Commit f081fecd authored by Zardosht Kasheff's avatar Zardosht Kasheff Committed by Yoni Fogel

[t:4097], [t:3971], merge to main

git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@38043 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent ae99991c
......@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@ int toku_verify_brtnode (BRT brt, MSN rootmsn, MSN parentmsn,
void toku_brtheader_free (struct brt_header *h);
int toku_brtheader_close (CACHEFILE cachefile, int fd, void *header_v, char **error_string, BOOL oplsn_valid, LSN oplsn) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
int toku_brtheader_begin_checkpoint (CACHEFILE cachefile, int fd, LSN checkpoint_lsn, void *header_v) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
int toku_brtheader_begin_checkpoint (LSN checkpoint_lsn, void *header_v) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
int toku_brtheader_checkpoint (CACHEFILE cachefile, int fd, void *header_v) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
int toku_brtheader_end_checkpoint (CACHEFILE cachefile, int fd, void *header_v) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
int toku_maybe_upgrade_brt(BRT t) __attribute__((__warn_unused_result__));
......@@ -3667,7 +3667,7 @@ int toku_brt_create_cachetable(CACHETABLE *ct, long cachesize, LSN initial_lsn,
// Create checkpoint-in-progress versions of header and translation (btt) (and fifo for now...).
//Has access to fd (it is protected).
toku_brtheader_begin_checkpoint (CACHEFILE UU(cachefile), int UU(fd), LSN checkpoint_lsn, void *header_v) {
toku_brtheader_begin_checkpoint (LSN checkpoint_lsn, void *header_v) {
struct brt_header *h = header_v;
int r = h->panic;
if (r==0) {
......@@ -3897,7 +3897,7 @@ toku_brtheader_close (CACHEFILE cachefile, int fd, void *header_v, char **malloc
int r2;
r2 = toku_brtheader_begin_checkpoint(cachefile, fd, lsn, header_v);
r2 = toku_brtheader_begin_checkpoint(lsn, header_v);
if (r==0) r = r2;
r2 = toku_brtheader_checkpoint(cachefile, fd, h);
if (r==0) r = r2;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ void toku_cachefile_set_userdata(CACHEFILE cf, void *userdata,
int (*log_suppress_rollback_during_checkpoint)(CACHEFILE, void*),
int (*close_userdata)(CACHEFILE, int, void*, char **/*error_string*/, BOOL, LSN),
int (*checkpoint_userdata)(CACHEFILE, int, void*),
int (*begin_checkpoint_userdata)(CACHEFILE, int, LSN, void*),
int (*begin_checkpoint_userdata)(LSN, void*),
int (*end_checkpoint_userdata)(CACHEFILE, int, void*),
int (*note_pin_by_checkpoint)(CACHEFILE, void*),
int (*note_unpin_by_checkpoint)(CACHEFILE, void*));
......@@ -544,10 +544,6 @@ void toku_cachetable_set_lock_unlock_for_io (CACHETABLE ct, void (*ydb_lock_call
// Effect: When we do I/O we may need to release locks (e.g., the ydb lock). These functions release the lock acquire the lock.
#if 0
int toku_cachetable_local_checkpoint_for_commit(CACHETABLE ct, TOKUTXN txn, uint32_t n, CACHEFILE cachefiles[]);
void cachefile_kibbutz_enq (CACHEFILE cf, void (*f)(void*), void *extra);
// Effect: Add a job to the cachetable's collection of work to do. Note that function f must call remove_background_job()
......@@ -266,8 +266,6 @@ static void *checkpoints(void *arg) {
static int
test_begin_checkpoint (
CACHEFILE UU(cachefile),
int UU(fd),
LSN UU(checkpoint_lsn),
void* UU(header_v))
......@@ -338,38 +338,9 @@ BOOL toku_txn_requires_checkpoint(TOKUTXN txn) {
//Called during a yield (ydb lock NOT held).
static void
local_checkpoints_and_log_xcommit(void *thunk) {
log_xcommit(void *thunk) {
struct xcommit_info *info = thunk;
TOKUTXN txn = info->txn;
#if 0
if (!txn->parent && !toku_list_empty(&txn->checkpoint_before_commit)) {
toku_poll_txn_progress_function(txn, TRUE, TRUE);
//Do local checkpoints that must happen BEFORE logging xcommit
uint32_t num_cachefiles = 0;
uint32_t list_size = 16;
CACHEFILE *cachefiles= NULL;
XMALLOC_N(list_size, cachefiles);
while (!toku_list_empty(&txn->checkpoint_before_commit)) {
struct toku_list *list = toku_list_pop(&txn->checkpoint_before_commit);
struct brt_header *h = toku_list_struct(list,
struct brt_header,
cachefiles[num_cachefiles++] = h->cf;
if (num_cachefiles == list_size) {
list_size *= 2;
XREALLOC_N(list_size, cachefiles);
CACHETABLE ct = toku_cachefile_get_cachetable(cachefiles[0]);
int r = toku_cachetable_local_checkpoint_for_commit(ct, txn, num_cachefiles, cachefiles);
toku_poll_txn_progress_function(txn, TRUE, FALSE);
// not sure how the elements in the list are getting freed, so I am doing this
if (!txn->parent && !toku_list_empty(&txn->checkpoint_before_commit)) {
while (!toku_list_empty(&txn->checkpoint_before_commit)) {
......@@ -400,7 +371,7 @@ int toku_txn_commit_with_lsn(TOKUTXN txn, int nosync, YIELDF yield, void *yieldv
.r = 0,
.txn = txn,
yield(local_checkpoints_and_log_xcommit, &info, yieldv);
yield(log_xcommit, &info, yieldv);
r = info.r;
if (r!=0)
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