Commit ed647083 authored by Magnus Svensson's avatar Magnus Svensson

WL#4189 fix small scheduler loop problem causing report that not all tests were run

parent a925ec10
......@@ -343,12 +343,12 @@ sub main {
if ( @$completed != $num_tests){
if ($opt_force){
# All test should have been run, print any that are still in $tests
foreach my $test ( @$tests ){
#if ($opt_force){
# # All test should have been run, print any that are still in $tests
# foreach my $test ( @$tests ){
# $test->print_test();
# }
# Not all tests completed, failure
......@@ -537,15 +537,20 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
my $next;
my $second_best;
for(my $i= 0; $i <= $#$tests; $i++)
for(my $i= 0; $i <= @$tests; $i++)
my $t= $tests->[$i];
last unless defined $t;
if (run_testcase_check_skip_test($t)){
# Move the test to completed list
#mtr_report("skip - Moving test $i to completed");
push(@$completed, splice(@$tests, $i, 1));
# Since the test at pos $i was taken away, next
# test will also be at $i -> redo
# Limit number of parallell NDB tests
......@@ -575,7 +580,7 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
# Use second best choice if no other test has been found
if (!$next and defined $second_best){
#mtr_report("Take second best choice $second_best");
mtr_error("Internal error, second best too large")
mtr_error("Internal error, second best too large($second_best)")
if $second_best > $#$tests;
$next= splice(@$tests, $second_best, 1);
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