An error occurred fetching the project authors.
- 07 Oct, 2003 1 commit
unknown authored
Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB Tell explicitly that InnoDB should retrieve all columns in CHECKSUM TABLE,, my_base.h: More descriptive flag name HA_EXTRA_RETRIEVE_ALL_COLS include/my_base.h: More descriptive flag name HA_EXTRA_RETRIEVE_ALL_COLS sql/ More descriptive flag name HA_EXTRA_RETRIEVE_ALL_COLS sql/ More descriptive flag name HA_EXTRA_RETRIEVE_ALL_COLS sql/ Tell explicitly that InnoDB should retrieve all columns in CHECKSUM TABLE sql/ Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB sql/ Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB sql/ Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB sql/ Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB sql/ Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB sql/ha_innodb.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/btr0btr.ic: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/btr0pcur.ic: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/data0type.ic: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/dyn0dyn.ic: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/fut0lst.ic: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/log0log.ic: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/mach0data.ic: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/mtr0log.ic: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/rem0rec.ic: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/ut0byte.ic: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/ut0ut.ic: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/buf0buf.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/buf0lru.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/buf0rea.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/data0type.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/db0err.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/dict0boot.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/dict0dict.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/dict0load.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/dict0mem.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/fil0fil.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/fsp0fsp.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/ibuf0ibuf.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/lock0lock.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/log0log.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/log0recv.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/os0file.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/page0page.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/que0types.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/rem0rec.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/srv0srv.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/srv0start.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/sync0sync.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/trx0sys.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/ut0byte.h: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/include/univ.i: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/btr/btr0cur.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/btr/btr0sea.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/buf/buf0buf.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/buf/buf0flu.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/buf/buf0lru.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/buf/buf0rea.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/data/data0type.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/dict/dict0boot.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/dict/dict0crea.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/dict/dict0dict.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/dict/dict0load.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/dict/dict0mem.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/fil/fil0fil.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/fsp/fsp0fsp.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/ha/ha0ha.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/ibuf/ibuf0ibuf.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/log/log0log.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/log/log0recv.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/mach/mach0data.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/mem/mem0dbg.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/mem/mem0pool.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/mtr/mtr0log.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/os/os0file.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/os/os0proc.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/page/page0cur.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/que/que0que.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/row/row0ins.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/row/row0mysql.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/row/row0sel.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/row/row0upd.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/srv/srv0srv.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/srv/srv0start.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/sync/sync0rw.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/sync/sync0sync.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/trx/trx0sys.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/trx/trx0trx.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/trx/trx0undo.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/ut/ut0byte.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB innobase/ut/ut0ut.c: Multiple tablespaces for InnoDB
- 30 Jul, 2002 1 commit
unknown authored
Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log sql/ha_innobase.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log sql/ Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/buf/buf0buf.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/dict/dict0dict.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/fil/fil0fil.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/fsp/fsp0fsp.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/ha/ha0ha.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/include/dict0dict.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/include/dict0mem.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/include/dyn0dyn.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/include/fsp0fsp.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/include/log0log.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/include/log0recv.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/include/trx0sys.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/include/trx0trx.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/include/log0log.ic: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/lock/lock0lock.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/log/log0log.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/log/log0recv.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/mem/mem0dbg.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/row/row0mysql.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/srv/srv0srv.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/srv/srv0start.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/trx/trx0sys.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log innobase/trx/trx0trx.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.52c; improve AUTO-INC algorithm with SHOW TABLE STATUS; new checksum in log
- 21 Mar, 2002 1 commit
unknown authored
Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/btr/btr0btr.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/btr/btr0cur.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/btr/btr0sea.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/buf/buf0buf.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/buf/buf0flu.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/dict/dict0dict.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/dict/dict0load.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/fil/fil0fil.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/fsp/fsp0fsp.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/include/buf0flu.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/include/dict0dict.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/include/fil0fil.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/include/fsp0fsp.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/include/log0log.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/include/log0recv.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/include/mem0mem.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/include/os0file.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/include/row0mysql.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/include/srv0srv.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/include/srv0start.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/include/trx0sys.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/include/ut0byte.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/include/ut0rnd.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/include/ut0ut.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/log/log0log.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/log/log0recv.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/mem/mem0mem.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/os/os0file.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/rem/rem0cmp.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/row/row0ins.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/row/row0mysql.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/row/row0sel.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/row/row0upd.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/srv/srv0srv.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/srv/srv0start.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/trx/trx0sys.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/ut/ut0mem.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 innobase/ut/ut0ut.c: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 sql/ Merge InnoDB-3.23.50 sql/ha_innobase.h: Merge InnoDB-3.23.50
