Commit 1a393f76 authored by bescoto's avatar bescoto

Added examples documentation file

git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
parent 629c4cf5
<li><a href="#backup">Backing up</a></li>
<li><a href="#restore">Restoring</a></li>
<li><a href="#delete_older">Deleting older files</a></li>
<li><a href="#exclude">File selection with include/exclude options</a></li>
<a name="backup"><h3>Backing up</h3></a>
<li><p>Simplest case---backup local directory <code>foo</code> to local
directory <code>bar</code>. <code>bar</code> will end up a copy of
<code>foo</code>, except it will contain the directory
foo/rdiff-backup-data, which will allow rdiff-backup to restore
previous states.</p>
<blockquote><code>rdiff-backup foo bar</code></blockquote>
<li> <p>Simple remote case---backup directory <code>/some/local-dir</code>
to the directory <code>/whatever/remote-dir</code> on the machine It uses ssh to open the necessary pipe to the remote
copy of rdiff-backup. Just like the above except one directory is on
a remove computer.</p>
<blockquote><code>rdiff-backup /some/local-dir</code></blockquote>
<li> <p>This time the source directory is remote and the destination
is local. Also, we have specified the username on the remote host (by
default ssh will attempt to log you in with the same username you have
on the local host).</p>
<blockquote><code>rdiff-backup local-dir</code></blockquote>
<li> <p>It is even possible for both the source and destination
directories to be on other machines. Below we have also added the
<code>-v5</code> switch for greater verbosity (verbosity settings go from
0 to 9, with 3 as the default).</p>
<blockquote><code>rdiff-backup -v5 user1@host1::/source-dir user2@host2::/dest-dir</code></blockquote> </li>
<a name="restore"><h3>Restoring</h3></a>
<li><p>Suppose earlier we have run <code>rdiff-backup foo bar</code>,
with both foo and bar local. We accidentally deleted
<code>foo/dir</code> and now want to restore it from <code>bar/dir</code>.
<blockquote><code>cp -a bar/dir foo/dir</code></blockquote>
That's right, since rdiff-backup makes a mirror, we can retrieve files
using standard commands like <code>cp</code>.</p>
<li><p>For the rest of the examples in the section, we will assume
that the user has backed up with the command <code>rdiff-backup
local-dir</code>. Of course, in all these
examples it would be equally possible to have the source being remote
and the backup directory local.</p>
<p>In this case we can't use <code>cp</code> to copying
<code></code> to <code>local-dir/file</code>
because they are on different machines. We can get rdiff-backup to
restore the current version of that file like this:
<blockquote><code>rdiff-backup -r now local-dir/file</code></blockquote>
The <code>-r</code> switch tells rdiff-backup to restore instead of
back up, and the <code>now</code> option indicates the current time.</p>
<li><p>But the main advantage of rdiff-backup is that it keeps version
history. This command restores
<code></code> as it was 10 days ago into a
new location <code>/tmp/file</code>.
<blockquote><code>rdiff-backup -r 10D /tmp/file</code></blockquote>
Other acceptable time strings include <code>5m4s</code> (5 minutes and
4 seconds) and <code>2002-03-05</code> (March 5th, 2002). For more
information, see the TIME FORMATS section of the manual page.</p> </li>
<li> <p>Finally, we can use rdiff-backup to restore directory from an
increment file. Increment files are stored in
<code></code> and
hold the previous versions of changed files. If you specify one
, rdiff-backup will tell from the filename that it is an
rdiff-backup file and not
<P>Back files up from /home/bob to /mnt/backup, leaving increments in
/mnt/backup/rdiff-backup-data. Do not back up directory /home/bob/tmp or
any files in it.</P>
<p><em>rdiff-backup --exclude /home/bob/tmp /home/bob /mnt/backup</em></p></li>
<p>The file selection options can be combined in various ways. The following
command backs up the whole file system to /usr/local/backup. However, the
entire /usr directory is skipped, with the exception of /usr/local, which
is included, except for /usr/local/backup, which is excluded to prevent
a circularity:</P>
<p><em>rdiff-backup --exclude /usr/local/backup --include /usr/local
--exclude /usr / /usr/local/backup</em></p></li>
<P>Suppose /mnt/backup is an rdiff-backup destination directory, and
space is running out there. The following command erases backup
information older than a week: <P>
<p><em>rdiff-backup --remove-older-than 7D /mnt/backup</em></p></li>
The following reads the file important-data.2001-07-15T04:09:38-07:00.dir and
restores the resulting directory important-data as it was on Februrary 14,
2001, calling the new directory "temp". Note that rdiff-backup goes into
restore mode because it recognizes the suffix of the file. The -v9 means
keep lots of logging information. <P>
<P><em>rdiff-backup -v9 important-data.2001-07-15T04:09:38-07:00.dir
<p>Suppose you backed up to the directory /backup on the host, where your username is user. The following command
restores all of that data as it was 3 days ago to the directory
<p><em>rdiff-backup -r 3D output</em></p></li>
<P>Backup foo on one remote machine to bar on another. This will
probably be slower than running rdiff-backup from either machine. <P>
<P><em>rdiff-backup smith@host1::foo jones@host2::bar</em></p>
<p> Test to see if the specified ssh command really opens up a working
rdiff-backup server on the remote side.</P>
<p><em>rdiff-backup --test-server</em></p></li>
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