Commit fe118d62 authored by's avatar

wl2025 - fix suma & backup

pluse remove "first_batch_size" and instead put
batch_size on next_scan_req
parent 1965bb01
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class ScanFragReq {
friend class Dblqh;
STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 13 );
STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 12 );
Uint32 senderData;
......@@ -46,10 +46,9 @@ public:
Uint32 transId1;
Uint32 transId2;
Uint32 clientOpPtr;
Uint32 concurrency;
Uint32 batch_byte_size;
Uint32 first_batch_size;
Uint32 batch_size_rows;
Uint32 batch_size_bytes;
static Uint32 getLockMode(const Uint32 & requestInfo);
static Uint32 getHoldLockFlag(const Uint32 & requestInfo);
static Uint32 getKeyinfoFlag(const Uint32 & requestInfo);
......@@ -176,13 +175,15 @@ class ScanFragNextReq {
friend bool printSCANFRAGNEXTREQ(FILE * output, const Uint32 * theData,
Uint32 len, Uint16 receiverBlockNo);
STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 4 );
STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 6 );
Uint32 senderData;
Uint32 closeFlag;
Uint32 transId1;
Uint32 transId2;
Uint32 batch_size_rows;
Uint32 batch_size_bytes;
......@@ -3324,7 +3324,6 @@ Backup::execBACKUP_FRAGMENT_REQ(Signal* signal)
req->requestInfo = 0;
req->savePointId = 0;
req->tableId = table.tableId;
//ScanFragReq::setConcurrency(req->requestInfo, parallelism);
ScanFragReq::setLockMode(req->requestInfo, 0);
ScanFragReq::setHoldLockFlag(req->requestInfo, 0);
ScanFragReq::setKeyinfoFlag(req->requestInfo, 1);
......@@ -3332,6 +3331,8 @@ Backup::execBACKUP_FRAGMENT_REQ(Signal* signal)
req->transId1 = 0;
req->transId2 = (BACKUP << 20) + (getOwnNodeId() << 8);
req->clientOpPtr= filePtr.i;
req->batch_size_rows= 16;
req->batch_size_bytes= 0;
sendSignal(DBLQH_REF, GSN_SCAN_FRAGREQ, signal,
ScanFragReq::SignalLength, JBB);
......@@ -3549,8 +3550,7 @@ Backup::OperationRecord::newFragment(Uint32 tableId, Uint32 fragNo)
head->FragmentNo = htonl(fragNo);
head->ChecksumType = htonl(0);
opNoDone = opNoConf = 0;
memset(attrLen, 0, sizeof(attrLen));
opNoDone = opNoConf = opLen = 0;
newRecord(tmp + headSz);
scanStart = tmp;
scanStop = (tmp + headSz);
......@@ -3593,8 +3593,7 @@ Backup::OperationRecord::newScan()
ndbrequire(16 * maxRecordSize < dataBuffer.getMaxWrite());
if(dataBuffer.getWritePtr(&tmp, 16 * maxRecordSize)) {
opNoDone = opNoConf = 0;
memset(attrLen, 0, sizeof(attrLen));
opNoDone = opNoConf = opLen = 0;
scanStart = tmp;
scanStop = tmp;
......@@ -3604,14 +3603,14 @@ Backup::OperationRecord::newScan()
Backup::OperationRecord::scanConf(Uint32 noOfOps, Uint32 opLen[])
Backup::OperationRecord::scanConf(Uint32 noOfOps, Uint32 total_len)
const Uint32 done = opNoDone-opNoConf;
ndbrequire(noOfOps == done);
ndbrequire(memcmp(&attrLen[opNoConf], opLen, done << 2) == 0);
ndbrequire(opLen == total_len);
opNoConf = opNoDone;
const Uint32 len = (scanStop - scanStart);
ndbrequire(len < dataBuffer.getMaxWrite());
......@@ -3652,8 +3651,8 @@ Backup::execSCAN_FRAGCONF(Signal* signal)
c_backupFilePool.getPtr(filePtr, filePtrI);
OperationRecord & op = filePtr.p->operation;
//op.scanConf(conf->completedOps, conf->opReturnDataLen);
op.scanConf(conf->completedOps, conf->total_len);
const Uint32 completed = conf->fragmentCompleted;
if(completed != 2) {
......@@ -3722,6 +3721,8 @@ Backup::checkScan(Signal* signal, BackupFilePtr filePtr)
req->closeFlag = 0;
req->transId1 = 0;
req->transId2 = (BACKUP << 20) + (getOwnNodeId() << 8);
req->batch_size_rows= 16;
req->batch_size_bytes= 0;
sendSignal(DBLQH_REF, GSN_SCAN_NEXTREQ, signal,
ScanFragNextReq::SignalLength, JBB);
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ public:
* Once per scan frag (next) req/conf
bool newScan();
bool scanConf(Uint32 noOfOps, Uint32 opLen[]);
bool scanConf(Uint32 noOfOps, Uint32 opLen);
* Per record
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ public:
Uint32 opNoDone;
Uint32 opNoConf;
Uint32 attrLen[16];
Uint32 opLen;
Uint32* dst;
......@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ Backup::OperationRecord::finished(){
return false;
attrLen[opNoDone] = attrSzTotal + sz_FixedKeys;
opLen += attrSzTotal + sz_FixedKeys;
scanStop = dst = (Uint32 *)dst_VariableData;
......@@ -532,16 +532,21 @@ public:
