An error occurred fetching the project authors.
  1. 06 Sep, 2013 1 commit
    • Sergey Vojtovich's avatar
      MDEV-4978 - Server cursor is broken with blobs in the select list, · bbc9e579
      Sergey Vojtovich authored
                  ORDER BY does not work
      Use "dynamic" row format (instead of "block") for MARIA internal
      temporary tables created for cursors.
      With "block" row format MARIA may shuffle rows, with "dynamic" row
      format records are inserted sequentially (there are no gaps in data
      file while we fill temporary tables).
      This is needed to preserve row order when scanning materialized cursors.
  2. 12 Jun, 2013 1 commit
  3. 19 Mar, 2013 1 commit
  4. 28 Feb, 2013 1 commit
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar
      revert · cfa94b43
      Sergei Golubchik authored
        committer: Georgi Kodinov <>
        timestamp: Fri 2012-03-09 15:04:49 +0200
          Bug #12408412: GROUP_CONCAT + ORDER BY + INPUT/OUTPUT SAME 
          Moved the preparation of the variables that receive the output from 
          SELECT INTO from execution time (JOIN:execute) to compile time 
          (JOIN::prepare). This ensures that if the same variable is used in the
          SELECT part of SELECT INTO it will be properly marked as non-const
          for this query.
          Test case added.
          Used proper fast iterator.
      a better fix (much smaller and without regressions) is coming from 5.1
  5. 25 Feb, 2013 1 commit
  6. 11 Feb, 2013 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      MDEV-4123 fix. · 3f36dfe3
      unknown authored
      Missed update_used_tables() call for multi-update values.
  7. 24 Jan, 2013 1 commit
  8. 21 Jan, 2013 1 commit
    • Igor Babaev's avatar
      Fixed bug mdev-4063 (bug #56927). · fade3647
      Igor Babaev authored
      This bug could result in returning 0 for the expressions of the form 
      <aggregate_function>(distinct field) when the system variable  
      max_heap_table_size was set to a small enough number.
      It happened because the method Unique::walk() did not support
      the case when more than one pass was needed to merge the trees
      of distinct values saved in an external file.
      Backported a fix in grant_lowercase.test from mariadb 5.5.
  9. 18 Jan, 2013 1 commit
  10. 15 Jan, 2013 1 commit
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar
      remove thd_mark_as_hard_kill() · 750b9147
      Sergei Golubchik authored
      (because it's conceptually wrong. only the user can decide whether the kill is
      allowed to leave tables in the inconsistent state, storage engine has no say in that)
  11. 10 Jan, 2013 1 commit
    • Michael Widenius's avatar
      Fixed some race conditons and bugs related to killed queries · 6e9a48b6
      Michael Widenius authored
      KILL now breaks locks inside InnoDB
      Fixed possible deadlock when running INNODB STATUS
      Added ha_kill_query() and kill_query() to send kill signal to all storage engines
      Added reset_killed() to ensure we don't reset killed state while awake() is getting called
        Added thd_mark_as_hard_kill()
        Added thd_mark_as_hard_kill()
        Added thd_mark_as_hard_kill()
        Added thd_mark_as_hard_kill()
        Added ha_kill_query() to send kill signal to all storage engines
        Added ha_kill_query() and kill_query() to send kill signal to all storage engines
        Use reset_killed()
        use thd->killed instead of thd_killed() to abort on soft kill
        Use reset_killed()
        Fixed possible deadlock in INNODB STATUS by not getting thd->LOCK_thd_data if it's locked.
        Use reset_killed()
        Tell storge engines that KILL has been sent
        Added reset_killed() to ensure we don't reset killed state while awake() is getting called.
        Added mark_as_hard_kill()
        Use reset_killed()
        Simplify detection of killed queries.
        Use reset_killed()
        Use reset_killed()
        Use reset_killed()
        Added innobase_kill_query()
        Fixed error reporting for interrupted queries.
