1. 31 Aug, 2020 1 commit
    • Andrei Elkin's avatar
      MDEV-16372 ER_BASE64_DECODE_ERROR upon replaying binary log via mysqlbinlog --verbose · caa35f8e
      Andrei Elkin authored
      (This commit is for 10.3 and upper branches)
      In case of a pattern of non-STMT_END-marked Rows-log-event (A) followed by
      a STMT_END marked one (B) mysqlbinlog mixes up the base64 encoded rows events
      with their pseudo sql representation produced by the verbose option:
            BINLOG '
              base64 encoded data for A
              ### verbose section for A
              base64 encoded data for B
              ### verbose section for B
      In effect the produced BINLOG '...' query is not valid and is rejected with the error.
      Examples of this way malformed BINLOG could have been found in binlog_row_annotate.result
      that gets corrected with the patch.
      The issue is fixed with introduction an auxiliary IO_CACHE to hold on the verbose
      comments until the terminal STMT_END event is found. The new cache is emptied
      out after two pre-existing ones are done at that time.
      The correctly produced output now for the above case is as the following:
            BINLOG '
              base64 encoded data for A
              base64 encoded data for B
              ### verbose section for A
              ### verbose section for B
      Thanks to Alexey Midenkov for the problem recognition and attempt to tackle,
      and to Venkatesh Duggirala who produced a patch for the upstream whose
      idea is exploited here, as well as to MDEV-23077 reporter LukeXwang who
      also contributed a piece of a patch aiming at this issue.
  2. 31 Jul, 2020 1 commit
  3. 22 Jul, 2020 2 commits
    • Ian Gilfillan's avatar
      Code comment spellfixes · d2982331
      Ian Gilfillan authored
    • Sujatha's avatar
      MDEV-23108: Point in time recovery of binary log fails when sql_mode=ORACLE · c86accc7
      Sujatha authored
      During point in time recovery of binary log syntax error is reported for
      BEGIN statement and recovery fails.
      In MariaDB 10.3 and later, setting the sql_mode system variable to Oracle
      allows the server to understand a subset of Oracle's PL/SQL language. When
      sql_mode=ORACLE is set, it switches the parser from the MariaDB parser to
      Oracle compatible parser. With this change 'BEGIN' is not considered as
      'START TRANSACTION'. Hence the syntax error is reported.
      At preset 'BEGIN' query is generated from 'Gtid_log_event::print'. The current
      session specific 'sql_mode' information is not present as part of
      'Gtid_log_event'. If it was available then, mysqlbinlog tool can make use of
      'sql_mode == ORACLE' and can output "START TRANSACTION" in this particular
      mode and for other sql_modes it will write "BEGIN" as part of output. Since it
      is not available 'mysqlbinlog' tool will output all 'BEGIN' statements as
      'START TRANSACTION' irrespective of 'sql_mode'.
  4. 15 May, 2020 1 commit
    • Monty's avatar
      Fixed bugs found by valgrind · 277aa85c
      Monty authored
      Other things:
      - Removed innodb_encryption_tables.test from valgrind as it
        takes a REALLY long time
  5. 27 Apr, 2020 1 commit
    • Marko Mäkelä's avatar
      MDEV-22203: WSREP_ON is unnecessarily expensive to evaluate · 6be05ceb
      Marko Mäkelä authored
      This is a backport of the applicable part of
      commit 93475aff and
      commit 2c39f69d
      from 10.4.
      Before 10.4 and Galera 4, WSREP_ON is a macro that points to
      a global Boolean variable, so it is not that expensive to
      evaluate, but we will add an unlikely() hint around it.
      WSREP_ON_NEW: Remove. This macro was introduced in
      commit c863159c
      when reverting WSREP_ON to its previous definition.
      We replace some use of WSREP_ON with WSREP(thd), like it was done
      in 93475aff. Note: the macro
      WSREP() in 10.1 is equivalent to WSREP_NNULL() in 10.4.
      Item_func_rand::seed_random(): Avoid invoking current_thd
      when WSREP is not enabled.
  6. 17 Mar, 2020 1 commit
    • Marko Mäkelä's avatar
      MDEV-10570: Fix -Wmaybe-uninitialized · 89698cef
      Marko Mäkelä authored
      Rows_log_event::change_to_flashback_event(): Reduce the scope
      of the variable swap_buff2, and do not duplicate conditions.
