Commit c198e27a authored by bescoto's avatar bescoto

Initial checkin of metadata code

git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
parent e1e5358c
# Copyright 2002 Ben Escoto
# This file is part of rdiff-backup.
# rdiff-backup is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# rdiff-backup is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with rdiff-backup; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
"""Store and retrieve metadata in destination directory
The plan is to store metadata information for all files in the
destination directory in a special metadata file. There are two
reasons for this:
1) The filesystem of the mirror directory may not be able to handle
types of metadata that the source filesystem can. For instance,
rdiff-backup may not have root access on the destination side, so
cannot set uid/gid. Or the source side may have ACLs and the
destination side doesn't.
Hopefully every file system can store binary data. Storing
metadata separately allows us to back up anything (ok, maybe
strange filenames are still a problem).
2) Metadata can be more quickly read from a file than it can by
traversing the mirror directory over and over again. In many
cases most of rdiff-backup's time is spent compaing metadata (like
file size and modtime), trying to find differences. Reading this
data sequentially from a file is significantly less taxing than
listing directories and statting files all over the mirror
The metadata is stored in a text file, which is a bunch of records
concatenated together. Each record has the format:
File <filename>
<field_name1> <value>
<field_name2> <value>
Where the lines are separated by newlines. See the code below for the
field names and values.
import re, log, Globals, rpath
class ParsingError(Exception):
"""This is raised when bad or unparsable data is received"""
def RORP2Record(rorpath):
"""From RORPath, return text record of file's metadata"""
str_list = ["File %s\n" % quote_path(rorpath.get_indexpath())]
# Store file type, e.g. "dev", "reg", or "sym", and type-specific data
type = rorpath.gettype()
if type is None: type = "None"
str_list.append(" Type %s\n" % type)
if type == "reg":
str_list.append(" Size %s\n" % rorpath.getsize())
# If file is hardlinked, add that information
if Globals.preserve_hardlinks:
numlinks = rorpath.getnumlinks()
if numlinks > 1:
str_list.append(" NumHardLinks %s\n" % numlinks)
str_list.append(" Inode %s\n" % rorpath.getinode())
str_list.append(" DeviceLoc %s\n" % rorpath.getdevloc())
elif type == "None": return "".join(str_list)
elif type == "dir" or type == "sock" or type == "fifo": pass
elif type == "sym":
str_list.append(" SymData %s\n" % quote_path(rorpath.readlink()))
elif type == "dev":
major, minor = rorpath.getdevnums()
if rorpath.isblkdev(): devchar = "b"
assert rorpath.ischardev()
devchar = "c"
str_list.append(" DeviceNum %s %s %s\n" % (devchar, major, minor))
# Store time information
if type != 'sym' and type != 'dev':
str_list.append(" ModTime %s\n" % rorpath.getmtime())
# Add user, group, and permission information
uid, gid = rorpath.getuidgid()
str_list.append(" Uid %s\n" % uid)
str_list.append(" Gid %s\n" % gid)
str_list.append(" Permissions %s\n" % rorpath.getperms())
return "".join(str_list)
line_parsing_regexp = re.compile("^ *([A-Za-z0-9]+) (.+)$")
def Record2RORP(record_string):
"""Given record_string, return RORPath
For speed reasons, write the RORPath data dictionary directly
instead of calling rorpath functions. This depends on the
data_dict = {}
index_list = [None] # put in list so we can modify using parse_line
def process_line(line):
"""Process given line, and modify data_dict or index_list"""
if not line: return # skip empty lines
match =
if not match: raise ParsingError("Bad line: '%s'" % line)
field, data =,
if field == "File":
if data == ".": index_list[0] = ()
else: index_list[0] = tuple(unquote_path(data).split("/"))
elif field == "Type":
if data == "None": data_dict['type'] = None
else: data_dict['type'] = data
elif field == "Size": data_dict['size'] = long(data)
elif field == "NumHardLinks": data_dict['nlink'] = int(data)
elif field == "Inode": data_dict['inode'] = long(data)
elif field == "DeviceLoc": data_dict['devloc'] = long(data)
elif field == "SymData": data_dict['linkname'] = unquote_path(data)
elif field == "DeviceNum":
devchar, major_str, minor_str = data.split(" ")
data_dict['devnums'] = (devchar, int(major_str), int(minor_str))
elif field == "ModTime": data_dict['mtime'] = long(data)
elif field == "Uid": data_dict['uid'] = int(data)
elif field == "Gid": data_dict['gid'] = int(data)
elif field == "Permissions": data_dict['perms'] = int(data)
else: raise ParsingError("Unknown field in line '%s'" % line)
map(process_line, record_string.split("\n"))
return rpath.RORPath(index_list[0], data_dict)
chars_to_quote = re.compile("\\n|\\\\")
def quote_path(path_string):
"""Return quoted verson of path_string
Because newlines are used to separate fields in a record, they are
replaced with \n. Backslashes become \\ and everything else is
left the way it is.
def replacement_func(match_obj):
"""This is called on the match obj of any char that needs quoting"""
char =
if char == "\n": return "\\n"
elif char == "\\": return "\\\\"
assert 0, "Bad char %s needs quoting" % char
return chars_to_quote.sub(replacement_func, path_string)
def unquote_path(quoted_string):
"""Reverse what was done by quote_path"""
def replacement_func(match_obj):
"""Unquote match obj of two character sequence"""
two_chars =
if two_chars == "\\n": return "\n"
elif two_chars == "\\\\": return "\\"
log.Log("Warning, unknown quoted sequence %s found" % two_chars, 2)
return two_chars
return re.sub("\\\\n|\\\\\\\\", replacement_func, quoted_string)
......@@ -404,6 +404,15 @@ class RORPath(RPathStatic):
self.file = RPathFileHook(file, closing_hook)
self.file_already_open = None
def get_indexpath(self):
"""Return path of index portion
For instance, if the index is ("a", "b"), return "a/b".
if not self.index: return "."
return "/".join(self.index)
def get_attached_filetype(self):
"""If there is a file attached, say what it is
import unittest, os
from rdiff_backup.metadata import *
from rdiff_backup import rpath, Globals
class MetadataTest(unittest.TestCase):
def testQuote(self):
"""Test quoting and unquoting"""
filenames = ["foo", ".", "hello\nthere", "\\", "\\\\\\",
"h\no\t\x87\n", " "]
for filename in filenames:
quoted = quote_path(filename)
assert not "\n" in quoted
result = unquote_path(quoted)
assert result == filename, (quoted, result, filename)
def testRORP2Record(self):
"""Test turning RORPs into records and back again"""
vft = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection,
rpaths = map(lambda x: vft.append(x), vft.listdir())
extra_rpaths = map(lambda x: rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection, x),
['/bin/ls', '/dev/ttyS0', '/dev/hda', 'aoeuaou'])
for rp in [vft] + rpaths + extra_rpaths:
record = RORP2Record(rp)
#print record
new_rorp = Record2RORP(record)
assert new_rorp == rp, (new_rorp, rp, record)
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
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