1. 20 Oct, 2006 3 commits
  2. 19 Oct, 2006 12 commits
  3. 18 Oct, 2006 2 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge mysql.com:/data0/bk/mysql-5.0 · df594b54
      unknown authored
      into  mysql.com:/data0/bk/mysql-5.0-kt
    • unknown's avatar
      BUG#23175 - MYISAM crash/repair failed during repair · 48e84fb9
      unknown authored
      Repair table could crash a server if there is not sufficient
      memory (myisam_sort_buffer_size) to operate. Affects not only
      repair, but also all statements that use create index by sort:
      repair by sort, parallel repair, bulk insert.
      Return an error if there is not sufficient memory to store at
      least one key per BUFFPEK.
      Also fixed memory leak if thr_find_all_keys returns an error.
        maxbuffer is number of BUFFPEK-s for repair. It is calculated
        as records / keys. keys is number of keys that can be stored
        in memory (myisam_sort_buffer_size). There must be sufficient
        memory to store both BUFFPEK-s and keys. It was checked
        correctly before this patch. However there is another
        requirement that wasn't checked: there must be sufficient
        memory for at least one key per BUFFPEK, otherwise repair
        by sort/parallel repair cannot operate.
        Return an error if there is not sufficient memory to store at
        least one key per BUFFPEK.
        Also fixed memory leak if thr_find_all_keys returns an error.
        A test case for BUG#23175.
        A test case for BUG#23175.
  4. 17 Oct, 2006 10 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge epotemkin@bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-5.0-opt · 2a951698
      unknown authored
      into  sunlight.local:/local_work/14959-bug-5.0-opt-mysql
    • unknown's avatar
      sql_rename.cc: · fc075268
      unknown authored
        Cleanup of fix for bug#14959.
        Cleanup of fix for bug#14959.
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge ibabaev@bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-5.0-opt · d85dfe59
      unknown authored
      into  rurik.mysql.com:/home/igor/mysql-5.0-opt
        Auto merged
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge rurik.mysql.com:/home/igor/mysql-5.0-opt · 88df828b
      unknown authored
      into  rurik.mysql.com:/home/igor/dev-opt/mysql-5.0-opt-bug19579
        Auto merged
        Auto merged
        SCCS merged
    • unknown's avatar
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge bk-internal:/home/bk/mysql-5.0-opt · 964a52b4
      unknown authored
      into  macbook.gmz:/Users/kgeorge/mysql/work/B21798-5.0-opt-merge
        Auto merged
        Auto merged
        Auto merged
        Auto merged
        Auto merged
        merge fixes for bug 21798
        merge fixes for bug 21798
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug#21798: memory leak during query execution with subquery in column · ce5b38bd
      unknown authored
                  list using a function
      When executing dependent subqueries they are re-inited and re-exec() for 
      each row of the outer context.
      The cause for the bug is that during subquery reinitialization/re-execution,
      the optimizer reallocates JOIN::join_tab, JOIN::table in make_simple_join()
      and the local variable in 'sortorder' in create_sort_index(), which is
      allocated by make_unireg_sortorder().
      Care must be taken not to allocate anything into the thread's memory pool
      while re-initializing query plan structures between subquery re-executions.
      All such items mush be cached and reused because the thread's memory pool
      is freed at the end of the whole query.
      Note that they must be cached and reused even for queries that are not 
      otherwise cacheable because otherwise it will grow the thread's memory 
      pool every time a cacheable query is re-executed. 
      We provide additional members to the JOIN structure to store references 
      to the items that need to be cached.
        Bug#21798: memory leak during query execution with subquery in column
                    list using a function
         - test case
        Bug#21798: memory leak during query execution with subquery in column
                    list using a function
         - test case
        Bug#21798: memory leak during query execution with subquery in column
                    list using a function
         - cache the entities allocated in the threads memory pool by
           JOIN::exec ().
        Bug#21798: memory leak during query execution with subquery in column
                    list using a function
         - cache the SORT_ORDER, TABLE * and JOIN_TAB allocated in the thread's 
           memory pool by JOIN::exec ().
        Bug#21798: memory leak during query execution with subquery in column
                    list using a function
         - cache the SORT_ORDER, TABLE * and JOIN_TAB allocated in the thread's 
           memory pool by JOIN::exec ().