      GCC 9.3.0 flagged the -Wmaybe-uninitialized when compiling the
      10.5 branch using cmake -DWITH_ASAN=ON -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-O2
  7. 23 Feb, 2020 1 commit
    • seppo's avatar
      MDEV-21723 Async slave thread BF abort and replaying fixes (#1448) · 4618c974
      seppo authored
      If async replication slave thread conflicts with cluster replication,
      then the async slave transaction should be BF aborted, and depending on the
      state of async slave transaction execution, potentially also replayed.
      There were problems in such BF abort implementation and the replaying was not
      This pull request contains fixes which make sure that if async slave thread is
      marked to abort and replay, it will complete carry out the rollback and
      release all locks and resources before starting the replaying. After replaying,
      async slave transactions is treated as successful, so the slave thread will
      continue as usual, handling next replication event.
      There is also new mtr test: galera.galera_slave_replay, which stresses both a
      certification failure for async slave thread and a successful BF abort
      followed by replaying.
  8. 24 Jan, 2020 1 commit
    • Sujatha's avatar
      MDEV-21490: binlog tests fail with valgrind: Conditional jump or move depends... · 599a0609
      Sujatha authored
      MDEV-21490: binlog tests fail with valgrind: Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value in sql_ex_info::init
      P1) Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
          sql_ex_info::init(char const*, char const*, bool) (log_event.cc:3083)
      code: All the following variables are not initialized.
        return ((cached_new_format != -1) ? cached_new_format :
          (cached_new_format=(field_term_len > 1 || enclosed_len > 1 ||
          line_term_len > 1 || line_start_len > 1 || escaped_len > 1)));
      P2) Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
          Rows_log_event::Rows_log_event(char const*, unsigned
            int, Format_description_log_event const*) (log_event.cc:9571)
      Code: Uninitialized values is reported for 'var_header_len' variable.
        if (var_header_len < 2 || event_len < static_cast<unsigned
            int>(var_header_len + (post_start - buf)))
      P3) Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
          Table_map_log_event::pack_info(Protocol*) (log_event.cc:11553)
      code:'m_table_id' is uninitialized.
        void Table_map_log_event::pack_info(Protocol *protocol)
        size_t bytes= my_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "table_id: %lu (%s.%s)",
                                    m_table_id, m_dbnam, m_tblnam);
      P1 - Fix)
      Initialize cached_new_format,field_term_len, enclosed_len, line_term_len,
      line_start_len, escaped_len members in default constructor.
      P2 - Fix)
      "var_header_len" is initialized by reading the event buffer. In case of an
      invalid event the buffer will contain invalid data. Hence added a check to
      validate the event data. If event_len is smaller than valid header length
      return immediately.
      P3 - Fix)
      'm_table_id' within Table_map_log_event is initialized by reading data from
      the event buffer. Use 'VALIDATE_BYTES_READ' macro to validate the current
      state of the buffer. If it is invalid return immediately.
  9. 07 Jan, 2020 9 commits
  10. 09 Oct, 2019 2 commits
    • Aleksey Midenkov's avatar
      MDEV-19406 Assertion on updating view of join with versioned table · a92f3146
      Aleksey Midenkov authored
      TABLE::mark_columns_needed_for_update(): use_all_columns() assigns
      pointer of all_set into read_set and write_set, but this is not good
      since all_set is changed later by
      Do column_bitmaps_signal() whenever we change read_set/write_set.
    • Marko Mäkelä's avatar
      MDEV-20591: Follow-up fix · f11d425a
      Marko Mäkelä authored
      calc_field_event_length(): For type=MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB and meta==0,
      return 0 instead of *ptr+1. This was noted by -Wimplicit-fallthrough.
  11. 08 Oct, 2019 2 commits
    • Sachin Setiya's avatar
      MDEV-20574 Position of events reported by mysqlbinlog is wrong with encrypted... · 27664ef2
      Sachin Setiya authored
      MDEV-20574 Position of events reported by mysqlbinlog is wrong with encrypted binlogs, SHOW BINLOG EVENTS reports the correct one.
      Mysqlbinlog output for encrypted binary log
      #Q> insert into tab1 values (3,'row 003')
      #190912 17:36:35 server id 10221  end_log_pos 980 CRC32 0x53bcb3d3  Table_map: `test`.`tab1` mapped to number 19
      # at 940
      #190912 17:36:35 server id 10221  end_log_pos 1026 CRC32 0xf2ae5136     Write_rows: table id 19 flags: STMT_END_F
      Here we can see Table_map_log_event ends at 980 but Next event starts at 940.
