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  1. 26 Jan, 2007 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      Fixed bug #24653. · 36df33d8 authored
      The bug report has demonstrated the following two problems.
      1. If an ORDER/GROUP BY list includes a constant expression being 
      optimized away and, at the same time, containing single-row
      subselects that return more that one row, no error is reported.
      Strictly speaking the standard allows to ignore error in this case.
      Yet, now a corresponding fatal error is reported in this case.
      2. If a query requires sorting by expressions containing single-row
      subselects that, however, return more than one row, then the execution
      of the query may cause a server crash. 
      To fix this some code has been added that blocks execution of a subselect
      item in case of a fatal error in the method Item_subselect::exec.
  2. 24 Jan, 2007 1 commit
  3. 19 Jan, 2007 1 commit
  4. 18 Jan, 2007 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      Fixed bug #25580: incorrect stored representations of views in cases · c1927e9a authored
      when they contain the '!' operator.
      Added an implementation for the method Item_func_not::print. 
      The method encloses any NOT expression into extra parentheses to avoid
      incorrect stored representations of views that use the '!' operators.
      Without this change when a view was created that contained
      the expression !0*5  its stored representation contained not this
      expression but rather the expression not(0)*5 . 
      The operator '!' is of a higher precedence than '*', while NOT is 
      of a lower precedence than '*'. That's why the expression !0*5 
      is interpreted as not(0)*5, while the expression not(0)*5 is interpreted
      as not((0)*5) unless sql_mode is set to HIGH_NOT_PRECEDENCE.
      Now we translate !0*5 into (not(0))*5. 
  5. 12 Jan, 2007 2 commits
    •'s avatar
      BUG#24127: (a,b) IN (SELECT c,d ...) can produce wrong results if a and/or b are NULLs: · c3f46e1f authored
      - Make the code produce correct result: use an array of triggers to turn on/off equalities for each
        compared column. Also turn on/off optimizations based on those equalities.
      - Make EXPLAIN output show "Full scan on NULL key" for tables for which we switch between
        ref/unique_subquery/index_subquery and ALL access.
      - index_subquery engine now has HAVING clause when it is needed, and it is
        displayed in EXPLAIN EXTENDED
      - Fix incorrect presense of "Using index" for index/unique-based subqueries (BUG#22930)
      // bk trigger note: this commit refers to BUG#24127
    •'s avatar
      BUG#24085: Wrong result for NULL IN (SELECT not_null_val FROM ...) · 52367948 authored
      When transforming "oe IN (SELECT ie ...)" wrap the pushed-down predicates
      iff "oe can be null", not "ie can be null".
      The fix doesn't cover row-based subqueries, those will be fixed in #24127.
  6. 12 Dec, 2006 1 commit
  7. 07 Nov, 2006 1 commit
    • gkodinov/kgeorge@macbook.gmz's avatar
      Bug #11032: getObject() returns a String for a sub-query of type datetime · cf1ca923
      gkodinov/kgeorge@macbook.gmz authored
       - When returning metadata for scalar subqueries the actual type of the
         column was calculated based on the value type, which limits the actual
         type of a scalar subselect to the set of (currently) 3 basic types : 
         integer, double precision or string. This is the reason that columns
         of types other then the basic ones (e.g. date/time) are reported as
         being of the corresponding basic type.
         Fixed by storing/returning information for the column type in addition
         to the result type.
  8. 01 Nov, 2006 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      Fixed bug #21727. · 2a7acba7 authored
      This is a performance issue for queries with subqueries evaluation
      of which requires filesort.
      Allocation of memory for the sort buffer at each evaluation of a
      subquery may take a significant amount of time if the buffer is rather big.
      With the fix we allocate the buffer at the first evaluation of the
      subquery and reuse it at each subsequent evaluation.
  9. 31 Oct, 2006 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      BUG#8804: wrong results for NULL IN (SELECT ...) · 54a713aa authored
      Evaluate "NULL IN (SELECT ...)" in a special way: Disable pushed-down 
      conditions and their "consequences": 
       = Do full table scans instead of unique_[index_subquery] lookups.
       = Change appropriate "ref_or_null" accesses to full table scans in
         subquery's joins.
