Commit 8274e191 authored by bescoto's avatar bescoto

Re-added --windows-mode option

git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
parent f38aa30d
New in v0.11.2 (2003/??/??)
New in v0.11.2 (2003/02/07)
Fixed seg fault bug reported by a couple sparc/openbsd users. Thanks
to Dave Steinberg for giving me an account on his system for testing.
Re-enabled --windows-mode and filename quoting.
New in v0.11.1 (2002/12/31)
Look at Kent Borg's suggestion for restore options and digests.
Write some better selection test cases to test new Iterate_fast func.
Work on killtest code - avoid returning a failure when a file is
......@@ -362,18 +362,8 @@ This option is short for "--chars to quote A-Z: --windows-time-format
--no-hard-links --exclude-special-files" and is appropriate when
backing a normal unix file system to one that doesn't allow colons in
filenames, is not case sensitive, and cannot store special files or
hard links. --windows-mode should not be necessary when backing up
one windows file system to another, although --windows-time-format
would still be required. If this switch is used for backing up, it
must also be used when restoring, listing increments, etc.
.B --windows-time-format
If this option is present, use underscores instead of colons in
increment files, so 2001-07-15T04:09:38-07:00 becomes
2001-07-15T04_09_38-07_00. This option may be useful under various
Microsoft file systems, which prohibit colons in filenames. If this
switch is used for backing up, it must also be used when restoring,
listing increments, etc.
hard links. If this switch is used for backing up, it must also be
used when restoring, listing increments, etc.
Simplest case---backup directory foo to directory bar, with increments
......@@ -20,14 +20,17 @@
"""Coordinate corresponding files with different names
For instance, some source filenames may contain characters not allowed
on the mirror end. Also, if a source filename is very long (say 240
characters), the extra characters added to related increments may put
them over the usual 255 character limit.
on the mirror end. These files must be called something different on
the mirror end, so we escape the offending characters with semicolons.
One problem/complication is that all this escaping may put files over
the 256 or whatever limit on the length of file names. (We just don't
handle that error.)
import re
import Globals, log
import Globals, log, rpath
max_filename_length = 255
......@@ -43,6 +46,8 @@ unquoting_regexp = None
quoting_char = None
class QuotingException(Exception): pass
def set_init_quote_vals():
"""Set quoting value from Globals on all conns"""
for conn in Globals.connections:
......@@ -90,7 +95,54 @@ def unquote(path):
def unquote_single(match):
"""Unquote a single quoted character"""
assert len( == 4
return chr(int([1:]))
if not len( == 4:
raise QuotingException("Quoted group wrong size: " +
try: return chr(int([1:]))
except ValueError:
raise QuotingException("Quoted out of range: " +
class QuotedRPath(rpath.RPath):
"""RPath where the filename is quoted version of index
We use QuotedRPaths so we don't need to remember to quote RPaths
derived from this one (via append or new_index). Note that only
the index is quoted, not the base.
def __init__(self, connection, base, index = (), data = None):
"""Make new QuotedRPath"""
quoted_index = tuple(map(quote, index))
rpath.RPath.__init__(self, connection, base, quoted_index, data)
self.index = index
def listdir(self):
"""Return list of unquoted filenames in current directory
We want them unquoted so that the results can be sorted
correctly and append()ed to the currect QuotedRPath.
return map(unquote, self.conn.os.listdir(self.path))
def __str__(self):
return "QuotedPath: %s\nIndex: %s\nData: %s" % \
(self.path, self.index,
def isincfile(self):
"""Return true if path indicates increment, sets various variables"""
result = rpath.RPath.isincfile(self)
if result: self.inc_basestr = unquote(self.inc_basestr)
return result
def get_quotedrpath(rp, separate_basename = 0):
"""Return quoted version of rpath rp"""
assert not rp.index # Why would we starting quoting "in the middle"?