        Added innobase_kill_query()
        Fixed error reporting for interrupted queries.
  12. 20 Nov, 2012 1 commit
    • Nuno Carvalho's avatar
      Nuno Carvalho authored
      When a binlog is replayed into a server, e.g.:
        $ mysqlbinlog binlog.000001 | mysql
      it sets a pseudo slave mode on the client connection in order to server
      be able to read binlog events, there is, a format description event is
      needed to correctly read following events.
      Also this pseudo slave mode applies to the current connection
      replication rules that are needed to correctly apply binlog events.
      If a binlog dump is sourced on a connection, this pseudo slave mode will
      remains after it, what will apply unexpected rules from customer
      perspective to following commands.
      Added a new SET statement to binlog dump that will unset pseudo slave
      mode at the end of dump file.
  13. 07 Nov, 2012 1 commit
    • Praveenkumar Hulakund's avatar
      Bug#14466617 - INVALID WRITES AND/OR CRASH WITH USER · d912a758
      Praveenkumar Hulakund authored
      After executing the query, new value of the user defined
      variables are set in the function "select_dumpvar::send_data".
      "select_dumpvar::send_data" first calls function 
      "Item_func_set_user_var::save_item_result()". This function
      checks the nullness of the Item_field passed as parameter 
      to it and saves it. The nullness of item is stored with 
      arg[0]'s null_value flag. Then "select_dumpvar::send_data" calls
      "Item_func_set_user_var::update()" which notices null 
      result that was saved and calls "Item_func_set_user_var::
      update_hash". But here null_value is not set and args[0]
      is different from that given to function "Item_func_set_user_var::
      set_item_result()". This causes "Item_func_set_user_var::
      update_hash" function to believe that its getting non-null value.
      "user_var_entry::length" set to 0 and hence "user_var_entry::value"
      is made to point to extra_area allocated in "user_var_entry".
      And "Item_func_set_user_var::update_hash" tries to write
      at memory beyond extra_area for result type DECIMAL. Because of 
      this invalid write issue is reported by Valgrind.
      Before this bug was introduced, we avoided this problem by 
      creating "Item_func_set_user_var" object with the same 
      Item_field as arg[0] and as parameter to 
      Item_func_set_user_var::save_item_result(). But now 
      they are refering to different args[0]. Because of this
      null_value flag set in parameter Item_field in function
      "Item_func_set_user_var::save_item_result()" is not
      reflected in "Item_func_set_user_var" object.
      This issue is reported on versions 5.5.24. Issue does not exists
      in 5.5.23, 5.1, 5.6 and trunk.
      This issue was introduced by (fix for
      bug #12408412), which was pushed into 5.5 and later releases. This patch
      has later been reversed in 5.6 and trunk by (fix for
      bug #14664077). Backported this patch in 5.5 also to fix this issue.
        here unsigned value is converted to signed value.
        last_insert_id() gives an auto_incremented value which can be
        positive only,so defined it as a unsigned longlong sets the
        unsigned_flag to 1.
  14. 13 Sep, 2012 1 commit
    • Michael Widenius's avatar
      Added THD::utime_after_query to avoid calling current_utime() twice for every end-of-query · 32e4c7e1
      Michael Widenius authored
      Increment long_query_count also if thd->variables.log_slow_rate_limit is used
      Added new state "Writing to binlog"
        Added THD::utime_after_query to avoid calling current_utime() twice for every end-of-query
        Increment long_query_count also if thd->variables.log_slow_rate_limit is used
        Removed extra calls to thd_proc_info(thd, "logging slow query") and thd->current_utime();
        Added new state "Writing to binlog"
  15. 08 Sep, 2012 1 commit
    • Michael Widenius's avatar
      Added new status variables: · 3a793b9d
      Michael Widenius authored
      Opened_views, Executed_triggers, Executed_events
      Added new process status 'updating status' as part of 'freeing items'
        Test of feature_xxx status variables
        Removed duplicated 'language' variable.
