Commit fe0f096f authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

Add explicit comments to jiotest.js

parent d5e85718
......@@ -1133,6 +1133,9 @@ test ('Remove document', function () {
module ('Jio ConflictManagerStorage');
test ('Simple methods', function () {
// Try all the simple methods like saving, loading, removing a document and
// getting a list of document without testing conflicts
var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.t = this;
o.spy = function(res,value,message,before) {
o.f = function(result) {
......@@ -1200,6 +1203,14 @@ test ('Simple methods', function () {
test ('Remove Errors', function () {
// Test of all errors that can occur when trying to remove a document
// - Remove an unexistant document -> error
// - Remove an existant document by another owner that does not have the
// latest revision -> error
// - bis -> error
// - Remove by the good owner -> ok
// - Remove by another owner that have the latest revision -> ok
var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.t = this;
o.spy = function(res,value,message,function_name) {
function_name = function_name || 'f';
......@@ -1278,6 +1289,20 @@ test ('Remove Errors', function () {
test ('Revision Conflicts' , function () {
// Try to solve a revision conflict
// - "me" saves a document
// - "me" saves a new revision of this document
// - "him" loads the document, so they have the same revision in both sides
// - "him" saves a new revision of this document, now they don't have the
// same revision
// - "me" tries to save a new revision but there's a revision conflict
// - "me" tries to save again without solving conflict, and of course,
// the same conflict occurs
// - "me" solves the conflict and saves
// - "me" removes the document
// - "him" tries to save a new revision, but the document must not exist,
// so there's a conflict.
var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.t = this;
o.spy = function(res,value,message,function_name) {
function_name = function_name || 'f';
......@@ -1312,27 +1337,32 @@ test ('Revision Conflicts' , function () {
// me creates the document
o.spy('status','done','saving "file.doc" with owner "me",'+
' first revision, no conflict.');
// me saves a new revision
o.spy('status','done','saving "file.doc" with owner "me",'+
' second revision, no conflict.');
// him loads the document
o.spy('status','done','loading "file.doc" with owner "him",'+
' last revision, no conflict.');
// him saves a new revision
o.spy('status','done','saving "file.doc" with owner "him",'+
' next revision, no conflict.');
// me tries to save his new revision
o.spy('status','fail','saving "file.doc" with owner "me",'+
' third revision, conflict!');
o.c = function (conflict_object) {
......@@ -1347,6 +1377,7 @@ test ('Revision Conflicts' , function () {
if (! { return ok(false,'impossible to continue the tests'); } = undefined;
// me tries to save again but does not solve anything
o.spy('status','fail',"don't solve anything,"+
' save "file.doc" with owner "me", forth revision, conflict!');
o.c = function (conflict_object) {
......@@ -1360,6 +1391,7 @@ test ('Revision Conflicts' , function () {
if (! { return ok(false,'impossible to continue the tests'); }
// me saves the revision created by solving the conflict
o.spy('status','done','solving conflict and save "file.doc" with owner'+
' "me", forth revision, no conflict.');
......@@ -1367,6 +1399,7 @@ test ('Revision Conflicts' , function () {
o.spy('status','done','removing "file.doc" with owner "me",'+
// me removes the document
' no conflict.');
o.c = o.t.spy();
......@@ -1374,6 +1407,7 @@ test ('Revision Conflicts' , function () {
if (o.c.called) { ok(false, 'conflict callback called!'); }
// him tries to save a new revision but the document does not exist anymore
o.spy('status','fail','saving "file.doc" with owner "him",'+
' any revision, conflict!');
o.c = function (conflict_object) {
......@@ -1391,6 +1425,15 @@ test ('Revision Conflicts' , function () {
test ('Solving Conflict Conflicts' , function () {
// Try to solve an obsolete conflict.
// - "you" saves a document
// - "her" loads this document, so they have the same revision
// - "her" saves a new revision of this document
// - "you" tries to save a new revision but there's a revision conflict
// - "you" tries to solve this conflict while "her" is saving a new revision
// - When "you" posts this solved conflict, there's a conflict conflict
// because "you" tried to solve an obsolete conflict
var o = {}; o.clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); o.t = this;
o.spy = function(res,value,message,function_name) {
function_name = function_name || 'f';
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