if separate_basename:
dirname, basename = rp.dirsplit()
return QuotedRPath(rp.conn, dirname, (unquote(basename),),
else: return QuotedRPath(rp.conn, rp.base, (),
def get_quoted_sep_base(filename):
"""Get QuotedRPath from filename assuming last bit is quoted"""
return get_quotedrpath(rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, filename), 1)
......@@ -102,19 +102,12 @@ changed_settings = []
# The RPath of the rdiff-backup-data directory.
rbdir = None
# This string is used when recognizing and creating time strings.
# If the time_separator is ":", then W3 datetime strings like
# 2001-12-07T04:22:01-07:00 are produced. It can be set to "_" to
# make filenames that don't contain colons, which aren't allowed
# under MS windows NT.
time_separator = ":"
# quoting_enabled is true if we should quote certain characters in
# filenames on the source side (see FilenameMapping for more
# info). chars_to_quote is a string whose characters should be
# quoted, and quoting_char is the character to quote with.
quoting_enabled = None
chars_to_quote = ""
chars_to_quote = "A-Z:"
quoting_char = ';'
# If true, emit output intended to be easily readable by a
# Copyright 2002 Ben Escoto
# This file is part of rdiff-backup.
......@@ -142,16 +141,21 @@ def parse_cmdlineoptions(arglist):
elif opt == "-v" or opt == "--verbosity": Log.setverbosity(arg)
elif opt == "--windows-mode":
Globals.set('time_separator', "_")
Globals.set('chars_to_quote', "A-Z:")
Globals.set('quoting_enabled', 1)
Globals.set('preserve_hardlinks', 0)
select_opts.append(("--exclude-special-files", None))
assert 0, "Windows mode doesn't work in this version!"
elif opt == '--windows-time-format':
Globals.set('time_separator', "_")
else: Log.FatalError("Unknown option %s" % opt)
def isincfilename(path):
"""Return true if path is of a (possibly quoted) increment file"""
rp = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, path)
if Globals.quoting_enabled:
if not FilenameMapping.quoting_char:
rp = FilenameMapping.get_quotedrpath(rp, separate_basename = 1)
result = rp.isincfile()
return result
def set_action():
"""Check arguments and try to set action"""
global action
......@@ -160,8 +164,7 @@ def set_action():
if l == 0: commandline_error("No arguments given")
elif l == 1: action = "restore"
elif l == 2:
if rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, args[0]).isincfile():
action = "restore"
if isincfilename(args[0]): action = "restore"
else: action = "backup"
else: commandline_error("Too many arguments given")
......@@ -230,6 +233,8 @@ def Main(arglist):
def Backup(rpin, rpout):
"""Backup, possibly incrementally, src_path to dest_path."""
if Globals.quoting_enabled:
rpout = FilenameMapping.get_quotedrpath(rpout)
SetConnections.BackupInitConnections(rpin.conn, rpout.conn)
backup_init_dirs(rpin, rpout)
......@@ -259,9 +264,9 @@ def backup_init_dirs(rpin, rpout):
elif not rpin.isdir():
Log.FatalError("Source %s is not a directory" % rpin.path)
datadir = rpout.append("rdiff-backup-data")
datadir = rpout.append_path("rdiff-backup-data")
SetConnections.UpdateGlobal('rbdir', datadir)
incdir = rpath.RPath(rpout.conn, os.path.join(datadir.path, "increments"))
incdir = datadir.append_path("increments")
prevtime = backup_get_mirrortime()
if rpout.lstat():
......@@ -351,7 +356,7 @@ def RestoreAsOf(rpin, target):
target - RPath of place to put restored file
restore_check_paths(rpin, target, 1)
rpin, rpout = restore_check_paths(rpin, target, 1)
try: time = Time.genstrtotime(restore_timestr)
except Time.TimeException, exc: Log.FatalError(str(exc))
restore_common(rpin, target, time)
......@@ -384,7 +389,9 @@ def restore_check_paths(rpin, rpout, restoreasof = None):
if not restoreasof:
if not rpin.lstat():
Log.FatalError("Source file %s does not exist" % rpin.path)
elif not rpin.isincfile():
if Globals.quoting_enabled:
rpin = FilenameMapping.get_quotedrpath(rpin, 1)
if not rpin.isincfile():
Log.FatalError("""File %s does not look like an increment file.
