Commit f685b6f0 authored by Joerg Bruehe's avatar Joerg Bruehe

Fix Bug#55015

  "MySQL server is not restarted properly after RPM upgrade"

The problem is that with the general spec file cleanup and
alignment we also did a name change, dropping the "-community"
part from the package file name.

As a result of this, RPM (some versions of it) will report
file conflicts, because it considers this name difference
to imply different packages.
To avoid this, the spec file explicitly "obsoletes" the old
packages (with "-community" in the file name).

Now, RPM will first install these packages and the remove the
old ones, and part of that removal is running the "%preun"
section which stops the server and uninstalls the service
(removes the symlinks to "/etc/init.d/mysql" from the run
level directories).
This stop/uninstall will affect the new server!

The fix is to define a "%triggerpostun" in this spec file
which will watch for removal of the "-community" server.
If this is done (as part of this install/upgrade), the
trigger code will re-install the service and restart the
server process.

In addition, the "sleep" calls after starting the server
have been cleaned up: Rather than doing 2* "sleep 2",
it is now 1 "sleep 5".
parent 81d0c5ac
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
%define mysqld_group mysql
%define mysqldatadir /var/lib/mysql
%define release 1
%define release 2
# Macros we use which are not available in all supported versions of RPM
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Summary: MySQL: a very fast and reliable SQL database server
Group: Applications/Databases
Requires: %{distro_requires}
Provides: msqlormysql mysql-server mysql MySQL MySQL-server
Obsoletes: MySQL mysql mysql-server MySQL-server
Obsoletes: MySQL mysql mysql-server MySQL-server MySQL-server-community
%description -n MySQL-server%{product_suffix}
The MySQL(TM) software delivers a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user,
......@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ package "MySQL-client%{product_suffix}" as well!
%package -n MySQL-client%{product_suffix}
Summary: MySQL - Client
Group: Applications/Databases
Obsoletes: mysql-client MySQL-client
Obsoletes: mysql-client MySQL-client MySQL-client-community
Provides: mysql-client MySQL-client
%description -n MySQL-client%{product_suffix}
......@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ Requires: MySQL-client%{product_suffix} perl
Summary: MySQL - Test suite
Group: Applications/Databases
Provides: mysql-test
Obsoletes: mysql-bench mysql-test
Obsoletes: mysql-bench mysql-test MySQL-test-community
AutoReqProv: no
%description -n MySQL-test%{product_suffix}
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ For a description of MySQL see the base MySQL RPM or
Summary: MySQL - Development header files and libraries
Group: Applications/Databases
Provides: mysql-devel
Obsoletes: mysql-devel
Obsoletes: mysql-devel MySQL-devel-community
%description -n MySQL-devel%{product_suffix}
This package contains the development header files and libraries necessary
......@@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ For a description of MySQL see the base MySQL RPM or
%package -n MySQL-shared%{product_suffix}
Summary: MySQL - Shared libraries
Group: Applications/Databases
Obsoletes: MySQL-shared-community
%description -n MySQL-shared%{product_suffix}
This package contains the shared libraries (*.so*) which certain languages
......@@ -345,7 +346,7 @@ and applications need to dynamically load and use MySQL.
Summary: MySQL - embedded library
Group: Applications/Databases
Requires: MySQL-devel%{product_suffix}
Obsoletes: mysql-embedded
Obsoletes: mysql-embedded MySQL-embedded-community
%description -n MySQL-embedded%{product_suffix}
This package contains the MySQL server as an embedded library.
......@@ -521,6 +522,9 @@ rm -f $RBR%{_mandir}/man1/make_win_bin_dist.1*
%pre -n MySQL-server%{product_suffix}
# ATTENTION: Parts of this are duplicated in the "triggerpostun" !
# Check if we can safely upgrade. An upgrade is only safe if it's from one
# of our RPMs in the same version family.
......@@ -669,6 +673,9 @@ if [ -x %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql ] ; then
%post -n MySQL-server%{product_suffix}
# ATTENTION: Parts of this are duplicated in the "triggerpostun" !
......@@ -697,12 +704,12 @@ if [ ! -d $mysql_datadir/test ] ; then mkdir $mysql_datadir/test; fi
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: This still needs to be debated. Should we check whether these links
