Commit f6f53c84 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Remove the hack to let lex_hash.h depend on it's tool and not the sources

parent 97552787
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ INCLUDES = @ZLIB_INCLUDES@ \
SUBDIRS = share
libexec_PROGRAMS = mysqld
noinst_PROGRAMS = gen_lex_hash
EXTRA_PROGRAMS = gen_lex_hash
bin_PROGRAMS = mysql_tzinfo_to_sql
SUPPORTING_LIBS = $(top_builddir)/vio/libvio.a \
......@@ -149,10 +149,11 @@ link_sources:
mysql_tzinfo_to_sql.o: $(mysql_tzinfo_to_sql_SOURCES)
# FIXME seems like now "lex_hash.h" differs depending on configure
# flags, so can't pregenerate and include in source TAR. Revert to
# dist pregenerated if this changes, so the file doesn't differ.
lex_hash.h: gen_lex_hash$(EXEEXT)
# This generates lex_hash.h
# NOTE Built sources should depend on their sources not the tool
# this avoid the rebuild of the built files in a source dist
lex_hash.h: lex.h
$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) gen_lex_hash$(EXEEXT)
./gen_lex_hash$(EXEEXT) > $@-t
$(MV) $@-t $@
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