Try restoring from an increment file (the filenames look like
......@@ -438,7 +445,8 @@ def restore_get_root(rpin):
i = i-1
else: Log.FatalError("Unable to find rdiff-backup-data directory")
rootrp = parent_dir
if not Globals.quoting_enabled: rootrp = parent_dir
else: rootrp = FilenameMapping.get_quotedrpath(parent_dir)
Log("Using mirror root directory %s" % rootrp.path, 6)
datadir = rootrp.append_path("rdiff-backup-data")
......@@ -476,7 +484,7 @@ def CalculateAverage(rps):
def RemoveOlderThan(rootrp):
"""Remove all increment files older than a certain time"""
datadir = rootrp.append("rdiff-backup-data")
datadir = rootrp.append_path("rdiff-backup-data")
if not datadir.lstat() or not datadir.isdir():
Log.FatalError("Unable to open rdiff-backup-data dir %s" %
......@@ -487,7 +495,7 @@ def RemoveOlderThan(rootrp):
Log("Deleting increment(s) before %s" % timep, 4)
times_in_secs = [inc.getinctime() for inc in
times_in_secs = filter(lambda t: t < time, times_in_secs)
if not times_in_secs:
Log.FatalError("No increments older than %s found" % timep)
......@@ -61,9 +61,8 @@ def setprevtime_local(timeinseconds, timestr):
def timetostring(timeinseconds):
"""Return w3 datetime compliant listing of timeinseconds"""
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H" + Globals.time_separator +
"%M" + Globals.time_separator + "%S",
time.localtime(timeinseconds)) + gettzd()
s = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(timeinseconds))
return s + gettzd()
def stringtotime(timestring):
"""Return time in seconds from w3 timestring
......@@ -75,8 +74,7 @@ def stringtotime(timestring):
date, daytime = timestring[:19].split("T")
year, month, day = map(int, date.split("-"))
hour, minute, second = map(int,
hour, minute, second = map(int, daytime.split(":"))
assert 1900 < year < 2100, year
assert 1 <= month <= 12
assert 1 <= day <= 31
......@@ -154,15 +152,13 @@ def gettzd():
hours, minutes = map(abs, divmod(offset, 60))
assert 0 <= hours <= 23
assert 0 <= minutes <= 59
return "%s%02d%s%02d" % (prefix, hours,
Globals.time_separator, minutes)
return "%s%02d:%02d" % (prefix, hours, minutes)
def tzdtoseconds(tzd):
"""Given w3 compliant TZD, return how far ahead UTC is"""
if tzd == "Z": return 0
assert len(tzd) == 6 # only accept forms like +08:00 for now
assert (tzd[0] == "-" or tzd[0] == "+") and \
tzd[3] == Globals.time_separator
assert (tzd[0] == "-" or tzd[0] == "+") and tzd[3] == ":"
return -60 * (60 * int(tzd[:3]) + int(tzd[4:]))
def cmp(time1, time2):
......@@ -85,12 +85,19 @@ def makedir(mirrordir, incpref):
return dirsign
def get_inc(rp, time, typestr):
"""Return increment like rp but with time and typestr suffixes"""
"""Return increment like rp but with time and typestr suffixes
To avoid any quoting, the returned rpath has empty index, and the
whole filename is in the base (which is not quoted).
addtostr = lambda s: "%s.%s.%s" % (s, Time.timetostring(time), typestr)
if rp.index:
incrp = rp.__class__(rp.conn, rp.base, rp.index[:-1] +
else: incrp = rp.__class__(rp.conn, addtostr(rp.base), rp.index)
dirname, basename = rp.dirsplit()
incrp = rp.__class__(rp.conn, dirname, (addtostr(basename),))
return incrp
def get_inc_ext(rp, typestr, inctime = None):
......@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
from __future__ import generators
import tempfile, os
import Globals, Time, Rdiff, Hardlink, FilenameMapping, rorpiter, \
selection, rpath, log, backup, static, robust, metadata
import Globals, Time, Rdiff, Hardlink, rorpiter, selection, rpath, \
log, backup, static, robust, metadata
# This should be set to selection.Select objects over the source and
......@@ -52,20 +52,13 @@ def Restore(mirror_rp, inc_rpath, target, restore_to_time):
def get_inclist(inc_rpath):
"""Returns increments with given base"""
dirname, basename = inc_rpath.dirsplit()
parent_dir = rpath.RPath(inc_rpath.conn, dirname, ())
parent_dir = inc_rpath.__class__(inc_rpath.conn, dirname, ())