        Bug#21798: memory leak during query execution with subquery in column
                    list using a function
         - cache the SORT_ORDER, TABLE * and JOIN_TAB allocated in the thread's 
           memory pool by JOIN::exec ().
        Bug#21798: memory leak during query execution with subquery in column
                    list using a function
         - cache the SORT_ORDER, TABLE * and JOIN_TAB allocated in the thread's 
           memory pool by JOIN::exec ().
        Bug#21798: memory leak during query execution with subquery in column
                    list using a function
         - cache the SORT_ORDER, TABLE * and JOIN_TAB allocated in the thread's 
           memory pool by JOIN::exec ().
    • unknown's avatar
      merge changes becuase of the fix for bug 22367 · eb64c625
      unknown authored
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge bk-internal:/home/bk/mysql-5.0-opt · e2f0c0f9
      unknown authored
      into  macbook.gmz:/Users/kgeorge/mysql/work/B22367-5.0-opt-merge
        Auto merged
        merge of 5.0-opt to 22367
        merge of 5.0-opt to 22367
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-4.1-engines · 92590f86
      unknown authored
      into  chilla.local:/home/mydev/mysql-4.1-bug12240
        Auto merged
  5. 16 Oct, 2006 12 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Fixed bug #19579: at range analysis optimizer did not take into · 93a82420
      unknown authored
      account predicates that become sargable after reading const tables.
      In some cases this resulted in choosing non-optimal execution plans.
      Now info of such potentially saragable predicates is saved in
      an array and after reading const tables we check whether this
      predicates has become saragable.
        Added a test case for bug #19579.
        Added a test case for bug #19579.
        Fixed bug #19579: at range analysis optimizer did not take into 
        account predicates that become sargable after reading const tables.
        Added a counter of between predicates.
        Fixed bug #19579: at range analysis optimizer did not take into 
        account predicates that become sargable after reading const tables.
        Added a counter of between predicates.
        Fixed bug #19579: at range analysis optimizer did not take into 
        account predicates that become sargable after reading const tables.
        Added a counter of between predicates.
        Fixed bug #19579: at range analysis optimizer did not take into 
        account predicates that become sargable after reading const tables.
        Added a counter of between predicates.
        Fixed bug #19579: at range analysis optimizer did not take into 
        account predicates that become sargable after reading const tables.
        Now info of such potentially saragable predicates is saved in
        an array and after reading const tables we check whether this
        predicates has become saragable.
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge gkodinov@bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-5.0-opt · 5207d860
      unknown authored
      into  rakia.(none):/home/kgeorge/mysql/autopush/B22342-5.0-opt
        Auto merged
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug #22342: No results returned for query using max and group by · 1d3a5f57
      unknown authored
       When using index for group by and range access the server isolates    
       a set of ranges based on the conditions over the key parts of the
       index used. Then it uses only the ranges over the GROUP BY fields to
       jump from one group to another. Since the GROUP BY fields may form a
       prefix over the index, we may use only a prefix of the ranges produced
       by the range optimizer.
       Each range contains a notion on whether it includes its border values.
       The problem is that when using a range prefix, the last range is open
       because it assumes that there is a range on the next keypart. Thus when
       we use a prefix range as it is, it excludes all border values.
       The solution is when ignoring the suffix of the range conditions 
       (to jump over the GROUP BY prefix only) the server must change the 
       remaining intervals so they always contain their borders, e.g. 
       if the whole range was :
       (1,-inf) <= (<group_by_col>,<min_max_arg_col>) < (1, 3) we must make
       (1) <= (<group_by_col>) <= (1) because (a,b) < (c1,c2) means :
       a < c1 OR (a = c1 AND b < c2).
        Bug #22342: No results returned for query using max and group by
         - test case
        Bug #22342: No results returned for query using max and group by
         - test case
        Bug #22342: No results returned for query using max and group by
         - open the intervals for prefix select when there are more conditions
           than used for the prefix search.
        Bug #22342: No results returned for query using max and group by
         - open the intervals for prefix select when there are more conditions
           than used for the prefix search.
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-5.0-engines · 098654f5
      unknown authored
      into  chilla.local:/home/mydev/mysql-5.0-bug12240
        Auto merged
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug #22367: Optimizer uses ref join type instead of eq_ref for simple join on · fabcd518
      unknown authored
      MySQL is setting the flag HA_END_SPACE_KEYS for all the keys that reference
      text or varchar columns with collation different than binary.