- 04 Aug, 2001 1 commit
unknown authored
srv0start.c Support raw disk partitions as data files srv0srv.c Support raw disk partitions as data files row0purge.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes row0row.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes row0sel.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes row0uins.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes row0umod.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes row0undo.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes row0upd.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes srv0srv.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes srv0start.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes sync0rw.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes sync0sync.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes trx0purge.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes trx0rec.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes trx0sys.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes btr0btr.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes btr0cur.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes buf0buf.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes buf0flu.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes buf0rea.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes data0data.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes fil0fil.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes fsp0fsp.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes ibuf0ibuf.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes lock0lock.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes log0log.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes log0recv.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes os0file.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes page0cur.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes pars0pars.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes rem0cmp.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes rem0rec.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes row0ins.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes row0mysql.c < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes univ.i < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes data0data.ic < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes mach0data.ic < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes rem0rec.ic < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes row0upd.ic < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes trx0rec.ic < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes rem0cmp.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes rem0rec.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes row0ins.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes row0mysql.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes row0row.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes row0upd.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes srv0srv.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes sync0sync.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes trx0rec.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes trx0sys.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes trx0types.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes trx0undo.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes ut0dbg.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes ut0ut.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes btr0btr.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes btr0cur.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes buf0buf.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes buf0flu.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes data0data.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes dict0mem.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes fil0fil.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes fsp0fsp.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes os0file.h < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/btr0btr.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/btr0cur.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/buf0buf.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/buf0flu.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/data0data.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/dict0mem.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/fil0fil.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/fsp0fsp.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/os0file.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/rem0cmp.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/rem0rec.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/row0ins.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/row0mysql.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/row0row.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/row0upd.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/sync0sync.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/trx0rec.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/trx0sys.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/trx0types.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/trx0undo.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/ut0dbg.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/ut0ut.h: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/data0data.ic: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/mach0data.ic: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/rem0rec.ic: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/row0upd.ic: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/trx0rec.ic: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/include/univ.i: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/btr/btr0btr.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/btr/btr0cur.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/buf/buf0buf.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/buf/buf0flu.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/buf/buf0rea.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/data/data0data.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/fil/fil0fil.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/fsp/fsp0fsp.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/ibuf/ibuf0ibuf.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/lock/lock0lock.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/log/log0log.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/log/log0recv.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/os/os0file.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/page/page0cur.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/pars/pars0pars.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/rem/rem0cmp.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/rem/rem0rec.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/row/row0ins.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/row/row0mysql.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/row/row0purge.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/row/row0row.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/row/row0sel.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/row/row0uins.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/row/row0umod.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/row/row0undo.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/row/row0upd.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/sync/sync0rw.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/sync/sync0sync.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/trx/trx0purge.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/trx/trx0rec.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/trx/trx0sys.c: < 4 GB rows, doublewrite, hang fixes innobase/srv/srv0srv.c: Support raw disk partitions as data files innobase/srv/srv0start.c: Support raw disk partitions as data files innobase/include/srv0srv.h: Support raw disk partitions as data files
- 17 Feb, 2001 1 commit
unknown authored
Docs/manual.texi: Added Innobase documentation Incremented version include/my_base.h: Added option for Innobase myisam/mi_check.c: cleanup mysql-test/t/bdb.test: cleanup mysql-test/t/innobase.test: Extended with new tests from bdb.test mysql-test/t/merge.test: Added test of SHOW create mysys/my_init.c: Fix for UNIXWARE 7 scripts/ Always write how to start mysqld scripts/ Fixed type sql/ Update to new version sql/ha_innobase.h: Update to new version sql/handler.h: Added 'update_table_comment()' and 'append_create_info()' sql/ Fixes for Innobase sql/ Fixes for Innobase sql/ Append create information (for MERGE tables) sql/ Fixes for Innobase