Commit bb2fbc28 authored by François Billioud's avatar François Billioud

mobileApp files

parent e7de2e06
This diff is collapsed.
* change the display if the new account button is clicked
var displayNewAccountForm = function(bool) {
if(bool) {
else {
* Log an user with it's Name and ID provider
var logUser = function() {
var name = $("input#name").attr("value");
var IDProvider = $("input#id_provider").attr("value");
if(name) {
setCurrentStorage(IDProvider ? new JIOStorage(name,IDProvider) : new LocalStorage(name));
window.location = "ung-mobile.html";
* create an account (to use only if UNG is also an ID provider)
var createNewUser = function() {
var form = $("form#create-user")[0];
/* check that the form is complete */
for(var i = 0; i<form.length-1; i++) {
if(!form[i].value) {formError("please fill each field");}
if(form[4].value!=form[5].value) {
formError("please enter the same password twice");
if(!testEMail()) {formError("please enter a valid email");}
/* create the new user */
* Report an error when filling the form
var formError = function(message) {
* check if an email address is valid
function testEMail(email) {
var patern="^([a-zA-Z0-9]+(([\.\-\_]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)+)?)\@(([a-zA-Z0-9]+[\.\-\_])+[a-zA-Z]{2,4})$";
var regEx = new RegExp(patern);
return regEx.test(email);
function setFocus() {
login = document.getElementById('name');
password = document.getElementById('password');
if (login.value != '')
This diff is collapsed.
* This file provides some useful element used in the whole web site
* Class UngObject
* provides useful general methods
UngObject = function() {}
/* return true if this object implements the interface */
UngObject.prototype.Implements = function(myInterface)
for(var property in myInterface)
if( typeof myInterface[property] != "string")
if(this[property]==undefined || typeof this[property] != myInterface[property] )
return false;
return true;
/* Load a JSON data into an object */
UngObject.prototype.load = function(data) {
for(var property in data) {
this[property] = data[property];
/* Load methods from a class to another class */
UngObject.prototype.inherits = function(superClass) {
/* return true only if two objects are equals */
UngObject.prototype.equals = function(object) {
for (var property in object) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
var isEquals = this[property]&&typeof(this[property])=="object" ?[property],object[property]) : this[property]===object[property];
if (!isEquals) {return false}
return true;
* Class List
* this class provides usual API to manipulate list structure
* @param arg : a json list object
* @param contentType : the type of the elements of the list
var List = function(arg, contentType) {
if(arg && arg.headElement) {
if(contentType) {
this.headElement=new contentType(arg.headElement);
} else {
this.headElement = arg.headElement;
this.length = arg.length;
this.previous = new List(arg.previous, contentType);
else {
List.prototype = new UngObject();
nullElement: function() {
this.headElement = null;
this.previous = undefined;
this.length = 0;
size: function() {return this.length;},
head: function() {return this.headElement;},
tail: function() {return this.previous;},
isEmpty: function() {return this.head()===null;},
equals: function(list) {
return this.head().equals(list.head()) && this.tail().equals(list.tail());
add: function(value) {
var t = new List();
this.headElement = value;
this.previous = t;
this.length = t.size()+1;
get: function(i) {
if(i>=this.size()) {return null;}
if(i==0) {return this.head();}
return this.tail().get(i-1);
set: function(i,element) {
if(i>=this.size()) {errorMessage("set out of bounds, "+i+" : "+this.size(),this);return}
if(i==0) {
} else {
remove: function(i) {
if(i>=this.size()) {errorMessage("remove out of bounds, "+i+" : "+this.size(),this);return}//particular case
if(i==0) {this.pop();return}//particular case
if(i==1) {//init
this.previous = this.tail().tail();
} else {//recursion
pop: function() {
if(this.isEmpty()) {errorMessage("pop on empty list",this);return null;}
var h = this.head();
return h;
find: function(object) {
if(this.isEmpty()) {return -1}//init-false
var elt = this.head();
if(object.equals) {//init-true
if(object.equals(this.head())) {return 0;}//with an adapted comparator
} else {
if(object===this.head()) {return 0;}//with usual comparator
var recursiveResult = this.tail().find(object);//recursion
return recursiveResult>=0 ? this.tail().find(object)+1 : recursiveResult;
contains: function(object) {if(this.isEmpty()) {return false} else {return object===this.head() ? true : this.tail().contains(object)}},
insert: function(element,i) {
if(i>this.size()) {errorMessage("insert out of bounds, "+i+" : "+this.size(),this);return}//particular case
if(i==0) {//init
} else {//recursion
replace: function(oldElement,newElement) {
if(this.isEmpty()) {errorMessage("<<element not found>> when trying to replace",this);return}//init-false
if(oldElement===this.head()) {
} else {
removeElement: function(element) {//remove each occurence of the element in this list
if(this.isEmpty()) {return}
if(element.equals) {//init-true
if(element.equals(this.head())) {this.pop();}//with an adapted comparator
