Commit d7d9a213 authored by bescoto's avatar bescoto

Added --verify and --verify-at-time switches

git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
parent bba55ef2
--verify switch for checking hashs, and hash check on restore
Do hash check on restore
Don't copy metadata onto a hardlink twice
For comparing, check source filesystem
......@@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ def parse_cmdlineoptions(arglist):
"remove-older-than=", "restore-as-of=", "restrict=",
"restrict-read-only=", "restrict-update-only=", "server",
"ssh-no-compression", "terminal-verbosity=", "test-server",
"user-mapping-file=", "verbosity=", "version"])
"user-mapping-file=", "verbosity=", "verify",
"verify-at-time=", "version"])
except getopt.error, e:
commandline_error("Bad commandline options: %s" % str(e))
......@@ -190,10 +191,12 @@ def parse_cmdlineoptions(arglist):
elif opt == "--terminal-verbosity": Log.setterm_verbosity(arg)
elif opt == "--test-server": action = "test-server"
elif opt == "--user-mapping-file": user_mapping_filename = arg
elif opt == "-v" or opt == "--verbosity": Log.setverbosity(arg)
elif opt == "--verify": action, restore_timestr = "verify", "now"
elif opt == "--verify-at-time": action, restore_timestr = "verify", arg
elif opt == "-V" or opt == "--version":
print "rdiff-backup " + Globals.version
elif opt == "-v" or opt == "--verbosity": Log.setverbosity(arg)
else: Log.FatalError("Unknown option %s" % opt)
def check_action():
......@@ -202,7 +205,8 @@ def check_action():
arg_action_dict = {0: ['server'],
1: ['list-increments', 'list-increment-sizes',
'remove-older-than', 'list-at-time',
'list-changed-since', 'check-destination-dir'],
'list-changed-since', 'check-destination-dir',
2: ['backup', 'restore', 'restore-as-of',
'compare', 'compare-hash', 'compare-full']}
l = len(args)
......@@ -276,6 +280,7 @@ def take_action(rps):
elif action == "restore": Restore(*rps)
elif action == "restore-as-of": Restore(rps[0], rps[1], 1)
elif action == "test-server": SetConnections.TestConnections()
elif action == "verify": Verify(rps[0])
else: raise AssertionError("Unknown action " + action)
def cleanup():
......@@ -722,6 +727,18 @@ def Compare(compare_type, src_rp, dest_rp, compare_time = None):
compare_func = compare.Compare_full
return_val = compare_func(src_rp, mirror_rp, inc_rp, compare_time)
def Verify(dest_rp, verify_time = None):
"""Check the hashs of the regular files against mirror_metadata"""
global return_val
dest_rp = require_root_set(dest_rp, 1)
if not verify_time:
try: verify_time = Time.genstrtotime(restore_timestr)
except Time.TimeException, exc: Log.FatalError(str(exc))
mirror_rp = restore_root.new_index(restore_index)
inc_rp = Globals.rbdir.append_path("increments", restore_index)
return_val =, inc_rp, verify_time)
def CheckDest(dest_rp):
"""Check the destination directory, """
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ def set_security_level(action, cmdpairs):
elif action in ["test-server", "list-increments", 'list-increment-sizes',
"list-at-time", "list-changed-since",
"calculate-average", "remove-older-than", "compare",
"compare-hash", "compare-full"]:
"compare-hash", "compare-full", "verify"]:
sec_level = "minimal"
rdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
else: assert 0, "Unknown action %s" % action
......@@ -159,7 +159,8 @@ def set_allowed_requests(sec_level):
if sec_level == "update-only" or sec_level == "all":
l.extend(["log.Log.open_logfile_local", "log.Log.close_logfile_local",
"", "log.ErrorLog.isopen",
......@@ -70,6 +70,35 @@ def Compare_full(src_rp, mirror_rp, inc_rp, compare_time):
return return_val
def Verify(mirror_rp, inc_rp, verify_time):
"""Compute SHA1 sums of repository files and check against metadata"""
assert mirror_rp.conn is Globals.local_connection
repo_iter = RepoSide.init_and_get_iter(mirror_rp, inc_rp, verify_time)
base_index = RepoSide.mirror_base.index
bad_files = 0
for repo_rorp in repo_iter:
if not repo_rorp.isreg(): continue
if not repo_rorp.has_sha1():
log.Log("Warning: Cannot find SHA1 digest for file %s,\n"
"perhaps because these feature was added in v1.1.1"
% (repo_rorp.get_indexpath(),), 2)
fp = RepoSide.rf_cache.get_fp(base_index + repo_rorp.index)
computed_hash = hash.compute_sha1_fp(fp)
if computed_hash == repo_rorp.get_sha1():
log.Log("Verified SHA1 digest of " + repo_rorp.get_indexpath(), 5)
