@@ -454,8 +454,11 @@ create event закачка on schedule every 10 hour do select get_lock("test_l
select definer, name, db from mysql.event;
definer name db
root@localhost закачка events_test
"Should be only 1 process"
select /*1*/ user, host, db, command, state, info from information_schema.processlist where (command!='Daemon' || user='event_scheduler') and (info is null or info not like '%processlist%') order by info;
"Should be only 0 process"
select /*1*/ user, host, db, command, state, info
from information_schema.processlist
where (user='event_scheduler')
order by info;
user host db command state info
select release_lock("test_lock1");
@@ -472,14 +475,15 @@ get_lock("test_lock2", 20)
"Create an event which tries to acquire a mutex. The event locks on the mutex"
create event закачка on schedule every 10 hour do select get_lock("test_lock2", 20);
"Let some time pass to the event starts"
"Should have only 2 processes: the scheduler and the locked event"
select /*2*/ user, host, db, command, state, info from information_schema.processlist where (command!='Daemon' || user='event_scheduler') and (info is null or info not like '%processlist%') order by info;
select /*2*/ user, host, db, command, state, info
from information_schema.processlist
where (info like "select get_lock%" OR user='event_scheduler')
order by info;
user host db command state info
event_scheduler localhost NULL Daemon Waiting for next activation NULL
root localhost events_test Connect User lock select get_lock("test_lock2", 20)
"Release the mutex, the event worker should finish."
"Release the mutex, the event worker should finish."
create event закачка21 on schedule every 10 hour do select get_lock("test_lock2_1", 20);
"Should have only 3 processes: the scheduler, our conn and the locked event"
select /*3*/ user, host, db, command, state, info from information_schema.processlist where (command!='Daemon' || user='event_scheduler') and (info is null or info not like '%processlist%') order by info;
"Should have only 2 processes: the scheduler and the locked event"
select /*3*/ user, host, db, command, state, info
from information_schema.processlist
where (info like "select get_lock%" OR user='event_scheduler')
order by info;
user host db command state info
event_scheduler localhost NULL Daemon Waiting for next activation NULL
root localhost events_test Connect User lock select get_lock("test_lock2_1", 20)
set global event_scheduler=off;
"Should have only our process now:"
select /*4*/ user, host, db, command, state, info from information_schema.processlist where (command!='Daemon' || user='event_scheduler') and (info is null or info not like '%processlist%') order by info;
select /*4*/ user, host, db, command, state, info
from information_schema.processlist
where (info like "select get_lock%" OR user='event_scheduler')
order by info;
user host db command state info
root localhost events_test Connect User lock select get_lock("test_lock2_1", 20)
--echo"Should have only 2 processes: the scheduler and the locked event"
select/*2*/user,host,db,command,state,infofrominformation_schema.processlistwhere(command!='Daemon'||user='event_scheduler')and(infoisnullorinfonotlike'%processlist%')orderbyinfo;--echo"Release the mutex, the event worker should finish."