      Also cache value of NULL IN (SELECT ...) if the SELECT is not correlated 
      wrt any upper select.
  10. 20 Oct, 2006 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      Fixed bug #23478. · d8b6f46a authored
      If elements a not top-level IN subquery were accessed by an index and 
      the subquery result set included  a NULL value then the quantified
      predicate that contained the subquery was evaluated to NULL when 
      it should return a non-null value.
  11. 17 Oct, 2006 1 commit
    • gkodinov/kgeorge@macbook.gmz's avatar
      Bug#21798: memory leak during query execution with subquery in column · f7b89376
      gkodinov/kgeorge@macbook.gmz authored
                  list using a function
      When executing dependent subqueries they are re-inited and re-exec() for 
      each row of the outer context.
      The cause for the bug is that during subquery reinitialization/re-execution,
      the optimizer reallocates JOIN::join_tab, JOIN::table in make_simple_join()
      and the local variable in 'sortorder' in create_sort_index(), which is
      allocated by make_unireg_sortorder().
      Care must be taken not to allocate anything into the thread's memory pool
      while re-initializing query plan structures between subquery re-executions.
      All such items mush be cached and reused because the thread's memory pool
      is freed at the end of the whole query.
      Note that they must be cached and reused even for queries that are not 
      otherwise cacheable because otherwise it will grow the thread's memory 
      pool every time a cacheable query is re-executed. 
      We provide additional members to the JOIN structure to store references 
      to the items that need to be cached.
  12. 16 Oct, 2006 1 commit
    • gkodinov/kgeorge@macbook.gmz's avatar
      Bug #22367: Optimizer uses ref join type instead of eq_ref for simple join on · a1310d84
      gkodinov/kgeorge@macbook.gmz authored
      MySQL is setting the flag HA_END_SPACE_KEYS for all the keys that reference
      text or varchar columns with collation different than binary.
      This was done to handle correctly the situation where a lookup on such a key
      may return more than 1 row because of the presence of many rows that differ
      only by the amount of trailing space in the table's string column.
      Inserting such values however appears to violate the unique checks on 
      INSERT/UPDATE. Thus that flag must not be set as it will prevent the optimizer
      from choosing a faster access method.
      This fix removes the setting of the HA_END_SPACE_KEYS flag.
  13. 03 Oct, 2006 1 commit
  14. 25 Sep, 2006 1 commit
  15. 18 Sep, 2006 1 commit
  16. 08 Sep, 2006 1 commit
    • gkodinov/kgeorge@macbook.gmz's avatar
      Bug #21540: Subqueries with no from and aggregate functions return · 5bc16fd9
      gkodinov/kgeorge@macbook.gmz authored
                  wrong results
       Mark the containing Item(s) (Item_subselect descendant usually) of 
       a subselect as containing aggregate functions if it has references
       to aggregates functions that are calculated outside its context.
       This tels end_send_group() not to make an Item_subselect descendant in
       select list a copy and causes the correct value being returned.
  17. 31 Aug, 2006 1 commit
    • gkodinov/kgeorge@macbook.gmz's avatar
      Bug#14654 : Cannot select from the same table twice within a UNION statement · e5bc4c7e
      gkodinov/kgeorge@macbook.gmz authored
       Made the parser to support parenthesis around UNION branches.
       This is done by amending the rules of the parser so it generates the correct
       Currently it supports arbitrary subquery/join/parenthesis operations in the 
       EXISTS clause. 
       In the IN/scalar subquery case it will allow adding nested parenthesis only 
       if there is an UNION clause after the parenthesis. Otherwise it will just  
       treat the multiple nested parenthesis as a scalar expression.
       It adds extra lex level for ((SELECT ...) UNION ...) to accommodate for the
       UNION clause.
  18. 24 Aug, 2006 2 commits
  19. 10 Aug, 2006 1 commit
  20. 03 Aug, 2006 1 commit
  21. 25 Jul, 2006 1 commit
    • timour/timka@lamia.home's avatar
      Fix for BUG#20954: avg(keyval) retuns 0.38 but max(keyval) returns an empty set · 86ae2f3b
      timour/timka@lamia.home authored
      The problem was in that opt_sum_query() replaced MIN/MAX functions
      with the corresponding constant found in a key, but due to imprecise
      representation of float numbers, when evaluating the where clause,
      this comparison failed.