      This was done to handle correctly the situation where a lookup on such a key
      may return more than 1 row because of the presence of many rows that differ
      only by the amount of trailing space in the table's string column.
      Inserting such values however appears to violate the unique checks on 
      INSERT/UPDATE. Thus that flag must not be set as it will prevent the optimizer
      from choosing a faster access method.
      This fix removes the setting of the HA_END_SPACE_KEYS flag.
        Bug #22367: Optimizer uses ref join type instead of eq_ref for simple join on 
         - disabled HA_END_SPACE_KEY as it's no longer needed
        Bug #22367: Optimizer uses ref join type instead of eq_ref for simple join on 
         - fixed explain in an existing case
        Bug #22367: Optimizer uses ref join type instead of eq_ref for simple join on 
         - fixed explain in an existing case
        Bug #22367: Optimizer uses ref join type instead of eq_ref for simple join on 
         - test case
        Bug #22367: Optimizer uses ref join type instead of eq_ref for simple join on 
         - fixed explain in an existing case
        Bug #22367: Optimizer uses ref join type instead of eq_ref for simple join on 
         - test case
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge bk-internal:/home/bk/mysql-5.0-opt · c15fc8f4
      unknown authored
      into  macbook.gmz:/Users/kgeorge/mysql/work/B14019-5.0-opt
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge update of the fix for bug 14019 in 5.0 · c7c034c5
      unknown authored
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge gkodinov@bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-4.1-opt · 10c15e9f
      unknown authored
      into  rakia.(none):/home/kgeorge/mysql/autopush/B14019-4.1-opt
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge chilla.local:/home/mydev/mysql-4.1-bug12240 · 1907262f
      unknown authored
      into  chilla.local:/home/mydev/mysql-5.0-bug12240
        Bug#12240 - Rows Examined in Slow Log showing incorrect number?
        Manual merge from 4.1.
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge chilla.local:/home/mydev/mysql-4.1--team · 7fce92e4
      unknown authored
      into  chilla.local:/home/mydev/mysql-4.1-bug12240
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge macbook.gmz:/Users/kgeorge/mysql/work/B14019-4.1-opt · f85e990a
      unknown authored
      into  macbook.gmz:/Users/kgeorge/mysql/work/B14019-5.0-opt
        Auto merged
        Auto merged
        Auto merged
        merge 4.1->5.0
        merge 4.1->5.0
    • unknown's avatar
      BUG#14019 : group by converts literal string to column name · a885a6db
      unknown authored
         When resolving unqualified name references MySQL was not
         checking what is the item type for the reference. Thus
         e.g a string literal item that has by convention a name
         equal to its string value will also work as a reference to 
         a SELECT list item or a table field.
         Fixed by allowing only Item_ref or Item_field to referenced by
         (unqualified) name.
        Bug #14019: group by converts literal string to column name
         - removed undeterministic testcase : order by a constant 
           means no order.
        Bug #14019: group by converts literal string to column name
         - test case
        Bug #14019: group by converts literal string to column name
         - removed undeterministic testcase : order by a constant 
           means no order.
        Bug #14019: group by converts literal string to column name
         - test case
        Bug #14019: group by converts literal string to column name
         - resolve unqualified by name refs only for real references
  6. 13 Oct, 2006 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug#14959: ALTER TABLE isn't able to rename a view · 5e587558
      unknown authored
      The mysql_alter_table() was able to rename only a table.
      The view/table renaming code is moved from the function rename_tables 
      to the new function called do_rename().
      The mysql_alter_table() function calls it when it needs to rename a view.
        Added a test case for bug#14959: ALTER TABLE isn't able to rename a view
        Added a test case for bug#14959: ALTER TABLE isn't able to rename a view
        Bug#14959: ALTER TABLE isn't able to rename a view
        Added the prototype of the do_rename() function.
        Bug#14959: ALTER TABLE isn't able to rename a view
        The view/table renaming code is moved from the function rename_tables
        to the new function called do_rename().
        Bug#14959: ALTER TABLE isn't able to rename a view
        Added handling of a view rename to the mysql_alter_table() function.