# for the other run levels exist(ed) before the upgrade?
# use insserv for older SuSE Linux versions
if [ -x /sbin/insserv ] ; then
/sbin/insserv %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql
# use chkconfig on Enterprise Linux and newer SuSE releases
elif [ -x /sbin/chkconfig ] ; then
if [ -x /sbin/chkconfig ] ; then
/sbin/chkconfig --add mysql
# use insserv for older SuSE Linux versions
elif [ -x /sbin/insserv ] ; then
/sbin/insserv %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -783,12 +790,9 @@ if [ "$SERVER_TO_START" = "true" ] ; then
# Restart in the same way that mysqld will be started normally.
if [ -x %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql ] ; then
%{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql start
echo "Giving mysqld 2 seconds to start"
sleep 2
echo "Giving mysqld 5 seconds to start"
sleep 5
# Allow mysqld_safe to start mysqld and print a message before we exit
sleep 2
# Collect an upgrade history ...
......@@ -797,7 +801,7 @@ echo >> $STATUS_FILE
echo "=====" >> $STATUS_FILE
mv -f $STATUS_FILE ${STATUS_FILE}-LAST # for "triggerpostun"
#echo "Thank you for installing the MySQL Community Server! For Production
......@@ -808,17 +812,26 @@ rm $STATUS_FILE
%preun -n MySQL-server%{product_suffix}
# Which '$1' does this refer to? Fedora docs have info:
# " ... a count of the number of versions of the package that are installed.
# Action Count
# Install the first time 1
# Upgrade 2 or higher (depending on the number of versions installed)
# Remove last version of package 0 "
if [ $1 = 0 ] ; then
# Stop MySQL before uninstalling it
if [ -x %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql ] ; then
%{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql stop > /dev/null
# Remove autostart of MySQL
# For older SuSE Linux versions
if [ -x /sbin/insserv ] ; then
/sbin/insserv -r %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql
# use chkconfig on Enterprise Linux and newer SuSE releases
elif [ -x /sbin/chkconfig ] ; then
if [ -x /sbin/chkconfig ] ; then
/sbin/chkconfig --del mysql
# For older SuSE Linux versions
elif [ -x /sbin/insserv ] ; then
/sbin/insserv -r %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql
......@@ -826,6 +839,56 @@ fi
# We do not remove the mysql user since it may still own a lot of
# database files.
%triggerpostun -n MySQL-server%{product_suffix} --MySQL-server-community
# Setup: We renamed this package, so any existing "server-community"
# package will be removed when this "server" is installed.
# Problem: RPM will first run the "pre" and "post" sections of this script,
# and only then the "preun" of that old community server.
# But this "preun" includes stopping the server and uninstalling the service,
# "chkconfig --del mysql" which removes the symlinks to the start script.
# Solution: *After* the community server got removed, restart this server
# and re-install the service.
# For information about triggers in spec files, see the Fedora docs:
# For all details of this code, see the "pre" and "post" sections.
STATUS_FILE=$mysql_datadir/RPM_UPGRADE_MARKER-LAST # Note the difference!
if [ -f $STATUS_FILE ] ; then
# This should never happen, but let's be prepared
if [ -x /sbin/chkconfig ] ; then
/sbin/chkconfig --add mysql
# use insserv for older SuSE Linux versions
elif [ -x /sbin/insserv ] ; then
/sbin/insserv %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql
# Was the server running before the upgrade? If so, restart the new one.
if [ "$SERVER_TO_START" = "true" ] ; then
# Restart in the same way that mysqld will be started normally.
if [ -x %{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql ] ; then
%{_sysconfdir}/init.d/mysql start
echo "Giving mysqld 5 seconds to start"
sleep 5
echo "Trigger 'postun --community' finished at `date`" >> $STATUS_HISTORY
echo "=====" >> $STATUS_HISTORY
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Clean up the BuildRoot after build is done
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -1012,6 +1075,13 @@ fi
# merging BK trees)
* Wed Aug 11 2010 Joerg Bruehe <>
- With a recent spec file cleanup, names have changed: A "-community" part was dropped.
Reflect that in the "Obsoletes" specifications.
- Add a "triggerpostun" to handle the uninstall of the "-community" server RPM.
- This fixes bug#55015 "MySQL server is not restarted properly after RPM upgrade".
* Tue Jun 15 2010 Joerg Bruehe <>
- Change the behaviour on installation and upgrade:
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