Commit ad3d4459 authored by bescoto's avatar bescoto

Added Robert Shaw's --exclude-fifo, --include-symbolic-links,

etc. options.

git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
parent 74b2b764
New in v0.13.5 (2004/??/??)
New in v0.13.5 (2005/??/??)
Added error-correcting fsync suggestion by Antoine Perdaens.
......@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ suggestion by David Vasilevsky
Dean Gaudet's patch fixes "--restrict /" option.
Added Robert Shaw's --exclude-fifo, --include-symbolic-links,
etc. options.
New in v0.13.4 (2004/01/31)
......@@ -101,6 +101,9 @@ section for more information.
Exclude all device files. This can be useful for security/permissions
reasons or if rdiff-backup is not handling device files correctly.
.B "--exclude-fifo-files"
Exclude all fifo files.
.BI "--exclude-filelist " filename
Excludes the files listed in
.IR filename .
......@@ -141,7 +144,13 @@ See the
section for more information.
.B --exclude-special-files
Exclude all device files, fifos, sockets, and symlinks.
Exclude all device files, fifo files, socket files, and symbolic links.
.B "--exclude-socket-files"
Exclude all socket files.
.B "--exclude-symbolic-links"
Exclude all symbolic links.
.B --force
Authorize the updating or overwriting of a destination path.
......@@ -198,6 +207,12 @@ will be included by this option. See the
section for more information.
.B --include-special-files
Include all device files, fifo files, socket files, and symbolic links.
.B --include-symbolic-links
Include all symbolic links.
.BI "--list-at-time " time
List the files in the archive that were present at the given time. If
a directory in the archive is specified, list only the files under
......@@ -546,7 +561,9 @@ and easy-to-use.
The file selection system comprises a number of file
selection conditions, which are set using one of the following command
line options:
.BR --exclude , --exclude-device-files , --exclude-filelist ,
.BR --exclude , --exclude-filelist ,
.BR --exclude-device-files , --exclude-fifo-files ,
.BR --exclude-socket-files , --exclude-symbolic-links ,
.BR --exclude-globbing-filelist ,
.BR --exclude-filelist-stdin , --exclude-regexp , --exclude-special-files ,
.BR --include ,
......@@ -55,14 +55,17 @@ def parse_cmdlineoptions(arglist):
try: optlist, args = getopt.getopt(arglist, "blr:sv:V",
["backup-mode", "calculate-average", "check-destination-dir",
"compare", "compare-at-time=", "current-time=", "exclude=",
"exclude-device-files", "exclude-filelist=",
"exclude-filelist-stdin", "exclude-globbing-filelist=",
"exclude-device-files", "exclude-fifos",
"exclude-filelist=", "exclude-symbolic-links",
"exclude-sockets", "exclude-filelist-stdin",
"exclude-globbing-filelist-stdin", "exclude-mirror=",
"exclude-other-filesystems", "exclude-regexp=",
"exclude-special-files", "force", "group-mapping-file=",
"include=", "include-filelist=", "include-filelist-stdin",
"include-globbing-filelist-stdin", "include-regexp=",
"include-special-files", "include-symbolic-links",
"list-at-time=", "list-changed-since=", "list-increments",
"list-increment-sizes", "never-drop-acls", "no-acls",
"no-compare-inode", "no-compression",
......@@ -87,8 +90,15 @@ def parse_cmdlineoptions(arglist):
else: restore_timestr = arg
elif opt == "--current-time":
Globals.set_integer('current_time', arg)
elif opt == "--exclude": select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--exclude-device-files": select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif (opt == "--exclude" or
opt == "--exclude-device-files" or
opt == "--exclude-fifos" or
opt == "--exclude-other-filesystems" or
opt == "--exclude-regexp" or
opt == "--exclude-special-files" or
opt == "--exclude-sockets" or
opt == "--exclude-symbolic-links"):
select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--exclude-filelist":
select_opts.append((opt, arg))
......@@ -102,12 +112,12 @@ def parse_cmdlineoptions(arglist):
"standard input"))
elif (opt == "--exclude-other-filesystems" or
opt == "--exclude-regexp" or
opt == "--exclude-special-files"): select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--force": force = 1
elif opt == "--group-mapping-file": group_mapping_filename = arg
elif opt == "--include": select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif (opt == "--include" or
opt == "--include-special-files" or
opt == "--include-symbolic-links"):
select_opts.append((opt, arg))
elif opt == "--include-filelist":
select_opts.append((opt, arg))
......@@ -233,6 +233,12 @@ class Select:
self.add_selection_func(self.glob_get_sf(arg, 0))
elif opt == "--exclude-device-files":
elif opt == "--exclude-symbolic-links":
elif opt == "--exclude-sockets":
elif opt == "--exclude-fifos":
elif opt == "--exclude-filelist":
filelists[filelists_index], 0, arg))
......@@ -261,6 +267,10 @@ class Select:
filelists_index += 1
elif opt == "--include-regexp":
self.add_selection_func(self.regexp_get_sf(arg, 1))
elif opt == "--include-special-files":
elif opt == "--include-symbolic-links":
else: assert 0, "Bad selection option %s" % opt
except SelectError, e: self.parse_catch_error(e)
assert filelists_index == len(filelists)
......@@ -454,23 +464,38 @@ probably isn't what you meant.""" % = "Regular expression: %s" % regexp_string
return sel_func
def devfiles_get_sf(self, include):
"""Return a selection function matching all dev files"""
if self.selection_functions:
log.Log("Warning: exclude-device-files is not the first "
"selector.\nThis may not be what you intended", 3)
def gen_get_sf(self, pred, include, name):
"""Returns a selection function that uses pred to test
RPath is matched if pred returns true on it. Name is a string
summarizing the test to the user.
def sel_func(rp):
if rp.isdev(): return include
else: return None
if pred(rp): return include
return None
sel_func.exclude = not include = (include and "include" or "exclude") + " device files" = (include and "include " or "exclude ") + name
return sel_func
def devfiles_get_sf(self, include):
"""Return a selection function matching all dev files"""
return self.gen_get_sf(rpath.RORPath.isdev, include, "device files")
def symlinks_get_sf(self, include):
"""Return a selection function matching all symlinks"""
return self.gen_get_sf(rpath.RORPath.issym, include, "symbolic links")
def sockets_get_sf(self, include):
"""Return a selection function matching all sockets"""
return self.gen_get_sf(rpath.RORPath.issock, include, "socket files")
def fifos_get_sf(self, include):
"""Return a selection function matching all fifos"""
return self.gen_get_sf(rpath.RORPath.isfifo, include, "fifo files")
def special_get_sf(self, include):
"""Return sel function matching sockets, symlinks, sockets, devs"""
if self.selection_functions:
log.Log("Warning: exclude-special-files is not the first "
"selector.\nThis may not be what you intended", 3)
def sel_func(rp):
if rp.issym() or rp.issock() or rp.isfifo() or rp.isdev():
return include
......@@ -239,6 +239,14 @@ testfiles/select/1/1
assert sf2(fifo) == 0
assert sf2(sym) == 0
sf3 = self.Select.symlinks_get_sf(0)
assert sf3(dir) == None
assert sf3(reg) == None
assert sf3(dev) == None
assert sf3(sock) == None
assert sf3(fifo) == None
assert sf3(sym) == 0
def testRoot(self):
"""testRoot - / may be a counterexample to several of these.."""
root = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, "/")
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