      When MIN/MAX optimization detects that all tables can be removed,
      also remove all conjuncts in a where clause that refer to these
      tables. As a result of this fix, these conditions are not evaluated
      twice, and in the case of float number comparisons we do not discard
      result rows due to imprecise float representation.
      As a side-effect this fix also corrects an unnoticed problem in
      bug 12882.
  22. 21 Jul, 2006 1 commit
  23. 20 Jul, 2006 1 commit
  24. 17 Jul, 2006 1 commit
  25. 15 Jul, 2006 2 commits
    •'s avatar
      Fixed bug #20869. · 38cd55a7 authored
      The bug caused a crash of the server if a subquery with
      ORDER BY DESC used the range access method.
      The bug happened because the method QUICK_SELECT_DESC::reset
      was not reworked after MRR interface had been introduced.
    •'s avatar
      Fixed bug #20519. · 4de3186a authored
      The bug was due to a loss happened during a refactoring made
      on May 30 2005 that modified the function JOIN::reinit.
      As a result of it for any subquery the value of offset_limit_cnt
      was not restored for the following executions. Yet the first 
      execution of the subquery made it equal to 0.
      The fix restores this value in the function JOIN::reinit.  
  26. 14 Jul, 2006 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      Fixed bug #19714. · f6080640 authored
      DESCRIBE returned the type BIGINT for a column of a view if the column
      was specified by an expression over values of the type INT.
      E.g. for the view defined as follows:
      DESCRIBE returned type BIGINT for the only column of the view if f1,f2 are
      columns of the INT type.
      At the same time DESCRIBE returned type INT for the only column of the table
      defined by the statement:
      This inconsistency was removed by the patch.
      Now the code chooses between INT/BIGINT depending on the
      precision of the aggregated column type.
      Thus both DESCRIBE commands above returns type INT for v1 and t2.
  27. 11 Jul, 2006 1 commit
    • evgen@moonbone.local's avatar
      Fixed bug#18503: Queries with a quantified subquery returning empty set · 8ffda481
      evgen@moonbone.local authored
      may return a wrong result.
      An Item_sum_hybrid object has the was_values flag which indicates whether any
      values were added to the sum function. By default it is set to true and reset
      to false on any no_rows_in_result() call. This method is called only in
      return_zero_rows() function. An ALL/ANY subquery can be optimized by MIN/MAX
      optimization. The was_values flag is used to indicate whether the subquery
      has returned at least one row. This bug occurs because return_zero_rows() is
      called only when we know that the select will return zero rows before
      starting any scans but often such information is not known.
      In the reported case the return_zero_rows() function is not called and
      the was_values flag is not reset to false and yet the subquery return no rows
      Item_func_not_all and Item_func_nop_all functions return a wrong
      comparison result.
      The end_send_group() function now calls no_rows_in_result() for each item
      in the fields_list if there is no rows were found for the (sub)query.
  28. 10 Jul, 2006 1 commit
    • evgen@moonbone.local's avatar
      Fixed bug#16302: Quantified subquery without any tables gives wrong results · d3418971
      evgen@moonbone.local authored
      The ALL/ANY subqueries are the subject of MIN/MAX optimization. The matter
      of this optimization is to embed MIN() or MAX() function into the subquery
      in order to get only one row by which we can tell whether the expression
      with ALL/ANY subquery is true or false.
      But when it is applied to a subquery like 'select a_constant' the reported bug
      occurs. As no tables are specified in the subquery the do_select() function 
      isn't called for the optimized subquery and thus no values have been added 
      to a MIN()/MAX() function and it returns NULL instead of a_constant.
      This leads to a wrong query result.
      For the subquery like 'select a_constant' there is no reason to apply
      MIN/MAX optimization because the subquery anyway will return at most one row.
      Thus the Item_maxmin_subselect class is more appropriate for handling such
      The Item_in_subselect::single_value_transformer() function now checks
      whether tables are specified for the subquery. If no then this subselect is
      handled like a UNION using an Item_maxmin_subselect object.
