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  1. 06 May, 2011 4 commits
    • Alexander Nozdrin's avatar
      Preliminary patch for Bug#11848763 / 60025 · 52efe3e0
      Alexander Nozdrin authored
      (SUBSTRING inside a stored function works too slow).
        - THD classes derives from Query_arena, thus inherits the 'state'
          attribute and related operations (is_stmt_prepare() & co).
        - Although these operations are available in THD, they must not
          be used. THD has its own attribute to point to the active
          Query_arena -- stmt_arena.
        - So, instead of using thd->is_stmt_prepare(),
          thd->stmt_arena->is_stmt_prepare() must be used. This was the root
          cause of Bug 60025.
      This patch enforces the proper way of calling those operations.
      is_stmt_prepare() & co are declared as private operations
      in THD (thus, they are hidden from being called on THD instance).
      The patch tries to minimize changes in 5.5.
    • Magnus Blåudd's avatar
      Add --with-debug=full support to BUILD/* scripts, this option has been lost · 167d2896
      Magnus Blåudd authored
      between 5.1 and 5.5, it's purpose is to set the compiler flags in a way that
      does not optimize away the call stack(i.e don't use any -OX flags at all)
    • Magnus Blåudd's avatar
      Merge in patch for bug 12380149 · 5b141170
      Magnus Blåudd authored
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge from mysql-5.5.12-release · db4c6f56
      unknown authored
  2. 05 May, 2011 6 commits
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#12354268 · 6875f4df
      Luis Soares authored
      Automerge from mysql-5.1 into mysql-5.5.
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#12354268 · 902e64da
      Luis Soares authored
      Automerged bzr bundle from bug report:
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#11762616: BUG#55229: 'POSTION' · a85150c3
      Luis Soares authored
      Manual merge from mysql-5.1 into mysql-5.5.
      Text conflict in mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_row_until.test
      Text conflict in sql/handler.h
      Text conflict in storage/archive/
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#11762616: BUG#55229: 'POSTION' · 8a08fd43
      Luis Soares authored
      Fix for all "postion" in Oracle files (s/postion/position). 
      Updated the copyright notices where needed.
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#12425924 · f2fa3015
      Luis Soares authored
      Automerging cset into latest mysql-5.5.
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      Luis Soares authored
      If setting --start-position to start after the FD event, mysqlbinlog
      will output an error stating that it has not found an FD event.
      However, its not that mysqlbinlog does not find it but rather that it
      does not processes it in the regular way (i.e., it does not print it).
      Given that one is using --base64-output=DECODE-ROWS then not printing
      it is actually fine.
      To fix this, we make mysqlbinlog not to complain when it has not
      printed the FD event, is outputing in base64, but is decoding the
  3. 04 May, 2011 5 commits
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      Luis Soares authored
      There are a couple of valgrind warnings in 5.5 codebase, that
      do not exist in 5.6. The root cause was found and fixed in 5.6
      codebase before (BUG#11763880 and BUG#11763879), but the patches
      were only pushed to 5.6.
      To fix it in 5.5, we cherrypicked the csets from 5.6 and merged 
      them in 5.5.
    • Alexander Nozdrin's avatar
      Manual merge from mysql-5.1. · e7dc2b0a
      Alexander Nozdrin authored
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      Automerged (cherrypicked) cset from 5.6: · 7d719a9c
      Luis Soares authored
      This takes care of valgrind warnings in 5.5 that exhibit
      the same trace as in BUG#11763879 (BUG#56649).
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      Automerged (cherrypicked) cset from 5.6: · 843f3816
      Luis Soares authored
      This takes care of valgrind warnings in 5.5 that exhibit
      the same trace as in BUG#11763880 (BUG#56650).
    • Alexander Nozdrin's avatar
      Patch for Bug#12394306: the sever may crash if mysql.event is corrupted. · 16f26d2a
      Alexander Nozdrin authored
      The problem was that wrong structure of mysql.event was not detected and
      the server continued to use wrongly-structured data.
      The fix is to check the structure of mysql.event after opening before
      any use. That makes operations with events more strict -- some operations
      that might work before throw errors now. That seems to be Ok.
      Another side-effect of the patch is that if mysql.event is corrupted,
      unrelated DROP DATABASE statements issue an SQL warning about inability
      to open mysql.event table. 
  4. 03 May, 2011 2 commits
  5. 02 May, 2011 5 commits
  6. 30 Apr, 2011 1 commit
  7. 29 Apr, 2011 15 commits
  8. 28 Apr, 2011 2 commits
    • Rafal Somla's avatar
      BUG#11879051: FIRST REPLY LENGTH LIMIT (255) CAN BE VIOLATED · 4eebae08
      Rafal Somla authored
      BEFORE: First packet sent by client-side plugin (generated by Windows
      function InitializeSecurityContext()) could be longer than 255 bytes 
      violating the limitation imposed by authentication protocol.
      AFTER: Handshake protocol is  changed so that if first client's reply is 
      longer than 254 bytes then  it is be sent in 2 parts. However, for replies
      shorter than 255 bytes nothing changes.
      - The generic packet processing loop  (Handshake::packet_processing_loop) 
      has been refactored. Communication with the peer has been abstracted
      into virtual methods read/write_packet() which are implemented in client 
      and server and transparently do the required splitting and gluing of packets.
      - Make it possible to optionally use dbug library in the plugin.
      - Add code for testing splitting of long first client reply.
    • Rafal Somla's avatar
      Bug#11766631 (59780) - Move the client authentication_windows plugin · c8e48ac3
      Rafal Somla authored
      into the server repository
      This patch adds client windows authentication plugin code to the client 
      library libmysql (only on Windows platform). The plugin is compiled into 
      the library and added to the list of built-in plugins. This way clients 
      should be able to connect to a server which uses windows authentication 
      plugin even as an SQL user which uses such authentication.
      Note: this makes the client library to depend on Secur32 Windows system
      library. When building clients, they must be linked against Secur32. 
      Command mysql_config --libs correctly lists Secur32 as a required 