bad_files += 1
log.Log("Warning: Computed SHA1 digest of %s\n %s\n"
"doesn't match recorded digest of\n %s\n"
"Your backup repository may be corrupted!" %
(repo_rorp.get_indexpath(), computed_hash,
repo_rorp.get_sha1()), 2)
if not bad_files: log.Log("Every file verified successfully.", 3)
return bad_files
def print_reports(report_iter):
"""Given an iter of CompareReport objects, print them to screen"""
assert not Globals.server
......@@ -80,7 +109,7 @@ def print_reports(report_iter):
print "%s: %s" % (report.reason, indexpath)
if not changed_files_found:
log.Log("No changes found. Directory matches archive data.", 2)
log.Log("No changes found. Directory matches archive data.", 3)
return changed_files_found
def get_basic_report(src_rp, repo_rorp, comp_data_func = None):
......@@ -112,6 +141,11 @@ def get_basic_report(src_rp, repo_rorp, comp_data_func = None):
elif src_rp == repo_rorp: return None
else: return CompareReport(index, "changed")
def log_success(src_rorp, mir_rorp = None):
"""Log that src_rorp and mir_rorp compare successfully"""
path = src_rorp and src_rorp.get_indexpath() or mir_rorp.get_indexpath()
log.Log("Successful compare: %s" % (path,), 5)
class RepoSide(restore.MirrorStruct):
"""On the repository side, comparing is like restoring"""
......@@ -132,13 +166,14 @@ class RepoSide(restore.MirrorStruct):
repo_iter = cls.init_and_get_iter(mirror_rp, inc_rp, compare_time)
base_index = cls.mirror_base.index
for src_rp, mir_rorp in rorpiter.Collate2Iters(src_iter, repo_iter):
index = src_rp and src_rp.index or mir_rorp.index
if src_rp and mir_rorp:
if not src_rp.isreg() and src_rp == mir_rorp:
for src_rorp, mir_rorp in rorpiter.Collate2Iters(src_iter, repo_iter):
index = src_rorp and src_rorp.index or mir_rorp.index
if src_rorp and mir_rorp:
if not src_rorp.isreg() and src_rorp == mir_rorp:
log_success(src_rorp, mir_rorp)
continue # They must be equal, nothing else to check
if (src_rp.isreg() and mir_rorp.isreg() and
src_rp.getsize() == mir_rorp.getsize()):
if (src_rorp.isreg() and mir_rorp.isreg() and
src_rorp.getsize() == mir_rorp.getsize()):
mir_rorp.setfile(cls.rf_cache.get_fp(base_index + index))
......@@ -156,6 +191,7 @@ class DataSide(backup.SourceStruct):
for src_rorp, mir_rorp in rorpiter.Collate2Iters(src_iter, repo_iter):
report = get_basic_report(src_rorp, mir_rorp)
if report: yield report
else: log_success(src_rorp, mir_rorp)
def compare_hash(cls, repo_iter):
"""Like above, but also compare sha1 sums of any regular files"""
......@@ -174,6 +210,7 @@ class DataSide(backup.SourceStruct):
for src_rp, mir_rorp in rorpiter.Collate2Iters(src_iter, repo_iter):
report = get_basic_report(src_rp, mir_rorp, hashs_changed)
if report: yield report
else: log_success(src_rp, mir_rorp)
def compare_full(cls, src_root, repo_iter):
"""Given repo iter with full data attached, return report iter"""
......@@ -191,6 +228,7 @@ class DataSide(backup.SourceStruct):
src_rp = src_root.new_index(repo_rorp.index)
report = get_basic_report(src_rp, repo_rorp, data_changed)
if report: yield report
else: log_success(repo_rorp)
......@@ -57,12 +57,16 @@ class Report:
def compute_sha1(rp, compressed = 0):
"""Return the hex sha1 hash of given rpath"""
assert rp.conn is Globals.local_connection # inefficient not to do locally
blocksize = Globals.blocksize
fp = FileWrapper("r", compressed))
while 1:
if not break
digest = fp.close().sha1_digest
digest = compute_sha1_fp("r", compressed))
return digest
def compute_sha1_fp(fp, compressed = 0):
"""Return hex sha1 hash of given file-like object"""
blocksize = Globals.blocksize
fw = FileWrapper(fp)
while 1:
if not break
return fw.close().sha1_digest
......@@ -459,6 +459,23 @@ class RestoreFile:
def get_restore_fp(self):
"""Return file object of restored data"""
def get_fp():
current_fp = self.get_first_fp()
for inc_diff in self.relevant_incs[1:]:
log.Log("Applying patch %s" % (inc_diff.get_indexpath(),), 7)
assert inc_diff.getinctype() == 'diff'
delta_fp ="rb", inc_diff.isinccompressed())
new_fp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
Rdiff.write_patched_fp(current_fp, delta_fp, new_fp)
current_fp = new_fp
return current_fp
def error_handler(exc):
log.Log("Error reading %s, substituting empty file." %
(self.mirror_rp.path,), 2)
return cStringIO.StringIO('')
if not self.relevant_incs[-1].isreg():
log.Log("""Warning: Could not restore file %s!
