int r;
DB_TXN *txn;
r=env->txn_begin(env, 0, &txn, 0); CKERR(r);
verify_ac2x(txn); // verify that operations appear effective within this txn
r=txn->abort(txn); CKERR(r);
// verify that aborted transaction changed nothing
r=env->txn_begin(env, 0, &txn, 0); CKERR(r);
r=txn->commit(txn, 0); CKERR(r);
// verify that committed transaction actually changed db
test_main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
parse_args(argc, argv);
return 0;
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