Commit f465ec8c authored by Vladislav Vaintroub's avatar Vladislav Vaintroub

Lets pretend that WolfSSL does not support AES-CTR

In Wolfcrypt, output length after CTR encryption is not the same
as input length. This is different from openssl and this makes unit test
aes-t fail.

So disable CTR for now.
parent 88b7926f
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ MACRO (MYSQL_USE_BUNDLED_SSL)
SET(HAVE_ERR_remove_thread_state ON CACHE INTERNAL "wolfssl doesn't have ERR_remove_thread_state")
SET(HAVE_EncryptAes128Ctr ON CACHE INTERNAL "wolfssl does support AES-CTR")
SET(HAVE_EncryptAes128Ctr OFF CACHE INTERNAL "wolfssl does support AES-CTR, but differently from openssl")
SET(HAVE_EncryptAes128Gcm OFF CACHE INTERNAL "wolfssl does not support AES-GCM")
SET(HAVE_X509_check_host ON CACHE INTERNAL "wolfssl does support X509_check_host")
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