Commit 42fdaace authored by ben's avatar ben

Final update of statistics stuff

git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
parent ab547632
New in v0.7.6 (2002/??/??)
Improved statistics support, and added --print-statistics and
--calculate-average switches.
New in v0.7.5 (2002/05/21)
......@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ rdiff-backup \- local/remote mirror and incremental backup
.BI "| --remove-older-than " time_interval }
.BI [[[ user@ ] ]:: destination_directory ]
.B rdiff-backup --calculate-average
.I statfile1 statfile2 ...
.B rdiff-backup
is a script, written in
......@@ -45,6 +48,11 @@ on other options, see the section on
.B -b, --backup-mode
Force backup mode even if first argument appears to be an increment file.
.B --calculate-average
Enter calculate average mode. The arguments should be a number of
statistics files. rdiff-backup will print the average of the listed
statistics files and exit.
.B --change-source-perms
If this option is set, rdiff-backup will try to change the mode of any
unreadable files or unreadable/unexecutable directories in the source
......@@ -199,6 +207,11 @@ or
.B --list-increments
.B --print-statistics
If set, summary statistics will be printed after a successful backup
If not set, this information will still be available from the
session_statistics.<time>.data file.
.BI "--quoting-char " char
Use the specified character for quoting characters specified to be
escaped by the
#!/usr/bin/env python
# rdiff-backup -- Mirror files while keeping incremental changes
# Version 0.7.5 released May 21, 2002
# Version released May 25, 2002
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Ben Escoto <>
# This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
......@@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
cls.check_skip_error(finalizer.Finish, dsrp)
except: cls.handle_last_error(dsrp, finalizer, ITR)
if Globals.preserve_hardlinks: Hardlink.final_writedata()
def patch_increment_and_finalize(cls, dest_rpath, diffs, inc_rpath):
......@@ -291,6 +292,7 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
cls.check_skip_error(finalizer.Finish, dsrp)
except: cls.handle_last_error(dsrp, finalizer, ITR)
if Globals.preserve_hardlinks: Hardlink.final_writedata()
def check_skip_error(cls, thunk, dsrp):
......@@ -321,4 +323,19 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
def write_statistics(cls, ITR):
"""Write session statistics to file, log"""
stat_inc = Inc.get_inc(Globals.rbdir.append("session_statistics"),
Time.curtime, "data")
ITR.StartTime = Time.curtime
ITR.EndTime = time.time()
if Globals.preserve_hardlinks and Hardlink.final_inc:
# include hardlink data in size of increments
ITR.IncrementFileSize += Hardlink.final_inc.getsize()
if Globals.print_statistics:
message = ITR.get_stats_logstring("Session statistics")
......@@ -54,6 +54,12 @@ class StatsObj:
if self.get_stat(attr) is not None]
return "".join(timelist + filelist)
def get_stats_logstring(self, title):
"""Like get_stats_string, but add header and footer"""
header = "-------------[ %s ]-------------" % title
footer = "-" * len(header)
return "%s\n%s%s\n" % (header, self.get_stats_string(), footer)
def init_stats_from_string(self, s):
"""Initialize attributes from string, return self for convenience"""
def error(line): raise StatsException("Bad line '%s'" % line)
......@@ -64,7 +70,12 @@ class StatsObj:
if len(line_parts) < 2: error(line)
attr, value_string = line_parts[:2]
if not attr in self.stat_attrs: error(line)
try: self.set_stat(attr, long(value_string))
try: val1 = long(value_string)
except ValueError: val1 = None
val2 = float(value_string)
if val1 == val2: self.set_stat(attr, val1) # use integer val
else: self.set_stat(attr, val2) # use float
except ValueError: error(line)
return self
......@@ -111,6 +122,12 @@ class StatsObj:
return self
def get_statsobj_copy(self):
"""Return new StatsObj object with same stats as self"""
s = StatObj()
for attr in self.stat_attrs: s.set_stat(attr, self.get_stat(attr))
return s
class StatsITR(IterTreeReducer, StatsObj):
"""Keep track of per directory statistics
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import re, os
class Globals:
# The current version of rdiff-backup
version = "0.7.5"
version = ""