......@@ -469,16 +486,7 @@ created. This error is probably caused by data loss in the
rdiff-backup destination directory, or a bug in rdiff-backup""" %
(self.mirror_rp.path, self.relevant_incs[-1].lstat()), 2)
return cStringIO.StringIO('')
current_fp = self.get_first_fp()
for inc_diff in self.relevant_incs[1:]:
log.Log("Applying patch %s" % (inc_diff.get_indexpath(),), 7)
assert inc_diff.getinctype() == 'diff'
delta_fp ="rb", inc_diff.isinccompressed())
new_fp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
Rdiff.write_patched_fp(current_fp, delta_fp, new_fp)
current_fp = new_fp
return current_fp
return robust.check_common_error(error_handler, get_fp)
def get_first_fp(self):
"""Return first file object from relevant inc list"""
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def catch_error(exc):
if isinstance(exc, exception_class): return 1
if (isinstance(exc, EnvironmentError) and
# the invalid mode shows up in backups of /proc for some reason
(exc[0] == 'invalid mode: rb' or
(exc[0] in ('invalid mode: rb', 'Not a gzipped file') or
errno.errorcode.has_key(exc[0]) and
errno.errorcode[exc[0]] in ('EPERM', 'ENOENT', 'EACCES', 'EBUSY',
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ def rdiff_backup(source_local, dest_local, src_dir, dest_dir,
if not source_local:
src_dir = ("'cd test1; ../%s --server'::../%s" % (RBBin, src_dir))
if not dest_local:
if dest_dir and not dest_local:
dest_dir = ("'cd test2/tmp; ../../%s --server'::../../%s" %
(RBBin, dest_dir))
......@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ def rdiff_backup(source_local, dest_local, src_dir, dest_dir,
if not (source_local and dest_local): cmdargs.append("--remote-schema %s")
if current_time: cmdargs.append("--current-time %s" % current_time)
cmdargs.extend([src_dir, dest_dir])
if dest_dir: cmdargs.append(dest_dir)
cmdline = " ".join(cmdargs)
print "Executing: ", cmdline
ret_val = os.system(cmdline)
......@@ -98,5 +98,53 @@ class CompareTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""Test --compare-full of subdirectory, remote"""
self.generic_selective_test(0, "--compare-full")
def verify(self, local):
"""Used for the verify tests"""
def change_file(rp):
"""Given rpath, open it, and change a byte in the middle"""
fp ="rb")
char =
fp ="wb")
if char == 'a': fp.write('b')
else: fp.write('a')
def modify_diff():
"""Write to the stph_icons.h diff"""
l = [filename for filename in
if filename.startswith('stph_icons.h')]
assert len(l) == 1, l
diff_rp = rpath.RPath(Globals.local_connection,
'testfiles/output/rdiff-backup-data/increments/' + l[0])
rdiff_backup(local, local, 'testfiles/output', None,
extra_options = "--verify")
rdiff_backup(local, local, 'testfiles/output', None,
extra_options = "--verify-at-time 10000")
ret_val = rdiff_backup(local, local, 'testfiles/output', None,
extra_options = "--verify-at-time 10000",
check_return_val = 0)
assert ret_val, ret_val
ret_val = rdiff_backup(local, local, 'testfiles/output', None,
extra_options = "--verify", check_return_val = 0)
assert ret_val, ret_val
def testVerifyLocal(self):
"""Test --verify of directory, local"""
def testVerifyRemote(self):
"""Test --verify remotely"""
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
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