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  1. 23 Feb, 2011 1 commit
  2. 02 Feb, 2011 1 commit
    • Tor Didriksen's avatar
      Bug #36022 please log more information about "Sort aborted" queries · c711ce67
      Tor Didriksen authored
      Write an additional warning message to the server log, 
      explaining why a sort operation is aborted.
      The output in mysqld.err will look something like:
      110127 15:07:54 [ERROR] mysqld: Sort aborted: Out of memory (Needed 24 bytes)
      110127 15:07:54 [ERROR] mysqld: Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size
      110127 15:07:54 [ERROR] mysqld: Sort aborted: Out of sort memory, consider increasing server sort buffer size
      110127 15:07:54 [ERROR] mysqld: Sort aborted: Incorrect number of arguments for FUNCTION test.f1; expected 0, got 1
      If --log-warn=2 is enabled, we output information about host/user/query as well.
        Update comment for ME_NOREFRESH
        Remove global filtering of "Out of sort memory", let each individual test set it instead.
        New test case.
        Ignore "Out of memory" for this test.
        New test case.
        Ignore "Out of memory" for this test.
        Output an explanation using the error message from the THD Diagnostics_area.
        Do not DBUG_RETURN(function_call_with DBUG_RETURN)
        as it messes up the call stack in the debug output.
        Change error message for "Out of sort memory"
        Remove unused/confusing ERRMAPP macro.
  3. 14 Oct, 2010 1 commit
    • Alexander Nozdrin's avatar
      A patch for Bug#48874 (Test "is_triggers" fails because of wrong charset info). · 650e4c25
      Alexander Nozdrin authored
      The thing is that the following attributes are fixed (remembered) when a trigger
      is created:
        - character_set_client
        - character_set_results
        - collation_connection
      There are two triggers created in mysql-test/include/mtr_warnings.sql.
      They were created using "current default" character set / collation.
      is_triggers.test shows definition of these triggers including recorded
      character set information.
      The problem was that if "current default" changed, the recorded character
      set information was not accurate.
      There might be two ways to fix that:
        a) update is_triggers.test so that it does not put character-set information
           into result-file;
        b) update mtr_warnings.sql so that the triggers are created using
           hard-coded character sets.
      This patch implements option b).
  4. 09 Apr, 2010 1 commit
  5. 23 Feb, 2010 2 commits
  6. 16 Feb, 2010 1 commit
  7. 03 Feb, 2010 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug #50414 valgrind warnings: invalid file descriptor -1 in syscall · 6a402e7c
      unknown authored
      Sometimes stop/restart master or stop/restart salve can cause
      network error, which can cause the 'invalid file descriptor
      -1 in syscall write()/read()' warnings. All involved test
      cases except rpl_slave_load_remove_tmpfile belong to the
      kind of network error. So they are expected.
      The 'rpl_slave_load_remove_tmpfile' belongs to file error,
      but it is testing the file error as following code:
      my_close(fd,MYF(0)); fd= -1; my_delete(fname, MYF(0)););
      So it's expected too.
      To fix the problem, add the valgrind warnings to the global
      suppression list to suppress it.
        Added code to suppress valgrind warnings: invalid file
        descriptor -1 in syscall write()/read().
  8. 09 Dec, 2009 1 commit
    • Jon Olav Hauglid's avatar
      Backport of revno: 2617.68.18 · 0bd57410
      Jon Olav Hauglid authored
      Bug #42147 Concurrent DML and LOCK TABLE ... READ for InnoDB 
                 table cause warnings in errlog
      Concurrent execution of LOCK TABLES ... READ statement and DML statements 
      affecting the same InnoDB table on debug builds of MySQL server might lead 
      to "Found lock of type 6 that is write and read locked" warnings appearing 
      in error log.
      The problem is that the table-level locking code allows a thread to acquire
      TL_READ_NO_INSERT lock on a table even if there is another thread which holds 
      TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE lock on the same table. At the same time, the locking
      code assumes that that such locks are incompatible (for example, see check_locks()).
      This doesn't lead to any problems other than warnings in error log for
      debug builds of server since for InnoDB tables TL_READ_NO_INSERT type of
      lock is only used for LOCK TABLES and for this statement InnoDB also
      performs its own table-level locking.
      Unfortunately, the table lock compatibility matrix cannot be updated to disallow
      TL_READ_NO_INSERT when another thread holds TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE without 
      causing starvation of LOCK TABLE READ in InnoDB under high write load. 
      This patch therefore contains no code changes.
      The issue will be fixed later when LOCK TABLE READ has been updated
      to not use table locks. This bug will therefore be marked as 
      "To be fixed later".