# If this is set, use this value in seconds as the current time
# instead of reading it from the clock.
......@@ -79,6 +79,12 @@ class Globals:
# Connection of the backup writer
backup_writer = None
# True if this process is the client invoked by the user
isclient = None
# Connection of the client
client_conn = None
# This list is used by the set function below. When a new
# connection is created with init_connection, its Globals class
# will match this one for all the variables mentioned in this
......@@ -144,6 +150,9 @@ class Globals:
# Determines whether or not ssh will be run with the -C switch
ssh_compression = 1
# If true, print statistics after successful backup
print_statistics = None
# On the reader and writer connections, the following will be
# replaced by the source and mirror Select objects respectively.
select_source, select_mirror = None, None
......@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ class Hardlink:
fp ="wb", compress)
cPickle.dump(dict, fp)
assert not fp.close()
Robust.make_tf_robustaction(init, (tf,), (rpath,)).execute()
def get_linkrp(cls, data_rpath, time, prefix):
......@@ -173,14 +174,17 @@ class Hardlink:
def final_writedata(cls):
"""Write final checkpoint data to rbdir after successful backup"""
if not cls._src_index_indicies: return
if not cls._src_index_indicies: # no hardlinks, so writing unnecessary
cls.final_inc = None
Log("Writing hard link data", 6)
if Globals.compression:
rp = Globals.rbdir.append("" %
else: rp = Globals.rbdir.append("" %
cls.write_linkdict(rp, cls._src_index_indicies, Globals.compression)
cls.final_inc = Globals.rbdir.append("" %
else: cls.final_inc = Globals.rbdir.append("" %
cls._src_index_indicies, Globals.compression)
def retrieve_final(cls, time):
"""Set source index dictionary from hardlink_data file if avail"""
#!/usr/bin/env python
# rdiff-backup -- Mirror files while keeping incremental changes
# Version 0.7.5 released May 21, 2002
# Version released May 25, 2002
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Ben Escoto <>
# This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
......@@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
cls.check_skip_error(finalizer.Finish, dsrp)
except: cls.handle_last_error(dsrp, finalizer, ITR)
if Globals.preserve_hardlinks: Hardlink.final_writedata()
def patch_increment_and_finalize(cls, dest_rpath, diffs, inc_rpath):
......@@ -291,6 +292,7 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
cls.check_skip_error(finalizer.Finish, dsrp)
except: cls.handle_last_error(dsrp, finalizer, ITR)
if Globals.preserve_hardlinks: Hardlink.final_writedata()
def check_skip_error(cls, thunk, dsrp):
......@@ -321,4 +323,19 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
def write_statistics(cls, ITR):
"""Write session statistics to file, log"""
stat_inc = Inc.get_inc(Globals.rbdir.append("session_statistics"),
Time.curtime, "data")
ITR.StartTime = Time.curtime
ITR.EndTime = time.time()
if Globals.preserve_hardlinks and Hardlink.final_inc:
# include hardlink data in size of increments
ITR.IncrementFileSize += Hardlink.final_inc.getsize()
if Globals.print_statistics:
message = ITR.get_stats_logstring("Session statistics")
......@@ -24,16 +24,17 @@ class Main:
except IOError: Log.FatalError("Error opening file %s" % filename)
try: optlist, self.args = getopt.getopt(arglist, "blmr:sv:V",
["backup-mode", "change-source-perms",
"chars-to-quote=", "checkpoint-interval=",
"current-time=", "exclude=", "exclude-device-files",
"exclude-filelist=", "exclude-filelist-stdin",
"exclude-mirror=", "exclude-regexp=", "force",
"include=", "include-filelist=",
"include-filelist-stdin", "include-regexp=",
"list-increments", "mirror-only", "no-compression",
"no-compression-regexp=", "no-hard-links", "no-resume",
"parsable-output", "quoting-char=", "remote-cmd=",
