Commit beaecda9 authored by bescoto's avatar bescoto

Restoring/regressing now uses less memory

git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
parent e72bbed3
......@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ Added --list-increment-sizes option from the development branch.
Previously this option was in the man page but was omitted in the code
(thanks to Michael Schwendt for report).
Restoring/regressing should now take less memory, especially on large
directories. CPU usage may slightly increase, however.
New in v0.12.5 (2003/09/27)
......@@ -136,8 +136,7 @@ See the
section for more information.
.B --exclude-special-files
Exclude all device files, fifos, sockets, and symlinks. This option
is implied by --windows-mode.
Exclude all device files, fifos, sockets, and symlinks.
.B --force
Authorize the updating or overwriting of a destination path.
......@@ -513,29 +513,39 @@ as data loss may result.\n""" % (self.mirror_rp.get_indexpath(),), 2)
if not inc_rpath.isdir(): return
inc_dict = {} # dictionary of basenames:IndexedTuples(index, inc_list)
dirlist = robust.listrp(inc_rpath)
def affirm_dict_indexed(basename):
"""Make sure the rid dictionary has given basename as key"""
if not inc_dict.has_key(basename):
sub_inc_rp = inc_rpath.append(basename)
inc_dict[basename] = rorpiter.IndexedTuple(sub_inc_rp.index,
(sub_inc_rp, []))
def add_to_dict(filename):
"""Add filename to the inc tuple dictionary"""
rp = inc_rpath.append(filename)
if rp.isincfile() and rp.getinctype() != 'data':
basename = rp.getincbase_str()
elif rp.isdir(): affirm_dict_indexed(filename)
for filename in dirlist: add_to_dict(filename)
keys = inc_dict.keys()
for key in keys: yield inc_dict[key]
def get_inc_pairs():
"""Return unsorted list of (basename, inc_filenames) pairs"""
inc_dict = {} # dictionary of basenames:inc_filenames
dirlist = robust.listrp(inc_rpath)
def add_to_dict(filename):
"""Add filename to the inc tuple dictionary"""
rp = inc_rpath.append(filename)
if rp.isincfile() and rp.getinctype() != 'data':
basename = rp.getincbase_str()
inc_filename_list = inc_dict.setdefault(basename, [])
elif rp.isdir(): inc_dict.setdefault(filename, [])
for filename in dirlist: add_to_dict(filename)
return inc_dict.items()
def inc_filenames2incrps(filenames):
"""Map list of filenames into increment rps"""
l = []
for filename in filenames:
rp = inc_rpath.append(filename)
assert rp.isincfile(), rp.path
return l
items = get_inc_pairs()
items.sort() # Sorting on basis of basename now
for (basename, inc_filenames) in items:
sub_inc_rpath = inc_rpath.append(basename)
yield rorpiter.IndexedTuple(sub_inc_rpath.index,
(sub_inc_rpath, inc_filenames2incrps(inc_filenames)))
class PatchITRB(rorpiter.ITRBranch):
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