if not parent_dir.isdir(): return [] # inc directory not created yet
index = inc_rpath.index
if index:
get_inc_ext = lambda filename: \
rpath.RPath(inc_rpath.conn, inc_rpath.base,
inc_rpath.index[:-1] + (filename,))
else: get_inc_ext = lambda filename: \
rpath.RPath(inc_rpath.conn, os.path.join(dirname, filename))
inc_list = []
for filename in parent_dir.listdir():
inc = get_inc_ext(filename)
inc = parent_dir.append(filename)
if inc.isincfile() and inc.getincbase_str() == basename:
return inc_list
......@@ -404,26 +397,17 @@ class RestoreFile:
for mirror_rp, inc_pair in collated:
if not inc_pair:
inc_rp = self.inc_rp.new_index(mirror_rp.index)
if Globals.quoting_enabled: inc_rp.quote_path()
inc_list = []
else: inc_rp, inc_list = inc_pair
if not mirror_rp:
mirror_rp = self.mirror_rp.new_index(inc_rp.index)
if Globals.quoting_enabled: mirror_rp.quote_path()
yield RestoreFile(mirror_rp, inc_rp, inc_list)
def yield_mirrorrps(self, mirrorrp):
"""Yield mirrorrps underneath given mirrorrp"""
if mirrorrp and mirrorrp.isdir():
if Globals.quoting_enabled:
for rp in selection.get_quoted_dir_children(mirrorrp):
if rp.index != ('rdiff-backup-data',): yield rp
dirlist = mirrorrp.listdir()
for filename in dirlist:
rp = mirrorrp.append(filename)
if rp.index != ('rdiff-backup-data',): yield rp
for filename in robust.listrp(mirrorrp):
rp = mirrorrp.append(filename)
if rp.index != ('rdiff-backup-data',): yield rp
def yield_inc_complexes(self, inc_rpath):
"""Yield (sub_inc_rpath, inc_list) IndexedTuples from given inc_rpath
......@@ -433,23 +417,19 @@ class RestoreFile:
if not inc_rpath.isdir(): return
inc_dict = {} # dictionary of basenames:inc_lists
inc_dict = {} # dictionary of basenames:IndexedTuples(index, inc_list)
dirlist = robust.listrp(inc_rpath)
if Globals.quoting_enabled:
dirlist = [FilenameMapping.unquote(fn) for fn in dirlist]
def affirm_dict_indexed(basename):
"""Make sure the rid dictionary has given basename as key"""
if not inc_dict.has_key(basename):
sub_inc_rp = inc_rpath.append(basename)
if Globals.quoting_enabled: sub_inc_rp.quote_path()
inc_dict[basename] = rorpiter.IndexedTuple(sub_inc_rp.index,
(sub_inc_rp, []))
def add_to_dict(filename):
"""Add filename to the inc tuple dictionary"""
rp = inc_rpath.append(filename)
if Globals.quoting_enabled: rp.quote_path()
if rp.isincfile() and rp.getinctype() != 'data':
basename = rp.getincbase_str()
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ are dealing with are local or remote.
import os, stat, re, sys, shutil, gzip, socket, time
import Globals, FilenameMapping, Time, static, log
import Globals, Time, static, log
class SkipFileException(Exception):
......@@ -592,12 +592,6 @@ class RPath(RORPath):
s = self.conn.reval("lambda path: os.lstat(path).st_rdev", self.path)
return (s >> 8, s & 0xff)
def quote_path(self):
"""Set path from quoted version of index"""
quoted_list = [FilenameMapping.quote(path) for path in self.index]
self.path = "/".join([self.base] + quoted_list)
def chmod(self, permissions):
"""Wrapper around os.chmod"""
self.conn.os.chmod(self.path, permissions)
......@@ -843,7 +837,9 @@ class RPath(RORPath):
def getincbase_str(self):
"""Return the base filename string of an increment file"""
return self.getincbase().dirsplit()[1]
rp = self.getincbase()
if rp.index: return rp.index[-1]
else: return rp.dirsplit()[1]
def makedev(self, type, major, minor):
"""Make a special file with specified type, and major/minor nums"""
......@@ -80,19 +80,12 @@ class Select:
# This re should not match normal filenames, but usually just globs
glob_re = re.compile("(.*[*?[]|ignorecase\\:)", re.I | re.S)
def __init__(self, rootrp, quoted_filenames = None):
"""Select initializer. rpath is the root directory
When files have quoted characters in them, quoted_filenames
should be true. Then RPath's index will be the unquoted
def __init__(self, rootrp):
"""Select initializer. rpath is the root directory"""
