• Carlos Ramos Carreño's avatar
    setup: Require a minimum setuptools version for Python 3. · 0d53a6d1
    Carlos Ramos Carreño authored
    When the `setuptools_dso` module is used having older versions of
    setuptools installed, the `wheel` module (one of its dependencies)
    sets up a handler for the root logging that writes to stdout
    This breaks the expected output of the programs, and thus the
    wendelin.core tests.
    However, if `setuptools.logging` is available, `wheel` will use it
    instead and it won't set up a handler.
    Thus, I added a explicit dependency to a version of setuptools above
    60.2 for Python 3, as that is the first version that provides this
    Move setuptools pinning close to setuptools_dso requirement to which it
    relates and add corresponding comment. Setuptools pinning also fixes e.g.
    the following test failure inside pygolang itself:
        golang/golang_str_test.py::test_strings_print FAILED
        ============================== FAILURES ==============================
        _________________________ test_strings_print _________________________
            def test_strings_print():
                outok = readfile(dir_testprog + "/golang_test_str.txt")
                retcode, stdout, stderr = _pyrun(["golang_test_str.py"],
                                            cwd=dir_testprog, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
                assert retcode == 0, (stdout, stderr)
                assert stderr == b""
        >       assertDoc(outok, stdout)
        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
        want = 'print(qq(b)): "привет αβγ b"\nprint(qq(u)): "привет αβγ u"\n'
        got = 'Extend DSO search path to \'PYGOLANG/golang/runtime\'\nprint(qq(b)): "привет αβγ b"\nprint(qq(u)): "привет αβγ u"\n'
            def assertDoc(want, got):
                want = u(want)
                got  = u(got)
                # normalize got to PYGOLANG
                udir_pygolang = abbrev_home(dir_pygolang)    # /home/x/.../pygolang -> ~/.../pygolang
                got = got.replace(dir_pygolang,  "PYGOLANG") # /home/x/.../pygolang -> PYGOLANG
                got = got.replace(udir_pygolang, "PYGOLANG") # ~/.../pygolang       -> PYGOLANG
                # got: normalize PYGOLANG\a\b\c -> PYGOLANG/a/b/c
                #                a\b\c\d.py  -> a/b/c/d.py
                def _(m):
                    return m.group(0).replace(os.path.sep, '/')
                got = re.sub(r"(?<=PYGOLANG)[^\s]+(?=\s)",  _, got)
                got = re.sub(r"([\w\\\.]+)(?=\.py)",        _, got)
                # want: process conditionals
                # PY39(...) -> ...   if py ≥ 3.9 else ø  (inline)
                # `... +PY39` -> ... if py ≥ 3.9 else ø  (whole line)
                # `... -PY39` -> ... if py < 3.9 else ø  (whole line)
                have = {}  # 'PYxy' -> y/n
                for minor in (9,10,11):
                    have['PY3%d' % minor] = (sys.version_info >= (3, minor))
                for x, havex in have.items():
                    want = re.sub(r"%s\((.*)\)" % x, r"\1" if havex else "", want)
                    r = re.compile(r'^(?P<main>.*?) +(?P<y>(\+|-))%s$' % x)
                    v = []
                    for l in want.splitlines():
                        m = r.match(l)
                        if m is not None:
                            l = m.group('main')
                            y = {'+':True, '-':False}[m.group('y')]
                            if (y and not havex) or (havex and not y):
                    want = '\n'.join(v)+'\n'
                # want: ^$ -> <BLANKLINE>
                while "\n\n" in want:
                    want = want.replace("\n\n", "\n<BLANKLINE>\n")
                X = doctest.OutputChecker()
                if not X.check_output(want, got, doctest.ELLIPSIS):
                    # output_difference wants Example object with .want attr
                    class Ex: pass
                    _ = Ex()
                    _.want = want
        >           fail("not equal:\n" + X.output_difference(_, got,
                                doctest.ELLIPSIS | doctest.REPORT_UDIFF))
        E           Failed: not equal:
        E           Expected:
        E               print(qq(b)): "привет αβγ b"
        E               print(qq(u)): "привет αβγ u"
        E           Got:
        E               Extend DSO search path to 'PYGOLANG/golang/runtime'
        E               print(qq(b)): "привет αβγ b"
        E               print(qq(u)): "привет αβγ u"
    see e.g. https://stack.nexedi.com/test_result_module/20240509-389AC427/3
    for details.
    /reviewed-by @kirr
    /reviewed-on !27
setup.py 15.2 KB