} else {
if(element===this.head()) {this.pop();}//with usual comparator
* load a public file with a basic ajax request
* @param address : the address of the document
* @param type : the type of the document content
* @param instruction : a function to execute when getting the document
loadFile = function(address, type, instruction) {
url: address,
type: "GET",
dataType: type,
success: instruction,
error: function(type) {alert("Error "+type.status+" : fail while trying to load "+address);}
* wait an event before execute an action
* @param required : function we are waiting for a result
* @param func : function we will try to execute in a loop
waitBeforeSucceed = function(required, func) {
var nb = 2;//avoid to test too much times
var execute = function() {
try {
if(! {throw 0;};}
catch(e) {console.log(e);if(nb<100) {setTimeout(execute,nb*100);}}
* try a function until the execution meets with no error
* @param func : function to execute in a loop until it encounters no exception
tryUntilSucceed = function(func) {
var nb = 2;//avoid to test too much times
var execute = function() {
try {;}
catch(e) {if(nb<100) {setTimeout(execute,nb*200);}console.log(e);}
* Resize the right part of ung main page
* could be developed to implement more beautiful resizments
var resize = function() {
return $("div.main-right").width($(window).width()-$("div.main-left").width());
* Used to debug
errorMessage = function(message,object) {
errorObject = object;
* returns the current date (number of ms since 1/1/1970 at 12:00 AM)
currentTime = function() {return;}
* cuts a string if too long
limitedString = function(s, max) {
return (s.length < max) ? s : (s.substring(0,max) + "...");
* Paste a toolkit at the mouse position
Tooltip = function() {
this.visible=false; // La variable i nous dit si la bulle est visible ou non
Tooltip.prototype = {
isVisible: function() {return this.visible;},
move: function(e) {$("div.toolLocation").css("left",e.pageX+5+"px").css("top",e.pageY + 10+"px");},
show: function(text) {
if(!this.isVisible()) {
this.visible = true;
hide: function() {
if(this.isVisible()) {
this.visible = false;
includeJS = function(file) {
/*var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = file;
*/$("<script>", {type:"text/javascript",src:file}).appendTo("head");
includeJS2 = function(file) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = file;
\ No newline at end of file
* This file provides the javascript used to display the list of user's documents
/* global variable */
/* the last modified document */
getCurrentDocumentID = function() {return localStorage.getItem("currentDocumentID");}
setCurrentDocumentID = function(ID) {return localStorage.setItem("currentDocumentID",ID);}
* class DocumentList
* This class provides methods to manipulate the list of documents of the current user
* @param arg : a documentList json object to load
var DocumentList = function(arg) {
if(arg) {
this.load(new List(arg,JSONDocument));
this.selectionList = new List(arg.selectionList);//load methods of selectionList
else {;
this.selectionList = new List();
DocumentList.prototype = new List();
removeDocument: function(doc) {
var i = this.find(doc);
this.get(i).remove()//delete the file
this.remove(i);//remove from the list
getCurrentStorage().save();//save changes
getSelectionList: function() {return this.selectionList;},
resetSelectionList: function() {
this.selectionList = new List();
//display consequences
for(var i=0; i<this.size(); i++) {
$("tr td.listbox-table-select-cell input#"+i).attr("checked",false);//uncheck
$("span#selected_row_number a").html(0);//display the selected row number
checkAll: function() {
this.selectionList = new List();
for(var i=0; i<this.size(); i++) {
//display consequences
for(i=0; i<this.size(); i++) {
$("tr td.listbox-table-select-cell input#"+i).attr("checked",true);//check
$("span#selected_row_number a").html(this.size());//display the selected row number
deleteSelectedDocuments: function() {
var selection = this.getSelectionList();
while(!selection.isEmpty()) {
var doc = selection.pop();
/* display the list of documents in the web page */
displayContent: function() {
$("table.listbox tbody").html("");//empty the previous displayed list
for(var i=0;i<this.size();i++) {
var doc = this.get(i);
var ligne = new Line(doc,i);
if(this.getSelectionList().contains(doc)) {ligne.setSelected(true);}//check the box if selected
display: function() {
/* update the ith document information */
updateDocumentInformation: function(i) {
var list = this;
var doc = list.get(i);
getCurrentStorage().getDocument(getDocumentAddress(doc), function(data) {
doc.load(data);//todo : replace by data.header
setAsCurrentDocumentList: function() {
getDocumentList = function() {
return getCurrentUser().getDocumentList();
* create a line representing a document in the main table
* @param doc : document to represent
* @param i : ID of the line (number)
var Line = function(doc, i) {
this.document = doc;
this.ID = i;
this.html = Line.getOriginalHTML();
Line.prototype = {
getDocument: function() {return this.document;},
getID: function() {return this.ID;},
getType: function() {return this.document.getType() ? this.document.getType() : "other";},
