Commit 5d4a8ca0 authored by bescoto's avatar bescoto

Add new code to determine fs abilities at runtime

git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
parent 279f4eb1
# Copyright 2002 Ben Escoto
# This file is part of rdiff-backup.
# rdiff-backup is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# rdiff-backup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with rdiff-backup; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
"""Determine the capabilities of given file system
rdiff-backup needs to read and write to file systems with varying
abilities. For instance, some file systems and not others have ACLs,
are case-sensitive, or can store ownership information. The code in
this module tests the file system for various features, and returns an
FSAbilities object describing it.
import errno
import Globals, log, TempFile
class FSAbilities:
"""Store capabilities of given file system"""
chars_to_quote = None # Hold characters not allowable in file names
ownership = None # True if chown works on this filesystem
acls = None # True if access control lists supported
eas = None # True if extended attributes supported
hardlinks = None # True if hard linking supported
fsync_dirs = None # True if directories can be fsync'd
read_only = None # True if capabilities were determined non-destructively
def init_readonly(self, rp):
"""Set variables using fs tested at RPath rp
This method does not write to the file system at all, and
should be run on the file system when the file system will
only need to be read.
Only self.acls and self.eas are set.
self.read_only = 1
self.set_eas(rp, 0)
return self
def init_readwrite(self, rp_base):
"""Set variables using fs tested at rp_base
This method creates a temp directory in rp_base and writes to
it in order to test various features. Use on a file system
that will be written to.
This sets self.chars_to_quote, self.ownership, self.acls,
self.eas, self.hardlinks, and self.fsync_dirs.
assert rp_base.isdir()
self.read_only = 0
subdir = TempFile.new_in_dir(rp_base)
self.set_eas(subdir, 1)
return self
def set_ownership(self, testdir):
"""Set self.ownership to true iff testdir's ownership can be changed"""
tmp_rp = testdir.append("foo")
uid, gid = tmp_rp.getuidgid()
tmp_rp.chown(uid+1, gid+1) # just choose random uid/gid
tmp_rp.chown(0, 0)
except (IOError, OSError), exc:
if exc[0] == errno.EPERM:
log.Log("Warning: ownership cannot be changed on filesystem "
"at device %s" % (testdir.getdevloc(),), 2)
self.ownership = 0
else: raise
else: self.ownership = 1
def set_hardlinks(self, testdir):
"""Set self.hardlinks to true iff hard linked files can be made"""
hl_source = testdir.append("hardlinked_file1")
hl_dest = testdir.append("hardlinked_file2")
assert hl_source.getinode() == hl_dest.getinode()
except (IOError, OSError), exc:
if exc[0] in (errno.EOPNOTSUPP, errno.EPERM):
log.Log("Warning: hard linking not supported by filesystem %s"
% (testdir.getdevloc(),), 2)
self.hardlinks = 0
else: raise
else: self.hardlinks = 1
def set_fsync_dirs(self, testdir):
"""Set self.fsync_dirs if directories can be fsync'd"""
try: testdir.fsync()
except (IOError, OSError), exc:
log.Log("Warning: Directories on file system at %s are not "
"fsyncable.\nAssuming it's unnecessary." %
(testdir.getdevloc(),), 2)
self.fsync_dirs = 0
else: self.fsync_dirs = 1
def set_chars_to_quote(self, subdir):
"""Set self.chars_to_quote by trying to write various paths"""
def is_case_sensitive():
"""Return true if file system is case sensitive"""
upper_a = subdir.append("A")
lower_a = subdir.append("a")
if lower_a.lstat():
assert not upper_a.lstat()
return 0
return 1
def supports_unusual_chars():
"""Test handling of several chars sometimes not supported"""
for filename in [':', '\\', chr(175)]:
rp = subdir.append(filename)
try: rp.touch()
except IOError:
assert not rp.lstat()
return 0
assert rp.lstat()
return 1
def sanity_check():
"""Make sure basic filenames writable"""
for filename in ['5-_ a']:
rp = subdir.append(filename)
assert rp.lstat()
if is_case_sensitive():
if supports_unusual_chars(): self.chars_to_quote = ""
else: self.chars_to_quote = "^A-Za-z0-9_ -"
if supports_unusual_chars(): self.chars_to_quote = "A-Z"
else: self.chars_to_quote = "^a-z0-9_ -"
def set_acls(self, rp):
"""Set self.acls based on rp. Does not write. Needs to be local"""
assert Globals.local_connection is rp.conn
assert rp.lstat()
try: import posix1e
except ImportError:
log.Log("Warning: Unable to import module posix1e from pylibacl "
"package.\nACLs not supported on device %s" %
(rp.getdevloc(),), 2)
self.acls = 0
try: posix1e.ACL(file=rp.path)
except IOError, exc:
if exc[0] == errno.EOPNOTSUPP:
log.Log("Warning: ACLs appear not to be supported by "
"filesystem on device %s" % (rp.getdevloc(),), 2)
self.acls = 0
else: raise
else: self.acls = 1
def set_eas(self, rp, write):
"""Set extended attributes from rp. Run locally.
Tests writing if write is true.
assert Globals.local_connection is rp.conn
assert rp.lstat()
try: import xattr
except ImportError:
log.Log("Warning: Unable to import module xattr. ACLs not "
"supported on device %s" % (rp.getdevloc(),), 2)
self.eas = 0
if write:
xattr.setxattr(rp.path, "user.test", "test val")
assert xattr.getxattr(rp.path, "user.test") == "test val"
except IOError, exc:
if exc[0] == errno.EOPNOTSUPP:
log.Log("Warning: Extended attributes not supported by "
"filesystem on device %s" % (rp.getdevloc(),), 2)
self.eas = 0
else: raise
else: self.eas = 1
import unittest, os
from commontest import *
from rdiff_backup import Globals, rpath, fs_abilities
class FSAbilitiesTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test testing of file system abilities
Some of these tests assume that the actual file system tested has
the given abilities. If the file system this is run on differs
from the original test system, this test may/should fail. Change
the expected values below.
# Describes standard linux file system
dir_to_test = "testfiles"
eas = acls = 1
chars_to_quote = ""
ownership = (os.getuid() == 0)
hardlinks = fsync_dirs = 1
# Describes MS-Windows style file system
#dir_to_test = "/mnt/fat"
#eas = acls = 0
#chars_to_quote = "^a-z0-9_ -"
#ownership = hardlinks = 0
#fsync_dirs = 1
def testReadOnly(self):
"""Test basic querying read only"""
base_dir = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, self.dir_to_test)
fsa = fs_abilities.FSAbilities().init_readonly(base_dir)
assert fsa.read_only == 1, fsa.read_only
assert fsa.eas == self.eas, fsa.eas
assert fsa.acls == self.acls, fsa.acls
def testReadWrite(self):
"""Test basic querying read/write"""
base_dir = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, self.dir_to_test)
fsa = fs_abilities.FSAbilities().init_readwrite(base_dir)
assert fsa.read_only == 0, fsa.read_only
assert fsa.eas == self.eas, fsa.eas
assert fsa.acls == self.acls, fsa.acls
assert fsa.chars_to_quote == self.chars_to_quote, fsa.chars_to_quote
assert fsa.ownership == self.ownership, fsa.ownership
assert fsa.hardlinks == self.hardlinks, fsa.hardlinks
assert fsa.fsync_dirs == self.fsync_dirs, fsa.fsync_dirs
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
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