      And the reason for that is we do not send START_ENCRYPTION_EVENT to the slave
      Send Start_encryption_log_event as Ignorable_log_event to slave(mysqlbinlog),
      So that mysqlbinlog can update its log_pos.
      Since Slave can request multiple FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT while master does not
      have so We only update slave master pos when master actually have the
      FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_EVENT. Similar logic should be applied for START_ENCRYPTION_EVENT.
      Also added the test case when new server reads the data from old server which
      does not send START_ENCRYPTION_EVENT to slave.
      Master Slave Upgrade Scenario.
      When Slave is updated first, Slave will have extra logic of handling
      START_ENCRYPTION_EVENT But master willnot be sending START_ENCRYPTION_EVENT.
      So there will be no issue.
      When Master is updated first, It will send  START_ENCRYPTION_EVENT to
      slave , But slave will ignore this event in queue_event.
    • Sachin's avatar
      MDEV-20591 Wrong Number of rows in mysqlbinlog output · 01bf9f8c
      Sachin authored
      calc_field_event_length should accurately calculate the size of BLOB type
      fields, Instead of returning just the bytes taken by length it should return
      length bytes + actual length.
  12. 15 Jul, 2019 1 commit
    • Sujatha's avatar
      MDEV-11154: Write_on_release_cache(log_event.cc) function will not write... · 10ebdb7f
      Sujatha authored
      MDEV-11154: Write_on_release_cache(log_event.cc) function will not write "COMMIT", if use "mysqlbinlog ... | mysql ..."
      Executing command, "mysqlbinlog --read-from-remote-server --host='xx.xx.xx.xx'
      --port=3306 --user=xxx --password=xxx --database=mysql --to-last-log
      mysql-bin.000001 --start-position=1098699 --stop-never |mysql -uxxx -pxxx", we
      found that last data read from remote couldn't commit.
      The purpose of 'Write_on_release_cache' is that the contents of the Cache will
      automatically be written to a dedicated result file on destruction. Flush
      operation on the result file is controlled by a flag 'FLUSH_F'. Events which
      require force flush upon their destruction will have to enable this
      'Write_on_release_cache::FLUSH_F'. At present the 'FLUSH_F' flag is defined as
      an enum as shown below.
      enum flag
      Since 'FLUSH_F' is the first member without initialization it get the default
      value '0'. Because of this the following flush condition never succeeds.
      if (m_flags & FLUSH_F)
      At present the file gets flushed only during my_fclose(result_file) operation.
      When continuous streaming is enabled through --stop-never option it never gets
      flushed and hence events are not replicated.
      Initialize the enum value to non zero value.
  13. 20 May, 2019 1 commit
    • Sujatha's avatar
      MDEV-19076: rpl_parallel_temptable result mismatch '-33 optimistic' · 5a2110e7
      Sujatha authored
      The test now fails with the following trace:
      CURRENT_TEST: rpl.rpl_parallel_temptable
      --- /mariadb/10.4/mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_parallel_temptable.result
      +++ /mariadb/10.4/mysql-test/suite/rpl/r/rpl_parallel_temptable.reject
      @@ -194,7 +194,6 @@
       30    conservative
       31    conservative
       32    optimistic
      -33    optimistic
      The part of test which fails with result content mismatch is given below.
      INSERT INTO t4 VALUES (32);
      INSERT INTO t4 VALUES (33);
      INSERT INTO t1 SELECT a, "optimistic" FROM t4;
      The expectation of the above test script is, INSERT FROM SELECT should read both
      32, 33 and populate table 't1'. But this expectation fails occasionally.
      All three INSERT statements are handed over to three different slave parallel
      workers. Temporary tables are not safe for parallel replication. They were
      designed to be visible to one thread only, so have no table locking.  Thus there
      is no protection against two conflicting transactions committing in parallel and
      things like that.
      So anything that uses temporary tables will be serialized with anything before
      it, when using parallel replication by using a "wait_for_prior_commit" function
      call. This will ensure that the each transaction is executed sequentially.
      But there exists a code path in which the above wait doesn't happen.  Because of
      this at times INSERT from SELECT doesn't wait for the INSERT (33) to complete
      and it completes its executes and enters commit stage.  Hence only row 32 is
      found in those cases resulting in test failure.
      The wait needs to be added within "open_temporary_table" call. The code looks
      like this within "open_temporary_table".