      Code comment in thr_lock.c expanded to clarify the issue and a 
      test case based on the bug description added to innodb_mysql_lock.test.
      Note that a global suppression rule has been added to both MTR v1 and v2
      for the "Found lock of type 6 that is write and read locked" warning.
      These suppression rules must be removed once this bug is properly fixed.
  9. 16 Nov, 2009 1 commit
  10. 12 Nov, 2009 1 commit
  11. 04 Nov, 2009 1 commit
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#47743: rpl.rpl_log_pos fails sporadically · 27028272
      Luis Soares authored
      BUG#47983: rpl_extraColmaster_myisam failed in PB2 with "Found
      BUG 45214 fixed the case when get_master_version_and_clock
      function, used by the slave, would not report errors. The slave
      now detects them and if related to transient network failures, it
      prints some warnings and retries to connect. On the other hand,
      if not network related, it just gives up and fails.
      As such, sometimes, in PB2, the slave comes across some transient
      communication issues between master and slave, while calling
      get_master_version_and_clock, causing warnings print outs to the
      error log. Nevertheless, in such cases slave retries to connect,
      in which it succeeds, and the test case continues as it normally
      would. But then, at the end of a successful test run, MTR checks
      the error log, finds the unexpected warnings and considers them
      harmful. This causes MTR to report error and, consequently, PB2
      to report a failing test.
      We fix this by adding to the global warnings suppress list the
      warnings related to transient network failures only, which are
      reported while in function get_master_version_and_clock.
  12. 24 Sep, 2009 2 commits
  13. 21 Sep, 2009 1 commit
  14. 01 Sep, 2009 1 commit
  15. 25 Aug, 2009 1 commit
  16. 10 Jul, 2009 1 commit
    • Satya B's avatar
      Applying InnoDB snapshot 5.1-ss5488,part 4. Fixes BUG#21704 · 526a42e2
      Satya B authored
      1. BUG#21704 - Renaming column does not update FK definition
      2. Changes in mysql-test/include/mtr_warnings.sql so that the testcase
         for BUG#21704 doesn't fail because of the warnings generated.
      Detailed revision comments:
      r5488 | vasil | 2009-07-09 19:16:44 +0300 (Thu, 09 Jul 2009) | 13 lines
      Fix Bug#21704 Renaming column does not update FK definition
      by checking whether a column that participates in a FK definition is being
      renamed and denying the ALTER in this case.
      The patch was originally developed by Davi Arnaut <Davi.Arnaut@Sun.COM>:
      and was later adjusted to conform to InnoDB coding style by me (Vasil),
      I also added some more comments and moved the bug specific mysql-test to
      a separate file to make it more manageable and flexible.
  17. 27 Jan, 2009 1 commit
    • Magnus Svensson's avatar
      WL#4189 v2 · 377d27b6
      Magnus Svensson authored
       - Make a rough filtering of the servers error log and write
         all suspicious warnings to $error_log.warnings
         The .warnings file is then examined more carefully by check_warnings.test
       - This will speed things up, doing all of this in a server running
         under valgrind takes far too long time.
  18. 26 Jan, 2009 2 commits
    • Magnus Svensson's avatar
      WL#4189 v2 · 0618b836
      Magnus Svensson authored
       - Suppress intentional safemalloc dump warnings
       - add fflush(stdout) to make sure that the "End safemalloc memory dump." marker is flushed.
    • Magnus Svensson's avatar
      WL#4189 v2 · 2bea349b
      Magnus Svensson authored
       - rewrite "check warnings" to be faster by not creating a full join
         between error_log and suspicious_patterns while running REGEXP.
         Instead add a column to error_log that will be set to 1 to indicate
         a warning and run the 6 REGEXP's we have for suspicious lines as
         6 separate full table scans.
       - Remove the "suspicious_patterns" table from mtr db
       - Use 'xykls37' as separator when loading the error log, that line should
         hopefully never exist in a line that should be a warning
  19. 24 Jan, 2009 2 commits
    • Magnus Svensson's avatar v2 · a3185ce7
      Magnus Svensson authored
       - Add name of error log file to the erro log table to get better
         erorr message when warning is found
    • Magnus Svensson's avatar
      WL#4189 v2 · a7e67cba
      Magnus Svensson authored
       - Rewrite "check testcase" to use LOAD DATA INFILE instead of 'load_file'
         in order to speed up the reading of the servers error log.
