• Julien Muchembled's avatar
    Check protocol version, on both connection sides, before parsing any packet · a60e36e8
    Julien Muchembled authored
    This fixes 2 issues:
    - Because neoctl connects to admin nodes without requesting identification,
      the protocol version was not checked, which could even be dangerous
      (think of a user asking for information, but the packet sent by neoctl
      could be decoded as a packet to alter data, like Truncate).
    - In case of mismatched protocol version, the error was not loggued on the
      node that initiated the connection.
    Compatibility is handled as follows:
    - For an old node receiving data from a new node, the 2 high order bytes of the
      packet id, which is always 0 for the first packet, is decoded as the packet
      code. Packet 0 has never existed, which results in PacketMalformedError.
    - For a new node receiving data from an old node, the id of the first packet,
      which is always 0, is decoded as the version, which results in a version
      mismatch error.
    This new protocol also guarantees that there's no conflict with SSL.
    For simplification, the packet length does not count the header anymore.
protocol.py 46.2 KB