  29. 27 Jun, 2006 1 commit
  30. 25 May, 2006 1 commit
  31. 17 May, 2006 1 commit
    • evgen@moonbone.local's avatar
      Fixed bug#19077: A nested materialized derived table is used before being populated. · 1d820585
      evgen@moonbone.local authored
      The convert_constant_item() function converts constant items to ints on
      prepare phase to optimize execution speed. In this case it tries to evaluate
      subselect which contains a derived table and is contained in a derived table. 
      All derived tables are filled only after all derived tables are prepared.
      So evaluation of subselect with derived table at the prepare phase will
      return a wrong result.
      A new flag with_subselect is added to the Item class. It indicates that
      expression which this item represents is a subselect or contains a subselect.
      It is set to 0 by default. It is set to 1 in the Item_subselect constructor
      for subselects.
      For Item_func and Item_cond derived classes it is set after fixing any argument
      in Item_func::fix_fields() and Item_cond::fix_fields accordingly.
      The convert_constant_item() function now doesn't convert a constant item
      if the with_subselect flag set in it. 
  32. 11 May, 2006 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      BUG#7549: Missing error message for invalid view selection with subquery. · 0486cfbe authored
      When a view statement is compiled on CREATE VIEW time, most of the 
      optimizations should not be done. Finding the right optimization 
      for a subquery is one of them.
      Unfortunately the optimizer is resolving the column references of 
      the left expression of IN subqueries in the process of deciding 
      witch optimization to use (if needed). So there should be a 
      special case in Item_in_subselect::fix_fields() : check the 
      validity of the left expression of IN subqueries in CREATE VIEW 
      mode and then proceed as normal. 
  33. 10 May, 2006 1 commit
  34. 03 May, 2006 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      Fixed bug #14292: performance degradation for a benchmark query. · ae4eb6b5 authored
      This performance degradation was due to the fact that some
      cost evaluation code added into 4.1 in the function find_best was
      not merged into the code of the function best_access_path added
      together with other code for greedy optimizer.
      Added a parameter to the function print_plan. The parameter contains
      accumulated cost for a given partial join.
      The patch does not include a special test case since this performance
      degradation is hard to reproduse with a simple example.
      TODO: make the function find_best use the function best_access_path
      in order to remove duplication of code which might result in incomplete
      merges in the future.
  35. 28 Apr, 2006 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      BUG#18492: mysqld reports ER_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE in --ps-protocol · ca793433 authored
      In the code that converts IN predicates to EXISTS predicates it is changing
      the select list elements to constant 1. Example :
      SELECT ... FROM ...  WHERE a IN (SELECT c FROM ...)
      is transformed to :
      However there can be no FROM clause in the IN subquery and it may not be
      a simple select : SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE a IN (SELECT f(..) AS
      c UNION SELECT ...) This query is transformed to : SELECT ... FROM ...
      x HAVING a = c) In the above query c in the HAVING clause is made to be
      an Item_null_helper (a subclass of Item_ref) pointing to the real
      Item_field (which is not referenced anywhere else in the query anymore).
      This is done because Item_ref_null_helper collects information whether
      there are NULL values in the result.  This is OK for directly executed
      statements, because the Item_field pointed by the Item_null_helper is
      already fixed when the transformation is done.  But when executed as
      a prepared statement all the Item instances are "un-fixed" before the
      recompilation of the prepared statement. So when the Item_null_helper
      gets fixed it discovers that the Item_field it points to is not fixed
      and issues an error.  The remedy is to keep the original select list
      references when there are no tables in the FROM clause. So the above
      becomes : SELECT ... FROM ...  WHERE EXISTS (SELECT c FROM (SELECT f(..)
      AS c UNION SELECT ...) x HAVING a = c) In this way c is referenced
      directly in the select list as well as by reference in the HAVING
      clause. So it gets correctly fixed even with prepared statements.  And
      since the Item_null_helper subclass of Item_ref_null_helper is not used
      anywhere else it's taken out.
  36. 01 Apr, 2006 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      Fixed bug #16504. · af2d79a7 authored
      Multiple equalities were not adjusted after reading constant tables.
      It resulted in neglecting good index based methods that could be
      used to access of other tables.
  37. 23 Mar, 2006 1 commit