        Use LOAD DATA to load the servers error log into error_log table and then
        call 'check_warning' stored procedure to filter out any unexpected warnings
  20. 21 Jan, 2009 1 commit
    • He Zhenxing's avatar
      BUG#41653 rpl_innodb_bug30888 fails sporadically on pushbuild: warning in log · b7a66485
      He Zhenxing authored
      In mtr.check_warnings, `text` was declares as type text, which is
      64K, and when the server log grows larger than this, it would be
      truncated, and then check_warnings was actually checking the 
      error messages of a previous test and complain warnings.
      This patch fixed the problem by change the type of `text` to
      mediumtext, which is 16M.
        change the type of `text` to mediumtext
  21. 25 Dec, 2008 1 commit
    • He Zhenxing's avatar
      BUG#40704 main.events_restart fails sporadically in pushbuild: "server has gone away" · 2070da70
      He Zhenxing authored
      mysqltest command 'shutdown_server' is supposed to shutdown the server
      and wait for it to be gone, and kill it when timeout. But because the
      arguments passed to my_kill were in the wrong order, 'shutdown_server'
      does not wait nor kill the server at all. So after 'shutdown_server',
      the server is still running, and the server may still accepting
        Suppress forcing close thread messages when server shuts down
      mysql-test/include/ is not required after fix shutdown_server command
  22. 05 Dec, 2008 1 commit
    • Magnus Svensson's avatar
      Bug#41061 analyze-warnings times out sporadically in pushbuild · db6be73c
      Magnus Svensson authored
        Slice the time the takes to load the servers error log into error_log table
        by using a declared variable instead of user variable.
        Also change the while loop to only do one LOCATE per loop.
        Drop the temporary tables created by sp
  23. 13 Oct, 2008 1 commit
    • Sven Sandberg's avatar
      BUG#39853: lowercase_table3 fails on powermacg5 in rpl tree · 4e09e915
      Sven Sandberg authored
      Problem: during a refactoring of mtr, a pattern for suppressing a warning from lowercase_table3 was lost.
      Fix: re-introduce the suppression.
      Problem 2: suppression was misspelt as supression. Fixed by adding a p.
        fixed spelling error
        fixed spelling error
        fixed spelling error
        fixed spelling error
        fixed spelling error
        fixed spelling error
  24. 04 Sep, 2008 1 commit
  25. 25 Aug, 2008 1 commit
    • Andrei Elkin's avatar
      Bug #36968 rpl_temporary_errors.test produces warning in pushbuild · b7f04d0c
      Andrei Elkin authored
      Backporting fixes to 5.1 from 6.0.
        removing the global rule for deadlock, use per-test intead.
        deploying the expected deadlock error suppression in the test.
        deploying the expected deadlock error suppression in the test.
  26. 09 Aug, 2008 1 commit
  27. 24 Apr, 2008 1 commit
  28. 09 Apr, 2008 2 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Fix return code from check-warnings to indicate if test failed or not. · 52420488
      unknown authored
      No more string matching
        Check return value from check_warnings and call skip if ok
        Improve readability
        Add out parameter for result.
        Increase the max_allowed_packet variable so the load_file works
        even if the server is started with low such value
    • unknown's avatar
      Turn on --check-testcase by default · fc0de68e
      unknown authored
      Don't log check_warnings to binlog
        Change to use a stored pårocedure for check_testcase
        Don't log the check_warning procedure to binlog
        Turn on --check-testcase by default
        New BitKeeper file ``mysql-test/include/mtr_check.sql''
  29. 08 Apr, 2008 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Check warnings in servers error log as part of test case · 2c4ca510
      unknown authored
        Delete: mysql-test/suite/rpl/t/rpl_bug33931-slave.opt
        Set a default name for "log-bin"
        Check for warnings in mysqld error log files after each testcase,
        using SQL
        Make mtr_match into a perl module
        Make mtr_match into a perl module
        Make mtr_match into a perl module
        Print warnings if testcase failed from warnings
        Be more selective which databases and tables are select in the queries
        Update result, mysql_upgrade will check _all_ databases
        Update result, mysql_upgrade should check _all_ databases
        Be more selective which databases and tables are select in the queries
        Backup and restore mysql.proc table
        Be more selective which databases and tables are select in the queries
        Be more selective which databases and tables are select in the queries
        Move the setting of debug flag into the test file instead of in -slave.opt
        Add supression
        Add supression
        Move the setting of debug flag into the test file instead of in -slave.opt
        Add supression
        Add supression
        Be more selective which databases and tables are select in the queries
        Be more selective which databases and tables are select in the queries
        Backup and restore mysql.proc table
        Be more selective which databases and tables are select in the queries
        Be more selective which databases and tables are select in the queries
        New BitKeeper file ``mysql-test/include/check-warnings.test''
        New BitKeeper file ``mysql-test/include/mtr_warnings.sql''