assert isinstance(rootrp, rpath.RPath)
self.selection_functions = []
self.rpath = rootrp
self.prefix = self.rpath.path
self.quoting_on = Globals.quoting_enabled and quoted_filenames
def set_iter(self, iterate_parents = None, sel_func = None):
"""Initialize more variables, get ready to iterate
......@@ -103,9 +96,7 @@ class Select:
if not sel_func: sel_func = self.Select
self.rpath.setdata() # this may have changed since Select init
if self.quoting_on:
self.iter = self.Iterate(self.rpath, self.Iterate, sel_func)
else: self.iter = self.Iterate_fast(self.rpath, sel_func)
self.iter = self.Iterate_fast(self.rpath, sel_func)
# only iterate parents if we are not starting from beginning =
......@@ -113,12 +104,7 @@ class Select:
return self
def Iterate_fast(self, rpath, sel_func):
"""Like Iterate, but don't recur, saving time
Only handles standard case (quoting off, starting from
"""Like Iterate, but don't recur, saving time"""
def error_handler(exc, filename):
Log("Error initializing file %s/%s" % (rpath.path, filename), 2)
return None
......@@ -194,17 +180,12 @@ class Select:
Log("Error initializing file %s/%s" % (rpath.path, filename), 2)
return None
if self.quoting_on:
for subdir in get_quoted_dir_children(rpath):
for rp in rec_func(subdir, rec_func, sel_func):
for filename in robust.listrp(rpath):
new_rp = robust.check_common_error(
error_handler, rpath.append, [filename])
if new_rp:
for rp in rec_func(new_rp, rec_func, sel_func):
yield rp
for filename in robust.listrp(rpath):
new_rp = robust.check_common_error(
error_handler, rpath.append, [filename])
if new_rp:
for rp in rec_func(new_rp, rec_func, sel_func):
yield rp
def Select(self, rp):
"""Run through the selection functions and return dominant val 0/1/2"""
......@@ -617,22 +598,4 @@ probably isn't what you meant.""" %
return res
def get_quoted_dir_children(rpath):
"""For rpath directory, return list of quoted children in dir
This used to be in FilenameMapping, but was moved because it
depends on the robust.listrp routine.
if not rpath.isdir(): return []
dir_pairs = [(FilenameMapping.unquote(filename), filename)
for filename in robust.listrp(rpath)]
dir_pairs.sort() # sort by real index, not quoted part
child_list = []
for unquoted, filename in dir_pairs:
childrp = rpath.append(unquoted)
return child_list
import unittest
from commontest import *
from rdiff_backup import FilenameMapping
class FilenameMappingTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test the FilenameMapping class, for quoting filenames"""
def setUp(self):
"""Just initialize quoting - assume windows mode"""
def testBasicQuote(self):
"""Test basic quoting and unquoting"""
filenames = ["hello", "HeLLo", "EUOeu/EUOeu", ":", "::::EU", "/:/:"]
for filename in filenames:
quoted = FilenameMapping.quote(filename)
assert FilenameMapping.unquote(quoted) == filename, filename
def testQuotedRPath(self):
"""Test the QuotedRPath class"""
def testQuotedSepBase(self):
"""Test get_quoted_sep_base function"""
path = ("/usr/local/mirror_metadata"
qrp = FilenameMapping.get_quoted_sep_base(path)
assert qrp.base == "/usr/local", qrp.base
assert len(qrp.index) == 1, qrp.index
assert (qrp.index[0] ==
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from rdiff_backup.rpath import RPath
from rdiff_backup import Globals, Hardlink, SetConnections, Main, \
selection, lazy, Time, rpath
SourceDir = "../src"
SourceDir = "../rdiff_backup"
AbsCurdir = os.getcwd() # Absolute path name of current directory
AbsTFdir = AbsCurdir+"/testfiles"
MiscDir = "../misc"
import unittest, os, re, sys, time
from commontest import *
from rdiff_backup import Globals, log, rpath, robust
from rdiff_backup import Globals, log, rpath, robust, FilenameMapping
"""Regression tests"""
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class PathSetter(unittest.TestCase):
def reset_schema(self):
self.rb_schema = SourceDir + \
"/../rdiff-backup -v7 --remote-schema './chdir-wrapper2 %s' "
