1. 11 May, 2017 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      Fix wrong value of JSON column · 1c88b9a8
      Olivier Bertrand authored
      When null and the column is NOT NULL the value was not reset.
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
      Fix converting bstr_t string to set error message
        modified:   storage/connect/domdoc.cpp
      Fix MDEV-12768: -Wformat-overflow compile warnings
        modified:   storage/connect/global.h
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/plugutil.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabvct.cpp
      Typo (in external_lock)
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
      Remove some warnings
        modified:   storage/connect/odbconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp
      Add MEM_RESERVE flag to virtualAlloc
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbutl.cpp
      Fix MDEV-12573:
      Accept=1 may show incorrect value for NULL column in CONNECT TBL
        modified:   storage/connect/tabutil.cpp
      Fix wrong setting of key size when greater than 2G
       modified:   storage/connect/xindex.cpp
      Fixing MDEV-12149: compile errors on Windows with /Zc:strictStrings
      Introduce typedef PCSZ and replace PSZ by it where it matters
      All done on CONNECT but compile still fails because of an included system file
        modified:   storage/connect/array.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/catalog.h
        modified:   storage/connect/colblk.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/colblk.h
        modified:   storage/connect/connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/domdoc.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/domdoc.h
        modified:   storage/connect/filamdbf.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamdbf.h
        modified:   storage/connect/filamfix.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamgz.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamtxt.h
        modified:   storage/connect/filamvct.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamvct.h
        modified:   storage/connect/filamzip.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamzip.h
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.h
        modified:   storage/connect/jdbccat.h
        modified:   storage/connect/jdbconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/jdbconn.h
        modified:   storage/connect/json.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/json.h
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.h
        modified:   storage/connect/libdoc.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/macutil.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/myconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/myutil.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/myutil.h
        modified:   storage/connect/odbccat.h
        modified:   storage/connect/odbconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/odbconn.h
        modified:   storage/connect/os.h
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbsem.h
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbutl.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/plgxml.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/plgxml.h
        modified:   storage/connect/plugutil.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/preparse.h
        modified:   storage/connect/reldef.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/reldef.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabext.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabext.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfix.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfix.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfmt.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfmt.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjdbc.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjdbc.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.h
        modified:   storage/connect/table.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmac.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmul.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmul.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmysql.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabodbc.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabodbc.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabpivot.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabpivot.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabsys.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabsys.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabutil.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabutil.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabvir.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabvir.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabwmi.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabwmi.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabxml.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabxml.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabzip.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabzip.h
        modified:   storage/connect/valblk.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/valblk.h
        modified:   storage/connect/value.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/value.h
        modified:   storage/connect/xindex.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/xobject.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/xobject.h
        modified:   storage/connect/xtable.h
      Fix MDEV-12603 Insert replaces values in ZIP file
        modified:   storage/connect/filamzip.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamzip.h
      Fix MDEV-12686 Handle null in json
      Fix MDEV-12688 Insert does not handle type TINYINT
        modified:   storage/connect/json.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
      Fix MDEV-12653 Cannot add index for ZIP CONNECT table
        modified:   storage/connect/filamzip.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfmt.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/xindex.cpp
  2. 05 May, 2017 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      Fix MDEV-12603 Insert replaces values in ZIP file · 531698e0
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        modified:   storage/connect/filamzip.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamzip.h
      Fix MDEV-12686 Handle null in json
      Fix MDEV-12688 Insert does not handle type TINYINT
        modified:   storage/connect/json.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
  3. 04 May, 2017 1 commit
  4. 03 May, 2017 2 commits
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      Disable json tests · 6525dc63
      Olivier Bertrand authored
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      Fix MDEV-12587 MariaDB CONNECT DIR Type · 1de6440a
      Olivier Bertrand authored
       - Subfolder Option: SELECT Query Never Ends
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmul.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmul.h
      Work on MDEV-12667 Crash when using JSON tables
        modified:   storage/connect/connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.h
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbutl.cpp
      Change Base offset for DIR tables on Linux
        modified:   storage/connect/reldef.cpp
  5. 29 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  6. 22 Apr, 2017 1 commit
  7. 28 Mar, 2017 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      Fix crash when a line is not ended by \n. · 3ac35bb0
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        modified:   storage/connect/filamap.cpp
      Add specifying a password when reading zipped tables.
        modified:   storage/connect/filamzip.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamzip.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.h
      Try Vaintroub suggestion
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/jdbc.test
  8. 18 Mar, 2017 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      Fix MDEV-12220: Crash when doing UPDATE or DELETE on an external · 5de5daa7
      Olivier Bertrand authored
      table (ODBC, JDBC, MYSQL) with a WHERE clause on an indexed column.
