Commit 6fea92e4 authored by Ivan Tyagov's avatar Ivan Tyagov

Add key/cert CLI arguments.

parent 3dbb96ce
......@@ -39,9 +39,11 @@ static struct argp_option options[] = {
{"slave-address-list", 's', "0x58", 0, "Comma separated list of slave I2C addresses."},
{"mode", 'm', "0", 0, "Set different modes of operation of coupler. Default (0) is set attached \
I2C's state state. Virtual (1) which does NOT set any I2C slaves' state."},
{ "username", 'u', "", 0, "Username."},
{ "password", 'w', "", 0, "Password."},
{ 0 }
{"username", 'u', "", 0, "Username."},
{"password", 'w', "", 0, "Password."},
{"key", 'k', "", 0, "x509 key."},
{"certificate", 'c', "", 0, "X509 certificate."},
struct arguments
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