Commit 90ba94f2 authored by François Billioud's avatar François Billioud

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 64c7226d 13c21f67
JIO: Javascript I/O. A library to load, edit, save documents to
multiple storage backends using a common interface
JIO: Javascript I/O. A library to load, edit, save documents to
multiple storage backends using a common interface
JIO Namespace. Everything related to JIO happens over here
JIO Namespace. Everything related to JIO happens over here
var JIO = (function () {
/* Function returns us a JIOStorage, a basic stensil for other kind of storage*/
var JIOStorage = function (store_info){
var J = {}; // dummy object. We will augment it and return it
J = {
"initialize": function(server,path,username,password){
Basic initilization or pre-rituals
"loadDocument": function (doc_id, handler ) {
Calls handler with an object associated with requested document of the `doc_id`
.hash of the object is the MD5 hash of the data
.data of the object is the data itself
/* Function returns us a JIOStorage, a basic stensil for other kind of storage*/
var JIOStorage = function (store_info) {
var J = {}; // dummy object. We will augment it and return it
J = {
"initialize": function(server,path,username,password) {
Basic initilization or pre-rituals
"loadDocument": function (doc_id, handler ) {
Calls handler with an object associated with requested document of the `doc_id`
The first argument of handler is error object or null depending on if error occured or not.(Like NodeJS)
Second argmuent is the object literal containing
.hash of the object is the MD5 hash of the data
.data of the object is the data itself
Signature of Handler:
handler = function (err, dataobject) {
if(err===null) {
"saveDocument": function (doc_id, data, hash, overwrite, async) {
Saves the document with a particular `docid`
If `docid` is `0` then the function assigns a docid automatically
`hash` is used to check if the document was last changed by someone else,
If it was, it will raise a JIOContentChanged exception
If `hash` is not supplied, the document will be overwritten.
If `overwrite` is true the content will be overwritten without any exception
"saveDocument": function (doc_id, data, handler, hash, conflict_func, overwrite) {
Saves the document with a particular `doc_id`
`hash` is used to check if the document was last changed by someone else,
If it was, it will call the conflict_func with all other parameters passed.
If `hash` is not supplied, no validation would be performed and conflit_func won't be called and document would be saved directly.
Setting `overwrite` to false, will prevent overwriting the document in anycase if a document with doc_id already exists
`handler` workes sames way as in loadDocument
"getDocumentList": function (storage_id, query, order_by, metadata) {
Storage implementation should provide this function which will
return the list of documents which are stored on the storage
beased on `query`.
TODO Define how `query` is specified
`ordered_by` how the results should be sorted
"hashdata": function(data) {
if(typeof hex_sha1 !== 'function') {
//this means that the hashing library is not load it. Load it now
type: "GET",
url: "js/sha1-min.js",
dataType: "script"
//now we can use hex_sha1(hopefully)
return hex_sha1(data);
return J;
}; //JIOStorage
"getDocumentList": function (storage_id, query, order_by, metadata) {
Storage implementation should provide this function which will
return the list of documents which are stored on the storage
beased on `query`.
TODO Define how `query` is specified
`ordered_by` how the results should be sorted
return J;
}; //JIOStorage
/* DAVStorage : Does JIO on a WebDAV server*/
var DAVStorage = function (store_info){
throw Error("No server specified for DAVStorage");
store_info.path = store_info.path || '';
var auth=false;
throw Error("No password specified of user for DAVStorage");
var J = JIOStorage(store_info); // we will return this object at the end
J.loadDocument = function (doc_id,handler) {
/* server,path should all be in correct format some/dir/*/
url:store_info.server + store_info.path + doc_id;
/* DAVStorage : Does JIO on a WebDAV server*/
var DAVStorage = function (store_info) {
throw Error("No server specified for DAVStorage");
store_info.path = store_info.path || '';
var auth=false;
if(store_info.user) {
throw Error("No password specified of user for DAVStorage");
//server,path should all be in correct format some/dir/
var complete_path = store_info.server + store_info.path;
var add_auth_headers = function (ajaxsetting) {
ajaxsetting.headers={'Authorization':"Basic "+btoa(store_info.user+":"+store_info.pass)};
ajaxsetting.fields={'withCredentials': "true"};
return ajaxsetting;
var J = JIOStorage(store_info); // we will return this object at the end
J.loadDocument = function (doc_id,handler) {
var ajaxsetting={
'url': complete_path+doc_id,
'success': function (fetched_data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var hashed_data=J.hashdata(fetched_data);
'error': function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
console.log("Error while doing ajax request for loadDocument. Return code:"+jqXHR.status+"["+errorThrown+"]");
if (auth) {
ajaxsetting = add_auth_headers(ajaxsetting);
J.saveDocument = function(doc_id, data, handler, hash, conflict_func, overwrite){
var document_url=complete_path+doc_id;
var ajaxsetting={
'success' : function (fetched_data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
var hashed_data= J.hashdata(data);
'error' : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
console.log("Error while doing ajax request for loadDocument. Return code:"+jqXHR.status+"["+errorThrown+"]");
if (auth) {
ajaxsetting = add_auth_headers(ajaxsetting);
//The logic:
//hash is provided, we will now have to get the document first.
J.loadDocument(doc_id, function(err, dataobject){
//error occured, check if it is 404
//the document doesn't exist, just do the save
//some other strange error,just call the user's error handler
//we got back a document, check for hash
//hash matched, now check for overwrite value
JIOStorage =
//hash didn't match, raise conflict_func
//user didn't provide hash.
//user doesn't care if document get's overwriten,
//save the document
//user doesn't wants to overwrite the document, now check if the document exists
if(err!==null) {
//error occured while trying to fetch the doc, check if error was 404
if(err.status===404) {
//document doesn't exist, just do the save
//now if any other error occurs, we don't care. (this is bad habbit)
J.getDocumentList = function(){};
//All methods are defined, now return J as the newly cooked object
return J;
//defined all classes, now return the interface of JIO which has all these classes
return {
var JIODAVStorage=Object.create(JIOStorage);
JIODAVStorage.initialize = function (server,path,user,pass){
this.path=path || '/';
JIODAVStorage.loadDocument = function(doc_name){
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -45,8 +45,11 @@ saveXHR = function(address) {
url: address,
type: "PUT",
username: "smik",
password: "asdf",
headers: {
Authorization: "Basic "+btoa("smik:asdf")},
fields: {
withCredentials: "true"
data: JSON.stringify(getCurrentDocument()),
success: function(){alert("saved");},
error: function(xhr) { alert("error while saving");}
......@@ -59,10 +62,11 @@ loadXHR = function(address) {
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
username: "nom",
password: "test",
/* username: "smik", No need to specify credential while GETTING
password: "asdf",*/
headers: {
Authorization: "Basic "+btoa("smik:asdf")},
fields: {
withCredentials: "true"
success: function(data){
var cDoc = getCurrentDocument();
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