1. 22 Sep, 2009 1 commit
  2. 17 Sep, 2009 1 commit
  3. 16 Sep, 2009 3 commits
  4. 15 Sep, 2009 2 commits
  5. 13 Sep, 2009 2 commits
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#47016: rpl_do_grant fails on PB-2 with a failing connect · aa123983
      Luis Soares authored
      The test case rpl_do_grant fails sporadically on PB2 with "Access
      denied for user 'create_rout_db'@'localhost' ...". Inspecting the
      test case, one may find that if issues a GRANT on the master
      connection and immediately after it creates two new connections
      (one to the master and one to the slave) using the credentials
      set with the GRANT.
      Unfortunately, there is no synchronization between master and
      slave after the grant and before the connections are
      established. This can result in slave not having executed the
      GRANT by the time the connection is attempted.
      This patch fixes this by deploying a sync_slave_with_master
      between the grant and the connections attempt.
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#47014: rpl_drop_temp fails on PB-2 with results mismatch · c127c5f5
      Luis Soares authored
      The test case creates two temporary tables, then closes the
      connection, waits for it to disconnect, then syncs the slave with
      the master, checks for remaining opened temporary tables on
      slave (which should be 0) and finally drops the used
      database (mysqltest).
      Unfortunately, sometimes, the test fails with one open table on
      the slave. This seems to be caused by the fact that waiting for
      the connection to be closed is not sufficient. The test needs to
      wait for the DROP event to be logged and only then synchronize
      the slave with the master and proceed with the check. This is
      caused by the asynchronous nature of the disconnect wrt
      binlogging of the DROP temporary table statement.
      We fix this by deploying a call to wait_for_binlog_event.inc
      on the test case, which makes execution to wait for the DROP
      temp tables event before synchronizing master and slave.
  6. 11 Sep, 2009 2 commits
    • Mattias Jonsson's avatar
      merge · 8e3562ee
      Mattias Jonsson authored
    • Ramil Kalimullin's avatar
      Fix for bug#47130: misplaced or redundant check for null pointer? · 8b3ff350
      Ramil Kalimullin authored
      Problem: LOGGER::general_log_write() relied on valid "thd" parameter passed
      but had inconsistent "if (thd)" check.
      Fix: as we always pass a valid "thd" parameter to the method, 
      redundant check removed.
        Fix for bug#47130: misplaced or redundant check for null pointer?
          - code clean-up, as we rely on the "thd" parameter in the
        LOGGER::general_log_write(), redundant "if (thd)" check removed, 
        added assert(thd) instead.
  7. 10 Sep, 2009 11 commits
  8. 09 Sep, 2009 5 commits
    • Georgi Kodinov's avatar
      null merge of the 5.0 test cleanup · 401704f2
      Georgi Kodinov authored
    • Joerg Bruehe's avatar
    • Sergey Vojtovich's avatar
      BUG#29203 - archive tables have weird values in show table status · 9024378b
      Sergey Vojtovich authored
      Archive engine returns wrong values for average record length
      and max data length.
      With this fix they're calculated as following:
      - max data length is 2 ^ 63 where large files are supported
        and INT_MAX32 where this is not supported;
      - average record length is data length / records in data file.
        A test case for BUG#29203.
        A test case for BUG#29203.
        Better estimation for average row length and maximal data
        file length.
    • Sergey Vojtovich's avatar
      BUG#45638 - Create temporary table with engine innodb fails · 7bad5a7e
      Sergey Vojtovich authored
      Create temporary InnoDB table fails on case insensitive
      filesystems, when lower_case_table_names is 2 (e.g. OS X)
      and temporary directory path contains upper case letters.
      The problem was that tmpdir prefix was converted to lower
      case when table was created, but was passed as is when
      table was opened.
      Fixed by leaving tmpdir prefix part intact.
        A test case for BUG#45638.
        A test case for BUG#45638.
        A test case for BUG#45638.
        A test case for BUG#45638.
        Fixed get_canonical_filename() to not lowercase filesystem
        path prefix for temporary tables.
    • Georgi Kodinov's avatar
      Bug #45159 Part 1 : rejuvenate the jp test suite using normal run. · 26174449
      Georgi Kodinov authored
      Updates the results of all the out-dated test suites and adds 
      the special mysqltest command to enable innodb for the tests that need it.
  9. 08 Sep, 2009 6 commits
    • Joerg Bruehe's avatar
      Make sure that variables which are (or may be) used · 98ea9cdc
      Joerg Bruehe authored
      in an ".opt" file are defined to some value (even
      if it is empty). Without this, a test suite run
      aborted on Windows for "embedded".
      This fix was applied dusing the build of 5.4.2-beta.