"/../rdiff-backup -v5 --remote-schema './chdir-wrapper2 %s' "
def refresh(self, *rp_list):
"""Reread data for the given rps"""
......@@ -60,20 +60,21 @@ class PathSetter(unittest.TestCase):
def exec_rb(self, time, *args):
"""Run rdiff-backup on given arguments"""
arglist = []
if time: arglist.append("--current-time %s" % str(time))
if time: arglist.extend(["--current-time", str(time)])
arglist.append(self.src_prefix + args[0])
if len(args) > 1:
arglist.append(self.dest_prefix + args[1])
assert len(args) == 2
cmdstr = self.rb_schema + ' '.join(arglist)
argstring = ' '.join(map(lambda s: "'%s'" % (s,), arglist))
cmdstr = self.rb_schema + argstring
print "executing " + cmdstr
assert not os.system(cmdstr)
def exec_rb_extra_args(self, time, extra_args, *args):
"""Run rdiff-backup on given arguments"""
arglist = []
if time: arglist.append("--current-time %s" % str(time))
if time: arglist.extend(["--current-time", str(time)])
arglist.append(self.src_prefix + args[0])
if len(args) > 1:
arglist.append(self.dest_prefix + args[1])
......@@ -166,14 +167,19 @@ class PathSetter(unittest.TestCase):
assert nochange_incs == 1 or nochange_incs == 0, nochange_incs
def getinc_paths(self, basename, directory):
def getinc_paths(self, basename, directory, quoted = 0):
"""Return increment.______.dir paths"""
dirrp = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, directory)
incfiles = [filename for filename in robust.listrp(dirrp)
if filename.startswith(basename)]
incrps = map(lambda f: rpath.RPath(lc, directory+"/"+f), incfiles)
return map(lambda x: x.path, filter(rpath.RPath.isincfile, incrps))
if quoted:
dirrp = FilenameMapping.QuotedRPath(Globals.local_connection,
else: dirrp = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, directory)
incbasenames = [filename for filename in robust.listrp(dirrp)
if filename.startswith(basename)]
incrps = map(dirrp.append, incbasenames)
return map(lambda x: x.path,
filter(lambda incrp: incrp.isincfile(), incrps))
class Final(PathSetter):
......@@ -204,7 +210,7 @@ class Final(PathSetter):
self.exec_rb(None, '../../../../../../proc', 'testfiles/procoutput')
def testProcRemote(self):
"""Test mirroring proc"""
"""Test mirroring proc remote"""
self.set_connections(None, None, "test2/tmp/", "../../")
self.exec_rb(None, '../../../../../../proc', 'testfiles/procoutput')
......@@ -226,12 +232,13 @@ class Final(PathSetter):
Globals.time_separator = "_"
inc_paths = self.getinc_paths("increments.",
"testfiles/output/rdiff-backup-data", 1)
Globals.time_separator = ":"
assert len(inc_paths) == 1
assert len(inc_paths) == 1, inc_paths
# Restore increment2
self.exec_rb(None, inc_paths[0], 'testfiles/restoretarget2')
assert CompareRecursive(Local.inc2rp, Local.rpout2)
assert CompareRecursive(Local.inc2rp, Local.rpout2,
compare_hardlinks = 0)
# Now check to make sure no ":" in output directory
popen_fp = os.popen("find testfiles/output -name '*:*' | wc")
......@@ -242,6 +249,10 @@ class Final(PathSetter):
class FinalSelection(PathSetter):
"""Test selection options"""
def run(cmd):
print "Executing: ", cmd
assert not os.system(cmd)
def testSelLocal(self):
"""Quick backup testing a few selection options"""
......@@ -277,11 +288,11 @@ testfiles/increment2/changed_dir""")
# Test selective restoring
mirror_rp = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, "testfiles/output")
restore_filename = get_increment_rp(mirror_rp, 10000).path
assert not os.system(self.rb_schema +
"--include testfiles/restoretarget1/various_file_types/"
"regular_file "
"--exclude '**' " +
restore_filename + " testfiles/restoretarget1") +
"--include testfiles/restoretarget1/various_file_types/"
"regular_file "
"--exclude '**' " +
restore_filename + " testfiles/restoretarget1")
assert os.lstat("testfiles/restoretarget1/various_file_types/"
self.assertRaises(OSError, os.lstat, "testfiles/restoretarget1/tester")
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