      Each thread tries to open temporary table in 3 different ways:
      case 1: Find a temporary table which is already in use by using
               find_temporary_table(tl) && wait_for_prior_commit()
      case 2: If above failed then try to look for temporary table which is marked for
              free for reuse. This internally calls "wait_for_prior_commit()" if table
              is found.
               find_and_use_tmp_table(tl, &table)
      case 3: If none of the above open a new table handle from table share.
               if (!table && (share= find_tmp_table_share(tl)))
               { table= open_temporary_table(share, tl->get_table_name(), true); }
      At present the "wait_for_prior_commit" happens only in case 1 & 2.
      On slave add a call for "wait_for_prior_commit" for case 3.
      The above wait on slave will solve the issue. A more detailed fix would be to
      mark temporary tables as not safe for parallel execution on the master side.
      In order to do that, on the master side, mark the Gtid_log_event specific flag
      FL_TRANSACTIONAL to be false all the time. So that they are not scheduled
  14. 11 May, 2019 1 commit
  15. 25 Apr, 2019 2 commits
  16. 04 Mar, 2019 1 commit
  17. 14 Feb, 2019 1 commit
  18. 11 Feb, 2019 1 commit
  19. 31 Jan, 2019 1 commit
  20. 25 Jan, 2019 3 commits
  21. 24 Jan, 2019 2 commits
    • Andrei Elkin's avatar
      MDEV-10963 Fragmented BINLOG query · 5d48ea7d
      Andrei Elkin authored
      The problem was originally stated in
      The size of an base64-encoded Rows_log_event exceeds its
      vanilla byte representation in 4/3 times.
      When a binlogged event size is about 1GB mysqlbinlog generates
      a BINLOG query that can't be send out due to its size.
      It is fixed with fragmenting the BINLOG argument C-string into
      (approximate) halves when the base64 encoded event is over 1GB size.
      The mysqlbinlog in such case puts out
          SET @binlog_fragment_0='base64-encoded-fragment_0';
          SET @binlog_fragment_1='base64-encoded-fragment_1';
          BINLOG @binlog_fragment_0, @binlog_fragment_1;
      to represent a big BINLOG.
      For prompt memory release BINLOG handler is made to reset the BINLOG argument
      user variables in the middle of processing, as if @binlog_fragment_{0,1} = NULL
      is assigned.
      Notice the 2 fragments are enough, though the client and server still may
      need to tweak their @@max_allowed_packet to satisfy to the fragment
      size (which they would have to do anyway with greater number of
      fragments, should that be desired).
      On the lower level the following changes are made:
        remains to call encoder and store the encoded data into a cache but
        now *without* doing any formatting. The latter is left for time
        when the cache is copied to an output file (e.g mysqlbinlog output).
        No formatting behavior is also reflected by the change in the meaning
        of the last argument which specifies whether to cache the encoded data.
        is made to invoke a specialized fragmented cache-to-file copying function
        which is
        that takes care of fragmenting also optionally wraps encoded
        strings (fragments) into SQL stanzas.
        is refactored to into my_b_copy_all_to_file(). The former function
        is generalized
        to accepts more a limit argument to constraint the copying and does
        not reinitialize anymore the cache into reading mode.
        The limit does not do any effect on the fully read cache.
    • Marko Mäkelä's avatar
      Fix the build after MDEV-17803 · fab531a1
      Marko Mäkelä authored
      Use the same data type 'ulong' to avoid type mismatch on Windows
      and on 32-bit systems.
      FIXME: The correct data type should probably be 64-bit.
  22. 17 Oct, 2018 1 commit
  23. 07 Oct, 2018 1 commit
    • Kristian Nielsen's avatar
      Fix accumulation of old rows in mysql.gtid_slave_pos · 2f4a0c5b
      Kristian Nielsen authored
      This would happen especially in optimistic parallel replication, where there
      is a good chance that a transaction will be rolled back (due to conflicts)
      after it has executed record_gtid(). If the transaction did any deletions of
      old rows as part of record_gtid(), those deletions will be undone as well.
      And the code did not properly ensure that the deletions would be re-tried.
      This patch makes record_gtid() remember the list of deletions done as part
      of a transaction. Then in rpl_slave_state::update() when the changes have
      been committed, we discard the list. However, in case of error and rollback,
      in cleanup_context() we will instead put the list back into
      rpl_global_gtid_slave_state so that the deletions will be re-tried later.
      Probably fixes part of the cause of MDEV-12147 as well.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarKristian Nielsen <knielsen@knielsen-hq.org>
  24. 24 Jul, 2018 1 commit
  25. 30 Jun, 2018 1 commit