Commit f2310057 authored by John H. Embretsen's avatar John H. Embretsen

Merge fix for bug 56817 from mysql-5.1 to mysql-5.5.

parents 2a6e34f2 446dd52c
# Originally created by John Embretsen, 2011-01-26.
# Checks for the existence of Perl modules DBI and DBD::mysql as seen from the
# perl installation used by "external" executable perl scripts, i.e. scripts
# that are executed as standalone scripts interpreted by the perl installation
# specified by the "shebang" line in the top of these scripts.
# If either module is not found, the test will be skipped.
# For use in tests that call perl scripts that require these modules.
# This file is intended to work on Unix. Windows may need different treatment.
# Reasoning:
# - "shebangs" are not relevant on Windows, but need to be handled here.
# - Perl scripts cannot be made executable on Windows, interpreter must be
# specified.
# Note that if there are multiple perl installations and not all have the
# required modules, this check may fail even if the perl in path does have
# the modules available. This may happen if the perl specified by the script's
# shebang (e.g. #!/usr/bin/perl) does not have these modules, and script is
# called without specifying the perl interpreter. However, this will be
# a correct result in cases where a test calls a script with a similar shebang.
--source include/
# We jump through some hoops since there is no direct way to check if an
# external command went OK or not from a mysql-test file:
# - In theory, we could do as simple as "exec perl -MDBI -MDBD::mysql -e 1",
# however we cannot check the result (exit code) from within a test script.
# Also, this may not yield the same result as other uses of perl due to the
# shebang issue mentioned above.
# - Instead we use a separate helper perl script that checks for the modules.
# - If the modules are found, the perl script leaves a file which sets a
# variable that can be read by this file.
# If the modules are not found, the perl script does not set this variable,
# but leaves an empty file instead.
# This is done because there is apparently no direct way to transfer
# information from perl to the test script itself.
# We do not use embedded perl in this script because that would not have yielded
# correct results for a situation where an external Perl script is called like
# "scriptname" instead of "perl scriptname" and the shebang in the script points
# to a specific perl that may be different than the perl in PATH.
# Instead, we call a separate helper script which checks for the modules in its
# own environment. We call it without "perl" in front.
--let $perlChecker= $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data/
--let $resultFile= $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/dbidbd-mysql.txt
# Make the script executable and execute it.
--chmod 0755 $perlChecker
--exec $perlChecker
# Source the resulting temporary file and look for a variable being set.
--source $resultFile
if (!$dbidbd) {
--skip Test needs Perl modules DBI and DBD::mysql
# Clean up
--remove_file $resultFile
......@@ -4,12 +4,26 @@
--source include/
--source include/
--source include/
# Fail the test if the mysqlhotcopy script is missing.
# If the tool's location changes, must be updated to
# reflect this (look for "MYSQLHOTCOPY").
die due to missing mysqlhotcopy tool;
# NOTE (johnemb, 2011-01-26):
# In this test mysqlhotcopy (a perl script) is executed as a standalone
# executable, i.e. not necessarily using the perl interpreter in PATH,
# because that is how the documentation demonstrates it.
# We include above so that the test will
# be skipped if Perl modules required by the mysqlhotcopy tool are not
# found when the script is run this way.
let $MYSQLD_DATADIR= `SELECT @@datadir`;
# Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
# of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# This perl script checks for availability of the Perl modules DBI and
# DBD::mysql using the "current" perl interpreter.
# Useful for test environment checking before testing executable perl scripts
# in the MySQL Server distribution.
# NOTE: The "shebang" on the first line of this script should always point to
# /usr/bin/perl, so that we can use this script to check whether or not we
# support running perl scripts with such a shebang without specifying the
# perl interpreter on the command line. Such a script is mysqlhotcopy.
# When run as "" the shebang line will be evaluated
# and used. When run as "perl" the shebang line is
# not used.
# NOTE: This script will create a temporary file in MTR's tmp dir.
# If modules are found, a mysql-test statement which sets a special
# variable is written to this file. If one of the modules is not found
# (or cannot be loaded), the file will remain empty.
# A test (or include file) which sources that file can then easily do
# an if-check on the special variable to determine success or failure.
# Example:
# --let $perlChecker= $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/std_data/
# --let $resultFile= $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/dbidbd-mysql.txt
# --chmod 0755 $perlChecker
# --exec $perlChecker
# --source $resultFile
# if (!$dbidbd) {
# --skip Test needs Perl modules DBI and DBD::mysql
# }
# The calling script is also responsible for cleaning up after use:
# --remove_file $resultFile
# Windows notes:
# - shebangs may work differently - call this script with "perl " in front.
# See mysql-test/include/ for example use of this script.
# This script should be executable for the user running MTR.
# By using eval inside BEGIN we can suppress warnings and continue after.
# We need to catch "Can't locate" as well as "Can't load" errors.
# Check for DBI module:
$FOUND_DBI=1 if require DBI;
# Check for DBD::mysql module
$FOUND_DBD_MYSQL=1 if require DBD::mysql;
# Open a file to be used for transfer of result back to mysql-test.
# The file must be created whether we write to it or not, otherwise mysql-test
# will complain if trying to source it.
# An empty file indicates failure to load modules.
open(FILE, ">", $ENV{'MYSQL_TMP_DIR'}.'/dbidbd-mysql.txt');
# write a mysql-test command setting a variable to indicate success
print(FILE 'let $dbidbd= FOUND_DBI_DBD-MYSQL;'."\n");
# close the file.
......@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@
lowercase_table3 : Bug#54845 2010-06-30 alik main.lowercase_table3 on Mac OSX
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read_many_rows_innodb : Bug#37635 2010-11-15 mattiasj report already exists
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