      Also fix a bugs in TDBEXT::MakeCommand (use of uninitialised Quote)
      Add in this function the eventual Schema (database) prefixing.
        modified:   storage/connect/connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/tabext.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjdbc.h
  9. 11 Mar, 2017 1 commit
  10. 06 Mar, 2017 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      Fix MDEV-12142 crash when creating CSV table · 92d283c0
      Olivier Bertrand authored
      Was an unprepared longjmp (now throw)
      Also fix a wrong calculation of To_Line sometimes causing a crash
      because of buffer overflow.
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.cpp
      Fix a wrong setting of USER for JDBC tables in connect_assisted_discovery.
      Update jdbc_new.test after that fix, which changed errors.
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/jdbc_new.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/jdbc_new.test
      Make using try/catch/throw the default option
        modified:   storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
        modified:   storage/connect/xindex.cpp
      Replace setjmp-longjmp's by try_catch-throw
        modified:   storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
        modified:   storage/connect/array.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/blkfil.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/colblk.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/filamtxt.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamvct.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filter.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/global.h
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/jdbconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/json.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/odbconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/osutil.c
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbutl.cpp
        deleted:    storage/connect/plugutil.c
        added:      storage/connect/plugutil.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfix.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfmt.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjdbc.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjdbc.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmul.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmul.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabodbc.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabodbc.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabpivot.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabsys.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabvct.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabvir.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabxml.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/valblk.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/value.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/xindex.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/xobject.cpp
  11. 02 Mar, 2017 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      Update version number and date · b2956b2a
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
      Add conditional SE exception support
        modified:   storage/connect/json.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbutl.cpp
      Change %p in %x in some sprintf functions.
      This to avoid some compiler warnings.
        modified:   storage/connect/tabwmi.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabxml.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/value.h
      Add JavaWrappers.jar to the class path
        modified:   storage/connect/jdbconn.cpp
      Fix wrong declare (char *buf[256]; --> char  buf[256];)
        modified:   storage/connect/xindex.cpp
  12. 24 Feb, 2017 1 commit
  13. 16 Feb, 2017 1 commit
  14. 17 Jan, 2017 1 commit
  15. 25 Dec, 2016 1 commit
  16. 24 Dec, 2016 1 commit
  17. 23 Dec, 2016 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      Fix some XML table type bugs: · e6b563f8
      Olivier Bertrand authored
      - in DOMNODELIST::DropItem
        if (Listp == NULL || Listp->length <= n)
          return true;
      is wrong, should be:
        if (Listp == NULL || Listp->length < n)
          return true;
      - Crash in discovery with libxml2 in XMLColumns because:
                  if (!tdp->Usedom)    // nl was destroyed
                    vp->nl = vp->pn->GetChildElements(g);
      is executed with vp->pn uninitialized. Fixed by adding:
                vp->pn = node;
      line 264.
      -In discovery with libxml2 some columns are not found.
      Because list was not recovered properly, nodes being modified and not reallocated.
      Fixed lines 214 and 277.
        modified:   storage/connect/domdoc.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabxml.cpp
      Add support for zipped table files
        modified:   storage/connect/domdoc.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/domdoc.h
        modified:   storage/connect/filamap.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamap.h
        modified:   storage/connect/filamzip.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamzip.h
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/libdoc.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbutl.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/plgxml.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/plgxml.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfmt.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabxml.cpp
  18. 19 Dec, 2016 1 commit
    • Marko Mäkelä's avatar
      MDEV-11602 InnoDB leaks foreign key metadata on DDL operations · 9f863a15
      Marko Mäkelä authored
      Essentially revert MDEV-6759, which addressed a double free of memory
      by removing the freeing altogether, introducing the memory leaks.
      No double free was observed when running the test suite -DWITH_ASAN.