        Test of opened_views
        Write more information on failure
        Test of feature_xxx status variables
        Test of opened_views
        Increment executed_events status variable
        Increment status variable
        Increment status variable
        Increment status variable
        Increment status variable
        Increment status variable
        Add new status variables to 'show status'
        Added executed_events
        Increment status variable
        Add new status variables
        Added new process status 'updating status' as part of 'freeing items'
        Increment status variable
        Increment status variable
        Increment status variable
  16. 22 Aug, 2012 1 commit
  17. 31 Jul, 2012 1 commit
  18. 26 Jun, 2012 1 commit
  19. 28 May, 2012 1 commit
    • Praveenkumar Hulakund's avatar
      Bug#14003080:65104: MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS WITH PROCESSLIST EMPTY · b2c3acc9
      Praveenkumar Hulakund authored
      If server is started with limit of MAX_CONNECTIONS and 
      MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS then only MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS of any particular
      users can be connected to server and total MAX_CONNECTIONS of client can
      be connected to server.
      Server maintains a counter for total CONNECTIONS and total CONNECTIONS 
      from particular user.
      Here, MAX_CONNECTIONS of connections are created to server. Out of this
      MAX_CONNECTIONS, connections from particular user (say USER1) are
      also created. The connections from USER1 is lesser than 
      MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS. After that there was one more connection request from
      USER1. Since USER1 can still create connections as he havent reached
      MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS, server increments counter of CONNECTIONS per user.
      As server already has MAX_CONNECTIONS of connections, next check to total
      CONNECTION count fails. In this case control is returned WITHOUT 
      decrementing the CONNECTIONS per user. So the counter per user CONNECTIONS goes
      on incrementing for each attempt until current connections are closed. 
      And because of this counter per CONNECTIONS reached MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS. 
      So, next connections form USER1 user always returns with MAX_USER_CONNECTION 
      limit error, even when total connection to sever are less than MAX_CONNECTIONS.
      This issue is occurred because of not handling counters properly in the
      server. Changed the code to handle per user connection counters properly.
  20. 23 May, 2012 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Fix bug lp:1001506 · d56f5dae
      unknown authored
      This is a backport of the (unchaged) fix for MySQL bug #11764372, 57197.
      When the outer query finishes its main execution and computes GROUP BY,
      it needs to construct a new temporary table (and a corresponding JOIN) to
      execute the last DISTINCT operation. At this point JOIN::exec calls
      JOIN::join_free, which calls JOIN::cleanup -> TMP_TABLE_PARAM::cleanup
      for both the outer and the inner JOINs. The call to the inner
      TMP_TABLE_PARAM::cleanup sets copy_field = NULL, but not copy_field_end.
      The final execution phase that computes the DISTINCT invokes:
      evaluate_join_record -> end_write -> copy_funcs
      The last function copies the results of all functions into the temp table.
      copy_funcs walks over all functions in join->tmp_table_param.items_to_copy.
      In this case items_to_copy contains both assignments to user variables.
      The process of copying user variables invokes Item_func_set_user_var::check
      which in turn re-evaluates the arguments of the user variable assignment.
      This in turn triggers re-evaluation of the subquery, and ultimately
      However, the previous call to TMP_TABLE_PARAM::cleanup for the subquery
      already set copy_field to NULL but not its copy_field_end. This results
      in a null pointer access, and a crash.
      Set copy_field_end and save_copy_field_end to null when deleting
      copy fields in TMP_TABLE_PARAM::cleanup().
  21. 17 May, 2012 2 commits
    • Gopal Shankar's avatar
      Bug#12636001 : deadlock from thd_security_context · 21faded5
      Gopal Shankar authored
      Threads end-up in deadlock due to locks acquired as described
      con1: Run Query on a table. 
        It is important that this SELECT must back-off while
        trying to open the t1 and enter into wait_for_condition().