SCAN = 1,
COPY = 2
UintR scan_acc_op_ptr[32];
Uint32 scan_acc_index;
Uint32 scan_acc_attr_recs;
UintR scanApiOpPtr;
UintR scanLocalref[2];
Uint32 scan_batch_len;
Uint32 batch_size;
Uint32 first_batch_size;
Uint32 batch_byte_size;
Uint32 m_max_batch_size_rows;
Uint32 m_max_batch_size_bytes;
Uint32 m_curr_batch_size_rows;
Uint32 m_curr_batch_size_bytes;
bool check_scan_batch_completed() const;
UintR copyPtr;
union {
Uint32 nextPool;
......@@ -559,8 +564,6 @@ public:
UintR scanAccPtr;
UintR scanAiLength;
UintR scanCompletedOperations;
UintR scanConcurrentOperations;
UintR scanErrorCounter;
UintR scanLocalFragid;
UintR scanSchemaVersion;
......@@ -2231,7 +2234,6 @@ private:
Uint32 get_acc_ptr_from_scan_record(ScanRecord*, Uint32, bool);
void set_acc_ptr_in_scan_record(ScanRecord*, Uint32, Uint32);
void i_get_acc_ptr(ScanRecord*, Uint32*&, Uint32);
bool check_scan_batch_completed(ScanRecord*);
void removeTable(Uint32 tableId);
void sendLCP_COMPLETE_REP(Signal* signal, Uint32 lcpId);
......@@ -2933,9 +2935,13 @@ public:
Dblqh::check_scan_batch_completed(ScanRecord* scanP)
Dblqh::ScanRecord::check_scan_batch_completed() const
return (scanP->scanCompletedOperations == scanP->scanConcurrentOperations) ||
(scanP->scan_batch_len >= scanP->batch_byte_size);
Uint32 max_rows = m_max_batch_size_rows;
Uint32 max_bytes = m_max_batch_size_bytes;
return (max_rows > 0 && (m_curr_batch_size_rows >= max_rows)) ||
(max_bytes > 0 && (m_curr_batch_size_bytes >= max_bytes));
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -9264,7 +9264,8 @@ void Dbtc::execSCAN_NEXTREQ(Signal* signal)
nextReq->closeFlag = ZFALSE;
nextReq->transId1 = apiConnectptr.p->transid[0];
nextReq->transId2 = apiConnectptr.p->transid[1];
nextReq->batch_size_bytes= scanP->batch_byte_size;
ScanFragList running(c_scan_frag_pool, scanP->m_running_scan_frags);
ScanFragList delivered(c_scan_frag_pool, scanP->m_delivered_scan_frags);
for(Uint32 i = 0 ; i<len; i++){
......@@ -9278,6 +9279,8 @@ void Dbtc::execSCAN_NEXTREQ(Signal* signal)
scanFragptr.p->m_ops = 0;
nextReq->senderData = scanFragptr.i;
nextReq->batch_size_rows= scanFragptr.p->scanFragConcurrency;
sendSignal(scanFragptr.p->lqhBlockref, GSN_SCAN_NEXTREQ, signal,
ScanFragNextReq::SignalLength, JBB);
......@@ -9487,10 +9490,9 @@ void Dbtc::sendScanFragReq(Signal* signal,
req->savePointId = apiConnectptr.p->currSavePointId;
req->transId1 = apiConnectptr.p->transid[0];
req->transId2 = apiConnectptr.p->transid[1];
req->concurrency= scanFragP->scanFragConcurrency;
req->clientOpPtr = scanFragP->m_apiPtr;
req->batch_byte_size= scanP->batch_byte_size;
req->first_batch_size= scanP->first_batch_size;
req->batch_size_rows= scanFragP->scanFragConcurrency;
req->batch_size_bytes= scanP->batch_byte_size;
sendSignal(scanFragP->lqhBlockref, GSN_SCAN_FRAGREQ, signal,
ScanFragReq::SignalLength, JBB);
......@@ -1880,7 +1880,6 @@ SumaParticipant::SyncRecord::nextScan(Signal* signal){
req->tableId = tabPtr.p->m_tableId;
req->requestInfo = 0;
req->savePointId = 0;
//ScanFragReq::setConcurrency(req->requestInfo, parallelism);
ScanFragReq::setLockMode(req->requestInfo, 0);
ScanFragReq::setHoldLockFlag(req->requestInfo, 0);
ScanFragReq::setKeyinfoFlag(req->requestInfo, 0);
......@@ -1889,12 +1888,11 @@ SumaParticipant::SyncRecord::nextScan(Signal* signal){
req->schemaVersion = tabPtr.p->m_schemaVersion;
req->transId1 = 0;
req->transId2 = (SUMA << 20) + (suma.getOwnNodeId() << 8);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i<parallelism; i++){
//req->clientOpPtr[i] = (ptrI << 16) + (i + 1);
req->clientOpPtr = (ptrI << 16) + (i + 1);
suma.sendSignal(DBLQH_REF, GSN_SCAN_FRAGREQ, signal, 25, JBB);
req->clientOpPtr = (ptrI << 16);
req->batch_size_rows= 16;
req->batch_size_bytes= 0;
suma.sendSignal(DBLQH_REF, GSN_SCAN_FRAGREQ, signal,
ScanFragReq::SignalLength, JBB);
signal->theData[0] = ptrI;
signal->theData[1] = 0;
......@@ -1996,6 +1994,8 @@ SumaParticipant::execSUB_SYNC_CONTINUE_CONF(Signal* signal){
req->closeFlag = 0;
req->transId1 = 0;
req->transId2 = (SUMA << 20) + (getOwnNodeId() << 8);
req->batch_size_rows = 16;
req->batch_size_bytes = 0;
sendSignal(DBLQH_REF, GSN_SCAN_NEXTREQ, signal,
ScanFragNextReq::SignalLength, JBB);
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