Commit e693d517 authored by marko's avatar marko

branches/zip: Add comments about the lock and latch protection of externally

stored columns (BLOBs).

btr_copy_blob_prefix(), btr_copy_zblob_prefix(),
Note that the page containing the clustered index record that points to
the BLOB must be latched.

btr_copy_zblob_prefix(): Note that there is no latch on the page, and thus
all accesses to a given page via this function must be covered by the same
set of locks or latches.

btr_copy_zblob_prefix(): Note that the block acquired by
buf_page_get_zip() is protected by an exclusive table lock or
or by a latch on the clustered index record.
parent da25388d
......@@ -4284,7 +4284,8 @@ btr_rec_free_updated_extern_fields(
Copies the prefix of an uncompressed BLOB. */
Copies the prefix of an uncompressed BLOB. The clustered index record
that points to this BLOB must be protected by a lock or a page latch. */
......@@ -4344,7 +4345,8 @@ btr_copy_blob_prefix(
Copies the prefix of a compressed BLOB. */
Copies the prefix of a compressed BLOB. The clustered index record
that points to this BLOB must be protected by a lock or a page latch. */
......@@ -4365,6 +4367,10 @@ btr_copy_zblob_prefix(
int err;
ulint next_page_no;
/* There is no latch on bpage directly. Instead,
bpage is protected by the B-tree page latch that
is being held on the clustered index record, or,
in row_merge_copy_blobs(), by an exclusive table lock. */
bpage = buf_page_get_zip(space_id, zip_size, page_no);
if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(!bpage)) {
......@@ -4464,7 +4470,9 @@ btr_copy_zblob_prefix(
Copies the prefix of an externally stored field of a record. */
Copies the prefix of an externally stored field of a record. The
clustered index record that points to this BLOB must be protected by a
lock or a page latch. */
......@@ -4512,10 +4520,8 @@ btr_copy_externally_stored_field_prefix_low(
Copies the prefix of an externally stored field of a record. Parameter
data contains a pointer to 'internally' stored part of the field:
possibly some data, and the reference to the externally stored part in
the last BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE bytes of data. */
Copies the prefix of an externally stored field of a record. The
clustered index record must be protected by a lock or a page latch. */
......@@ -4527,7 +4533,8 @@ btr_copy_externally_stored_field_prefix(
zero for uncompressed BLOBs */
const byte* data, /* in: 'internally' stored part of the
field containing also the reference to
the external part */
the external part; must be protected by
a lock or a page latch */
ulint local_len)/* in: length of data, in bytes */
ulint space_id;
......@@ -4563,10 +4570,8 @@ btr_copy_externally_stored_field_prefix(
Copies an externally stored field of a record to mem heap. Parameter
data contains a pointer to 'internally' stored part of the field:
possibly some data, and the reference to the externally stored part in
the last BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE bytes of data. */
Copies an externally stored field of a record to mem heap. The
clustered index record must be protected by a lock or a page latch. */
......@@ -4575,7 +4580,8 @@ btr_copy_externally_stored_field(
ulint* len, /* out: length of the whole field */
const byte* data, /* in: 'internally' stored part of the
field containing also the reference to
the external part */
the external part; must be protected by
a lock or a page latch */
ulint zip_size,/* in: nonzero=compressed BLOB page size,
zero for uncompressed BLOBs */
ulint local_len,/* in: length of data */
......@@ -4622,7 +4628,8 @@ byte*
/* out: the field copied to heap */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: record */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: record in a clustered index;
must be protected by a lock or a page latch */
const ulint* offsets,/* in: array returned by rec_get_offsets() */
ulint zip_size,/* in: nonzero=compressed BLOB page size,
zero for uncompressed BLOBs */
......@@ -1479,7 +1479,12 @@ buf_page_reset_file_page_was_freed(
Get read access to a compressed page (usually FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ZBLOB). */
Get read access to a compressed page (usually FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ZBLOB).
The page must be released with buf_page_release_zip().
NOTE: the page is not protected by any latch. Mutual exclusion has to
be implemented at a higher level. In other words, all possible
accesses to a given page through this function must be protected by
the same set of mutexes or latches. */
......@@ -528,10 +528,8 @@ btr_free_externally_stored_field(
data an an X-latch to the index
tree */
Copies the prefix of an externally stored field of a record. Parameter
data contains a pointer to 'internally' stored part of the field:
possibly some data, and the reference to the externally stored part in
the last BTR_EXTERN_FIELD_REF_SIZE bytes of data. */
Copies the prefix of an externally stored field of a record. The
clustered index record must be protected by a lock or a page latch. */
......@@ -543,7 +541,8 @@ btr_copy_externally_stored_field_prefix(
zero for uncompressed BLOBs */
const byte* data, /* in: 'internally' stored part of the
field containing also the reference to
the external part */
the external part; must be protected by
a lock or a page latch */
ulint local_len);/* in: length of data, in bytes */
Copies an externally stored field of a record to mem heap. */
......@@ -552,7 +551,8 @@ byte*
/* out: the field copied to heap */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: record */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: record in a clustered index;
must be protected by a lock or a page latch */
const ulint* offsets,/* in: array returned by rec_get_offsets() */
ulint zip_size,/* in: nonzero=compressed BLOB page size,
zero for uncompressed BLOBs */
......@@ -221,7 +221,11 @@ buf_page_try_get_func(
Get read access to a compressed page (usually FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ZBLOB).
The page must be released with buf_page_release_zip(). */
The page must be released with buf_page_release_zip().
NOTE: the page is not protected by any latch. Mutual exclusion has to
be implemented at a higher level. In other words, all possible
accesses to a given page through this function must be protected by
the same set of mutexes or latches. */
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