Commit fd1d0541 authored by Joanne Hugé's avatar Joanne Hugé

Set create_tun option after installing slapos

parent e962c18d
mkdir -p /opt/amarisoft/.amarisoft && cp -r ~/.amarisoft/* /opt/amarisoft/.amarisoft/;
bash /root/re6st;
bash /root/slapos
ip -6 a show dev lo | grep "::1/" | grep 2001 || bash /root/re6st;
stat $SLAPOS_CFG_FILE || slapos node || bash /root/slapos;
grep "create_tun" $SLAPOS_CFG_FILE || sed -i 's/create_tap = False/create_tap = False\ncreate_tun = True/g' $SLAPOS_CFG_FILE;
ip l show dev slaptun0 || slapos node format --now;
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