getHTML: function() {return this.html;},
setHTML: function(newHTML) {this.html = newHTML;},
setSelected: function(bool) {$("tr td.listbox-table-select-cell input#"+this.getID()).attr("checked",bool)},
isSelected: function() {
return $("tr td.listbox-table-select-cell input#"+this.getID()).attr("checked");
/* add the document of this line to the list of selected documents */
addToSelection: function() {
/* remove the document of this line from the list of selected documents */
removeFromSelection: function() {
/* check or uncheck the line */
changeState: function() {
this.isSelected() ? this.addToSelection() : this.removeFromSelection();
$("span#selected_row_number a").html(getDocumentList().getSelectionList().size());//display the selected row number
/* load the document information in the html of a default line */
updateHTML: function() {
var line = this;
.find("td.listbox-table-select-cell input")
.click(function() {line.changeState();})//clic on a checkbox
.click(function() {//clic on a line
/* add the line in the table */
display: function() {$("table.listbox tbody").append($(this.getHTML()));}
/* load the html code of a default line */
Line.loadHTML = function() {
loadFile("xml/xmlElements.xml", "html", function(data) {Line.originalHTML = $(data).find("line table tbody").html();});
return Line.originalHTML;
/* return the html code of a default line */
Line.getOriginalHTML = function() {return Line.originalHTML;}
* create a new document and start an editor to edit it
* @param type : the type of the document to create
var createNewDocument = function(type) {
if(type=="title") {return}
var newDocument = new JSONDocument();
newDocument.setType(type); {
This diff is collapsed.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
<meta name="keywords" content="" />
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />
<title id="page_title"> Theme </title>
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon"
href="images/ung/favicon.ico" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon"
href="images/ung/favicon.ico" />
<!-- this is a placeholder for different extensions to head which could be required by web themes -->
<!-- jquery -->
<script id="jquery_loader" type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery/jquery.js"></script>
<script id="jquery_loader2" type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery/jquery-ui.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery-ui.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/ung-mobile.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/base64.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/tools-mobile.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/theme-mobile.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">//hack for aloha
if(supportedDocuments[getCurrentDocument().getType()].editorPage=="text-editor") {
<script type="text/javascript">
// initialize
var initPage = function() {
setCurrentPage(new Page(supportedDocuments[getCurrentDocument().getType()].editorPage));
var initUser = function() {
var user = getCurrentUser();
var init = function() {
waitBeforeSucceed(function() {return getCurrentPage().getXML();},initUser);
<div class="container">
<div class="navigation">
<!-- Each aggregate of groups is a div wrapper -->
<div class="wrapper" id="wrapper_navigation">
<div class=" navigation-right">
<fieldset class="widget">
<legend class="group_title"></legend>
<div class="field" title="">
<div class="input"><div >
<div id="select_language">
<span id="current_language">en</span>
<img src="images/ung/arrow_20C.png" alt=">"/>
<ul id="available_languages">
<div class="field" title="">
<label>Login Box</label>
<div class="input"><div >
<a id="right_message" lang="en">Not Implemented yet</a>
<div id="preference_dialog" title="UNG Preferences"></div>
<a id="userName">Unknown</a>
| <a id="settings" href="#" lang="en">Parametres</a>
| <a id="help" href="#" lang="en">Help</a>
| <a href="login-mobile.html" onclick="signOut()" id="log" lang="en">Sign out</a>
<div class="header">
<!-- Each aggregate of groups is a div wrapper -->
<div class="wrapper" id="wrapper_header">
<div class=" header-left">
<fieldset class="widget">
<legend class="group_title"></legend>
<div class="field" title="">
<div class="input"><div >
<a class="ung_docs" onclick="stopDocumentEdition()">
<img src="images/ung/ung-logo.gif" alt="logo"/>
<a id="loading_message" lang="en">Loading...</a>
<a id="document_title" name="document_title" onclick="editDocumentSettings()">Untitled</a>
<a id="document_state" name="document_state">...</a>
<div class=" header-right">
<fieldset class="widget">
<legend class="group_title"></legend>
<div class="field" title="">
<div class="input"><div >
<a id="last_update">Updated ... by</a>
<a id="author">Unknown</a>
<button type="button" onclick="saveCurrentDocument()">Save</button>
<div class="main">
<div class="document">
<div class="content editable">
<fieldset class="bottom editable">
<div id="page_content" class="field page"
title="Contenu de la page web.">
<div id="document_content" class="field hidden"
title="The content of the document considered as a text string">
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