        The SELECT then is blocked trying to lock mysys_var->mutex
        which is held by con3. The very significant fact here is
        that mysys_var->current_mutex will still point to LOCK_open,
        even if LOCK_open is no longer held by con1 at this point.
      con2: Try dropping table used in con1 or query some table.
        It will hold LOCK_open and be blocked trying to lock
        kernel_mutex held by con4.
      con3: Try killing the query run by con1.
        It will hold THD::LOCK_thd_data belonging to con1 while
        trying to lock mysys_var->current_mutex belonging to con1.
        But current_mutex will point to LOCK_open which is held
        by con2.
      con4: Get innodb engine status
        It will hold kernel_mutex, trying to lock THD::LOCK_thd_data
        belonging to con1 which is held by con3.
      So while technically only con2, con3 and con4 participate in the
      deadlock, con1's mysys_var->current_mutex pointing to LOCK_open
      is a vital component of the deadlock.
      CYCLE = (THD::LOCK_thd_data -> LOCK_open ->
               kernel_mutex -> THD::LOCK_thd_data)
      LOCK_thd_data has responsibility of protecting,
      1) thd->query, thd->query_length
      2) VIO
      3) thd->mysys_var (used by KILL statement and shutdown)
      4) THD during thread delete.
      Among above responsibilities, 1), 2)and (3,4) seems to be three
      independent group of responsibility. If there is different LOCK
      owning responsibility of (3,4), the above mentioned deadlock cycle
      can be avoid. This fix introduces LOCK_thd_kill to handle
      responsibility (3,4), which eliminates the deadlock issue.
      Note: The problem is not found in 5.5. Introduction MDL subsystem 
      caused metadata locking responsibility to be moved from TDC/TC to
      MDL subsystem. Due to this, responsibility of LOCK_open is reduced. 
      As the use of LOCK_open is removed in open_table() and 
      mysql_rm_table() the above mentioned CYCLE does not form.
      Revision ID for changes,
      open_table() =
      mysql_rm_table() =
    • unknown's avatar
      Fix for bug lp:944706, task MDEV-193 · da521483
      unknown authored
      The patch enables back constant subquery execution during
      query optimization after it was disabled during the development
      of MWL#89 (cost-based choice of IN-TO-EXISTS vs MATERIALIZATION).
      The main idea is that constant subqueries are allowed to be executed
      during optimization if their execution is not expensive.
      The approach is as follows:
      - Constant subqueries are recursively optimized in the beginning of
        JOIN::optimize of the outer query. This is done by the new method
        JOIN::optimize_constant_subqueries(). This is done so that the cost
        of executing these queries can be estimated.
      - Optimization of the outer query proceeds normally. During this phase
        the optimizer may request execution of non-expensive constant subqueries.
        Each place where the optimizer may potentially execute an expensive
        expression is guarded with the predicate Item::is_expensive().
      - The implementation of Item_subselect::is_expensive has been extended
        to use the number of examined rows (estimated by the optimizer) as a
        way to determine whether the subquery is expensive or not.
      - The new system variable "expensive_subquery_limit" controls how many
        examined rows are considered to be not expensive. The default is 100.
      In addition, multiple changes were needed to make this solution work
      in the light of the changes made by MWL#89. These changes were needed
      to fix various crashes and wrong results, and legacy bugs discovered
      during development.
  22. 20 Apr, 2012 1 commit
    • Andrei Elkin's avatar
      BUG#11754117 incorrect logging of INSERT into auto-increment · 49e484c8
      Andrei Elkin authored
      BUG#11761686 insert_id event is not filtered.
      Two issues are covered.
      INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key 
      is unsafe by autoincrement logging design. The case is specific to MyISAM engine
      because Innodb does not allow such table definition.
      However no warnings and row-format logging in the MIXED mode was done, and
      that is fixed.