        From the code (function "envsubst()"), it is obvious
        that any variable which is used in an ".opt" file needs
        to be defined.
        If the value is wrong, starting the server may fail -
        but if the variable is undefined, the whole test suite
        will abort.
        So variables which are used in an ".opt" file should
        always be defined to some value, even if it is blank.
        This fix may be overkill, I did not check in detail
        whether all these variables are really used in an ".opt"
        file - but some are.
    • Joerg Bruehe's avatar
      The former "Instance Manager" (program "mysqlmanager") · b4d8134a
      Joerg Bruehe authored
      is not being built in 5.4.2-beta,
      so it cannot be included in a RPM:
      Remove both the program and the man page from the spec file.
      This patch was applied during the build of 5.4.2-beta.
    • Joerg Bruehe's avatar
      Some fixes to make 5.4.2-beta compile on the less common · 3942e1d0
      Joerg Bruehe authored
      platforms like AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris 8.
      All these are upmerges from 5.1 which came too late to be
      included when 5.4.2-beta was cloned, so they were applied
      during the build phase.
    • Joerg Bruehe's avatar
      This is the 5.4 version of the fix for bug#47007 · 52e61da2
      Joerg Bruehe authored
         Unresolved reference to 'innodb_system_libs' in "mysql_config"
      In 5.4.2, we use InnoDB 1.0.4 which does file IO via separate
      threads, opposed to the use of asynchronous IO previously.
      So there is no InnoDB call to "aio_read()" which was searched
      in "librt", causing a "-lrt" value of "innodb_system_libs",
      that whole variable is gone.
      This fix was applied in the build of 5.4.2-beta.
        There is no "innodb_system_libs" variable any more,
        so it cannot be replaced by its value.
        InnoDB does not need any platform-specific libraries any more,
        "innodb_system_libs" may go.
        InnoDB does not need any platform-specific libraries any more,
        "innodb_system_libs" may go.
    • Georgi Kodinov's avatar
      automerge · 0a8e33d3
      Georgi Kodinov authored
    • Alexey Kopytov's avatar
      Automerge. · 4285f4ff
      Alexey Kopytov authored
  10. 07 Sep, 2009 6 commits
    • Martin Hansson's avatar
      Bug#46259: Merge · 7462aff8
      Martin Hansson authored
    • Mikael Ronstrom's avatar
      Automerge · fd432713
      Mikael Ronstrom authored
    • Martin Hansson's avatar
      Bug#46259: 5.0.83 -> 5.1.36, query doesn't work · 83b0fe78
      Martin Hansson authored
      The parser rule for expressions in a udf parameter list contains 
      two hacks: 
      First, the parser input stream is read verbatim, bypassing 
      the lexer.
      Second, the Item::name field is overwritten. If the argument to a
      udf was a field, the field's name as seen by name resolution was
      overwritten this way.
      If the field name was quoted or escaped, it would appear as e.g. "`field`".
      Fixed by not overwriting field names.
        Bug#46259: Test result.
        Bug#46259: Test case.
        Bug#46259: Fix.
    • Mikael Ronstrom's avatar
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug#46010 main.ctype_gbk_binlog fails sporadically : Table 't2' already exists · a63f276a
      unknown authored
      This test case uses mysqlbinlog to dump the content of master-bin.000001,
      but the content of master-bin.000001 is not that this test needs.
      MTR runs a lot of test cases on one server, so when this test starts, the current binlog file
      might not be master-bin.000001, or there are other events are written by tests before.
      'RESET MASTER' command must be called at the begin, it ensures that binlog of this test
      is wrote to master-bin.000001 correctly.  
      Three other tests have the same problem, They were fixed together.
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug#45581 Test rpl_row_sp006_InnoDB fails randomly: Unknown database 'mysqltest1' · 2adb0a6b
      unknown authored
      extra/rpl_tests/rpl_row_sp006.test had changed to fix this bug.
      extra/rpl_tests/rpl_row_sp006.test is also referenced by rpl_ndb_sp006,
      So rpl_row_sp006.result must be changed too.
  11. 05 Sep, 2009 1 commit
    • Alexey Kopytov's avatar
      Bug #46159: simple query that never returns · 7def660a
      Alexey Kopytov authored
      The external 'for' loop in remove_dup_with_compare() handled 
      HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED by just starting over without advancing 
      to the next record which caused an infinite loop. 
      This condition could be triggered on certain data by a SELECT 
      query containing DISTINCT, GROUP BY and HAVING clauses. 
      Fixed remove_dup_with_compare() so that we always advance to 
      the next record when receiving HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED from 
        Added a test case for bug #46159.
        Added a test case for bug #46159.
        Fixed remove_dup_with_compare() so that we always advance to 
        the next record when receiving HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED from 