["backup-mode", "calculate-average",
"change-source-perms", "chars-to-quote=",
"checkpoint-interval=", "current-time=", "exclude=",
"exclude-device-files", "exclude-filelist=",
"exclude-filelist-stdin", "exclude-mirror=",
"exclude-regexp=", "force", "include=",
"include-filelist=", "include-filelist-stdin",
"include-regexp=", "list-increments", "mirror-only",
"no-compression", "no-compression-regexp=",
"no-hard-links", "no-resume", "parsable-output",
"print-statistics", "quoting-char=", "remote-cmd=",
"remote-schema=", "remove-older-than=",
"restore-as-of=", "resume", "resume-window=", "server",
"ssh-no-compression", "terminal-verbosity=",
......@@ -44,6 +45,8 @@ class Main:
for opt, arg in optlist:
if opt == "-b" or opt == "--backup-mode": self.action = "backup"
elif opt == "--calculate-average":
self.action = "calculate-average"
elif opt == "--change-source-perms":
Globals.set('change_source_perms', 1)
elif opt == "--chars-to-quote":
......@@ -89,6 +92,8 @@ class Main:
self.restore_timestr = arg
self.action = "restore-as-of"
elif opt == "--parsable-output": Globals.set('parsable_output', 1)
elif opt == "--print-statistics":
Globals.set('print_statistics', 1)
elif opt == "--quoting-char":
Globals.set('quoting_char', arg)
Globals.set('quoting_enabled', 1)
......@@ -160,6 +165,8 @@ class Main:
Globals.set("isclient", 1)
SetConnections.UpdateGlobal("client_conn", Globals.local_connection)
# This is because I originally didn't think compiled regexps
# could be pickled, and so must be compiled on remote side.
......@@ -177,6 +184,7 @@ class Main:
elif self.action == "test-server": SetConnections.TestConnections()
elif self.action == "list-increments": self.ListIncrements(rps[0])
elif self.action == "remove-older-than": self.RemoveOlderThan(rps[0])
elif self.action == "calculate-average": self.CalculateAverage(rps)
else: raise AssertionError("Unknown action " + self.action)
def cleanup(self):
......@@ -444,6 +452,14 @@ Try restoring from an increment file (the filenames look like
else: print Manage.describe_incs_human(incs, mirror_time, mirrorrp)
def CalculateAverage(self, rps):
"""Print out the average of the given statistics files"""
statobjs = map(lambda rp: StatsObj().read_stats_from_rp(rp), rps)
average_stats = StatsObj().set_to_average(statobjs)
print average_stats.get_stats_logstring(
"Average of %d stat files" % len(rps))
def RemoveOlderThan(self, rootrp):
"""Remove all increment files older than a certain time"""
datadir = rootrp.append("rdiff-backup-data")
......@@ -54,6 +54,12 @@ class StatsObj:
if self.get_stat(attr) is not None]
return "".join(timelist + filelist)
def get_stats_logstring(self, title):
"""Like get_stats_string, but add header and footer"""
header = "-------------[ %s ]-------------" % title
footer = "-" * len(header)
return "%s\n%s%s\n" % (header, self.get_stats_string(), footer)
def init_stats_from_string(self, s):
"""Initialize attributes from string, return self for convenience"""
def error(line): raise StatsException("Bad line '%s'" % line)
......@@ -64,7 +70,12 @@ class StatsObj:
if len(line_parts) < 2: error(line)
attr, value_string = line_parts[:2]
if not attr in self.stat_attrs: error(line)
try: self.set_stat(attr, long(value_string))
try: val1 = long(value_string)
except ValueError: val1 = None
val2 = float(value_string)
if val1 == val2: self.set_stat(attr, val1) # use integer val
else: self.set_stat(attr, val2) # use float
except ValueError: error(line)
return self
......@@ -111,6 +122,12 @@ class StatsObj:
return self
def get_statsobj_copy(self):
"""Return new StatsObj object with same stats as self"""
s = StatObj()
for attr in self.stat_attrs: s.set_stat(attr, self.get_stat(attr))
return s
class StatsITR(IterTreeReducer, StatsObj):
"""Keep track of per directory statistics
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