Commit f3604c2d authored by Jim Winstead's avatar Jim Winstead

Check for MEMORY, HEAP, and BLACKHOLE in mysql_convert_table_format when

preventing a change that would result in table data loss. (Bug #27149)

Also updated mysql_convert_table_format to use --engine as the documentation
claimed, and use the engine terminology throughout instead of the obsolete
'table type'.
parent 50877881
......@@ -23,18 +23,18 @@ $opt_help=$opt_version=$opt_verbose=$opt_force=0;
GetOptions("force","help","host=s","password=s","user=s","type=s","verbose","version","socket=s", "port=i") ||
GetOptions("force","help","host=s","password=s","user=s","engine|type=s","verbose","version","socket=s", "port=i") ||
usage($opt_version) if ($#ARGV < 0 || $opt_help || $opt_version);
if (uc($opt_type) eq "HEAP")
if (grep { /^$opt_engine$/i } qw(HEAP MEMORY BLACKHOLE))
print "Converting to type HEAP would delete your tables; aborting\n";
print "Converting to '$opt_engine' would delete your data; aborting\n";
......@@ -76,14 +76,15 @@ foreach $table (@ARGV)
$sth=$dbh->prepare("show table status like '$table'");
if ($sth->execute && ($row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref))
if (uc($row->[1]) eq uc($opt_type))
if (uc($row->[1]) eq uc($opt_engine))
print "$table is already of type $opt_type; Ignored\n";
print "$table already uses the '$opt_engine' engine; Ignored\n";
print "converting $table\n" if ($opt_verbose);
if (!$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $table ENGINE=$opt_type"))
$table=~ s/`/``/g;
if (!$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE `$table` ENGINE=$opt_engine"))
print STDERR "Can't convert $table: Error $DBI::errstr\n";
exit(1) if (!$opt_force);
......@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ sub usage
print <<EOF;
Conversion of a MySQL tables to other table types.
Conversion of a MySQL tables to other storage engines
Usage: $0 database [tables]
If no tables has been specifed, all tables in the database will be converted.
......@@ -113,9 +114,12 @@ Conversion of a MySQL tables to other table types.
Continue even if there is some error.
--help or --Information
Shows this help
Converts tables to the given storage engine (Default: $opt_engine)
--host='host name' (Default $opt_host)
Host name where the database server is located.
......@@ -128,10 +132,6 @@ Conversion of a MySQL tables to other table types.
Socket to connect with.
Converts tables to the given table type (Default: $opt_type)
MySQL 3.23 supports at least the BDB, ISAM and MYISAM types.
User name to log into the SQL server.
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