      Replace some mem_heap_free(foreign->heap) with dict_foreign_free(foreign)
      so that the calls can be located and instrumented more easily when needed.
  19. 14 Dec, 2016 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - MDEV-11295: developing handling files contained in ZIP file. · 95230650
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        Enable using multiple zip files
        modified:   storage/connect/filamzip.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.h
        modified:   storage/connect/mycat.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfmt.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
  20. 12 Dec, 2016 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - MDEV-11295: developing handling files contained in ZIP file. · d44723e6
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        A first experimental and limited implementation.
        modified:   storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
        modified:   storage/connect/filamap.cpp
        new file:   storage/connect/filamzip.cpp
        new file:   storage/connect/filamzip.h
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        new file:   storage/connect/ioapi.c
        new file:   storage/connect/ioapi.h
        modified:   storage/connect/mycat.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbsem.h
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbutl.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfmt.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfmt.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.h
        new file:   storage/connect/tabzip.cpp
        new file:   storage/connect/tabzip.h
        new file:   storage/connect/unzip.c
        new file:   storage/connect/unzip.h
        new file:   storage/connect/zip.c
  21. 10 Dec, 2016 1 commit
    • Vicențiu Ciorbaru's avatar
      MDEV-11533: Roles with trailing white spaces are not cleared correctly · eb4f2e06
      Vicențiu Ciorbaru authored
      Role names with trailing whitespaces are truncated in length as of
      956e92d9 to fix MDEV-8609. The problem
      is that the code that creates role mappings expects the string to be null
      Add the null terminator to account for that as well. In the future
      the rest of the code can be cleaned up to never assume c style strings
      but only LEX_STRINGS.
  22. 09 Dec, 2016 1 commit
  23. 08 Dec, 2016 2 commits
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar
      MDEV-10713: signal 11 error on multi-table update - crash in... · 03dabfa8
      Sergei Golubchik authored
      MDEV-10713: signal 11 error on multi-table update - crash in handler::increment_statistics or in make_select or assertion failure pfs_thread == ((PFS_thread*) pthread_getspecific((THR_PFS)))
      Different fix. Don't allow Item_func_sp to be evaluated unless
      all tables are prelocked.
      Extend the test case to make sure Item_func_sp::val_str is called
      (the table must have at least one row for that).
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar
      Revert "MDEV-10713: signal 11 error on multi-table update - crash in... · ab65db6d
      Sergei Golubchik authored
      Revert "MDEV-10713: signal 11 error on multi-table update - crash in handler::increment_statistics or in make_select or assertion failure pfs_thread == ((PFS_thread*) pthread_getspecific((THR_PFS)))"
      This reverts commit 035a5ac6.
      Two minor problems and one regression:
      1. caching the value in str_result. Other Item methods may use it,
         destroying the cache. See, for example, Item::save_in_field, where
         str_result is moved to use a local buffer (this failed main.grant)
      2. Item_func_conv_charset::safe is now set too late, it's initialized
         only in val_str() but checked before that, this failed many tests
         in optimized builds.
      to fix 1 - use tmp_result instead of str_result, to fix 2, use
      the else branch in the Item_func_conv_charset constructor to set
      safe purely from charset properties.
      But this introduces a regression, constant strings can no longer be
      converted, say, from utf8 to latin1 (because 'safe' will be false).
      This fails few tests too. There is no way to fix it without reverting
      the commit and converting constants, as before, in the constructor.
  24. 07 Dec, 2016 6 commits
  25. 06 Dec, 2016 5 commits
  26. 05 Dec, 2016 2 commits
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar
      MDEV-10293 'setupterm' was not declared in this scope · 18cdff67
      Sergei Golubchik authored
      Check for readline before checking for curses headers, because
      MYSQL_CHECK_READLINE fails when curses is not found, but
      CHECK_INCLUDE_FILES simply remembers the fact and continues.  So if
      there's no curses, MYSQL_CHECK_READLINE will abort, the user will then
      installs curses and continue the build. Thus, CHECK_INCLUDE_HEADERS
      will remember that there is no curses, but other checks from
      MYSQL_CHECK_READLINE will remember that curses are there. It will
      result in inconsistent HAVE_xxx defines.
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar
  27. 04 Dec, 2016 2 commits