      Int-, Rand-, User-var log-events were not filtered along with their parent
      query that made possible them to screw up execution context of the following
      Fixed with deferring their execution until the parent query.
      Post review fixes.
        a new result file is added.
        results updated.
        regression test for BUG#11754117-45670 is added.
        regression test for filtering issue of BUG#11754117 - 45670 is added.
        Logics are added for deferring and executing events associated 
        with the Query event.
        Interface to deferred events batch execution is added.
        initialization for new RLI members is added.
        New members to RLI are added to facilitate deferred events gathering
        and execution control;
        two general character RLI cleanup methods are constructed.
        Deferred_log_events methods are difined.
        A new class Deferred_log_events is defined to implement
        IRU events gathering, execution and cleanup.
        Necessary changes to initialize `rli->deferred_events' and prevent
        deferred event deletion in the main read-exec branch.
        A new safe-check function for multi-part pk with auto-increment is defined
        and deployed in lock_tables().
        Initialization for a new member and replication cleanups are added
        to THD class.
        THD class receives a new member to hold a specific execution
        context for slave applier.
        Execution of the deferred event in started prior to its parent query.
  23. 11 Mar, 2012 1 commit
  24. 09 Mar, 2012 1 commit
    • Georgi Kodinov's avatar
      Bug #12408412: GROUP_CONCAT + ORDER BY + INPUT/OUTPUT SAME · bc7d8dc6
      Georgi Kodinov authored
      Moved the preparation of the variables that receive the output from 
      SELECT INTO from execution time (JOIN:execute) to compile time 
      (JOIN::prepare). This ensures that if the same variable is used in the
      SELECT part of SELECT INTO it will be properly marked as non-const
      for this query.
      Test case added.
      Used proper fast iterator.
  25. 28 Feb, 2012 1 commit
  26. 25 Feb, 2012 1 commit
    • Igor Babaev's avatar
      Fixed LP bug #939009. · 841a74a4
      Igor Babaev authored
      The result of materialization of the right part of an IN subquery predicate
      is placed into a temporary table. Each row of the materialized table is
      distinct. A unique key over all fields of the temporary table is defined and
      created. It allows to perform key look-ups into the table.
      The table created for a materialized subquery can be accessed by key as
      any other table. The function best_access-path search for the best access
      to join a table to a given partial join. With some where conditions this
      function considers a possibility of a ref_or_null access. If such access
      employs the unique key on the temporary table then when estimating
      the cost this access the function tries to use the array rec_per_key. Yet,
      such array is not built for this unique key. This causes a crash of the server.
      Rows returned by the subquery that contain nulls don't have to be placed
      into temporary table, as they cannot be match any row produced by the
      left part of the subquery predicate. So all fields of the temporary table
      can be defined as non-nullable. In this case any ref_or_null access
      to the temporary table does not make any sense and it does not make sense
      to estimate such an access.
      The fix makes sure that the temporary table for a materialized IN subquery
      is defined with columns that are all non-nullable. The also ensures that 
      any row with nulls returned by the subquery is not placed into the
      temporary table.  
  27. 22 Feb, 2012 2 commits
  28. 16 Feb, 2012 2 commits
  29. 24 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  30. 23 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  31. 13 Jan, 2012 1 commit
  32. 18 Dec, 2011 1 commit
  33. 12 Dec, 2011 1 commit
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar
      after merge changes: · 2ccf247e
      Sergei Golubchik authored
      * rename all debugging related command-line options
        and variables to start from "debug-", and made them all
        OFF by default.
      * replace "MySQL" with "MariaDB" in error messages
      * "Cast ... converted ... integer to it's ... complement"
        is now a note, not a warning
      * @@query_cache_strip_comments now has a session scope,
        not global.
  34. 08 Dec, 2011 1 commit
  35. 02 Dec, 2011 1 commit
  36. 28 Nov, 2011 1 commit
  37. 22 Nov, 2011 1 commit